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Tue, Sep 20, 2011

Barnstorming: The Coming Storm

Don't Let Anyone Kid You -- Bad Things Are Lining Up To Hurt Our Community... If We Don't Stand Up For Ourselves

News/Analysis and OPINION By J.R. Campbell, ANN CEO/Editor-In-Chief

If my life can be tied to one philosophical statement above all else, it is this: It is a tragedy to die before your time... but it is the worst kind of tragedy not to LIVE until you die.

It has been a tough weekend... people we respected, and even loved, have gone to meet God and the very joys that have been the cornerstone of our lives are well and truly under attack... and I fear that there is much more... and worse... to come.

And yet, we barely have time to grieve.

Grief we feel for those we never met but were most assuredly our Brothers and Sisters in Flight and grief for a friend who went down while trying entertain thousands in WV, and another who became a good friend and inspiration to me and so many others,  who went down in Reno... These are raw, emotional times, and tough to deal with -- both for the grief we feel now -- as well as for the renewed and ever-present personal grief I can't but help to remember and feel all over again for that lovely little girl I lost two years ago... a wound that was ripped wide open, again and again, by the fresh horrors of this God-Awful weekend.

Still; I have so much to feel proud about -- as I watch this amazing community wrap their arms around each other to support everyone in need of comfort -- to the racers and race officials that acted so professionally and compassionately -- to the First Responders who waded into the danger, HazMat and gore to offer help to those suffering -- to the community at large that did not panic, did not act out, and DID behave in a wholly impressive, supportive, caring, kind and awesome manner. I have SO looked forward to hearing more of their stories and telling of each and every one that I can document so that people understand that in the midst of the toughest times, heroes emerge... and that in the aviation world, heroes are both commonplace and yet, none-the-less still amazing. God, I love being an aviator and being a part of THIS community -- because so ,many of you have shown yourself to be MY heroes in more ways than I can possibly express... at least not today. Perhaps, Tomorrow... but for now, you never cease to amaze me.

I was appeared to sleep on that... maybe even get my first full night's sleep in days -- and then I saw this bullshit (on a URL that blatantly was reserved and operated as and literally, truly, physically fought the urge to vomit. I barely succeeded, but I still feel ill.

There are those who live off the sufferings of others... and while I'm sure that there is a time and place for a more genteel version of this thing, now (in my opinion) is NOT it...

Look at this (and others like it)... this is, in part, what our society has become. Blame someone... sue someone... RIGHT NOW. And this, in part, has taken a once proud concept of the law... of learned people helping those who needed assistance with the problems of life, and bastardized it beyond all recognition... It is this kind of social disrespect that is destroying our ability to seek the lives we choose and the very future of our community-- and ultimately, the ability to determine our own destinies. And lest I say more and enough that might get me sued, I ask you to look at this thing and ask yourself, and all those around you, if this is the kind of thing you want to set the conditions that dictate (in part) how your life will be lived now and on into the future.

What a heartache this week has been...

Yesterday, I stated the following... and today it still applies -- since my heart and soul are simply too beat up to ponder this any further, FOR NOW, I reiterate what I stated yesterday and ask for YOUR thoughts on this matter.

Life Just Ain't Safe To Live...

A risk averse society, fed by a number of government and media entities seeking to provide cradle to grave 'safety' for all those too scared to make their own decisions and live their own lives may react in a way that does create new and aggressive restrictions for Air Racing and other aviation activities. The aviation world has a tough job ahead of it... it needs to show people how hard we work to be safe, and that when accidents do happen, that free people have made intelligent decisions to accept a some risk to live a much larger life. You can go through life afraid to die... or you can live a life that celebrates every second you have before God calls you home. Three guesses what most pilots choose?

Still... we can not discount the impact of the fact that ten people lost their lives this weekend due to some relationship/participation with the aviation world... and so we must be respectful, circumspect, professional and careful with every word we say when confronted by those who would seek to take our life choices away from us. A tragedy has occurred... some dear friends and loved ones have died... we can not make light of that, but we can respect the fact that each of them were where they were by choice and were living exciting moments in their lives. And yet, for ten people, 'that call' had to be made to countess loved ones, friends and family to explain the ultimate tragedy of life... that none of us are getting through this game of life without it ending at some point. I've gotten 'that call' myself and I will never forget the first few minutes of realization that something awful happened to someone I loved... but I was cognizant right from the start that she was where she was because she loved every second of the life she led and was chasing her dreams every second of her life. We must mourn our losses... and we must celebrate the lives we choose to lead, despite the rare and unforgiving consequences that happen no matter how safe we try to be. And yes, we need to respect what happened... and look to the future. For the moment, that means being ready to defend our way of life and to make sure that the aviation world, in all its many facets, stays freely available to those of us who want to enjoy every amazing second of it. And -- that means that we need to look closely at what we do, examine our procedures, choices, and actions, and set forth to make RENO 2012 a certainty -- changing what needs to be changed (IF changes really do need to be made), and celebrating every high-speed second of it -- as so many of those who were there this week (and even those that will never return) would like us to do.

Further; there will be stories to be told in weeks to come... stories not of tragedy, but of heroism and professionalism and selflessness. Be sure to contact us with all those that you hear and let us know who to talk to... as these are stories that will truly need to be heard and told the world over. Aviation may have its hazards and its tragedies... but it also has its heroes and many moments of incredible excitement and amazing joy.

So... let's make an agreement here and now... let's look at what we can do to make these events safer, because that is the right and proper things to do... and let's all plan to meet in Reno a year from now and be prepared to go full throttle, turn left and go fast.

Thankfully, the aviation world, in the case of the Air Racing and Airshow stories that transpired this weekend are presented by some exceptional people and organizations. At Reno, we saw the Air Race officials work professionally, quickly and respectfully to deal with an awful happenstance... we saw CFR personnel rush to the scene of the crash and work rapidly and impressively to deal with the horror laid out before them... we saw the aviation-oriented spectators work to help those in need, fail to panic and act in a calm and non-reactionary way. I was proud to know that these people were part of my aviation family. I am particularly proud of the work done by RARA's Mike Houghton (and his amazing organization) and thoughtful way the NTSB dealt with all those looking for ridiculous easy answers to a complex tragedy. Just as impressive, we saw and were made aware of the work of the International Council of AirShows, who has never been run and staffed so professionally as it is right now -- and for that the entire aviation world should bow down and give great thanks... If this matter was left in the hands of the average 'Alphabet Association' we would have been throughly screwed.

Still... I strongly believe that we have tough times ahead of us and that there is no time like the present to start preparing to do whatever it takes to preserve a way of life, our community, and our right to make our own choices. Aviation's future remains precarious, and this weekend's tragedies will be used to endanger it further. It is up to each and every one of us to make sure that we are in charge of our own destiny and that we stay intimately involved in guaranteeing a future for our community, both for ourselves as well as future generations... -- Jim Campbell, ANN CEO/Editor-In-Chief

FMI: Comments/Criticism For ANN????,,,,


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