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September 11, 2021

Airborne-Flight Training 09.02.21: Avelo Hires!, Diamond Sim, RAA Scholarships

Also: Piper Pilot 100i, Girls In Aviation, Drone Safety Week, Cabri G2s

Avelo Airlines and Tweed-New Haven Airport are planning a multi-million dollar airport renovation that includes establishing Avelo’s first base on the East Coast at HVN. Now, they are beginning to accept applications for more than 100 new jobs that will be based at the airport. By December 2021, Avelo expects to hire at least 100 HVN-based Crewmembers. Open roles include: airport customer service and operations-related roles, pilots, flight attendants, as well as a number of manager and supervisor positions. Diamond Aircraft Simulator Available With Multi Crew Coordination Ad

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Airborne 09.07.21: Tunnel Flight!, B-29 Doc, USAF Mandatory Vaccine

Also: GAMA 2Q/21 Report, Perseverance Rover, Alaska A/L Wants Vax, USCG Hurricane Overflights

Professional race and aerobatic pilot Dario Costa of Italy takes it to a whole new level when he flies through a tunnel at 150 miles per hour!!! Check out this video you’ll be at the edge of your seat! On September 4th, 41 year old Costa flew his Zivko Edge 540 through the VERY narrow confines of two enclosed auto tunnels just outside Istanbul. Costa executed a tricky takeoff inside the first tunnel, flashed briefly through a gap and then continued his 150+ MPH flight through a second tunnel, flying only a few feet off the ground. After a few engine hicc

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (09.11.21)

Aero Linx: Daedalians Mission: Advocate for air and space power and honor those who flew and fly in defense of our nation. The Tenets of the Daedalians: To Place Nation Above Self (Patriotism), To Be Worthy of the Trust and Confidence of a Fellow Daedalian (Personal Integrity and Character). The Promise of a Daedalian: In the presence of Almighty God and these witnesses, I promise I will forever abide by the Tenets of the Order of Daedalians. I make this promise with no equivocation or mental reservation and ask Almighty God to assist me in unwavering adherence to the spirit and provisions of this Promise. So help me God and keep me steadfast.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (09.11.21): Secondary Radar/Radar Beacon (ATCRBS)

Secondary Radar/Radar Beacon (ATCRBS) A radar system in which the object to be detected is fitted with cooperative equipment in the form of a radio receiver/transmitter (transponder). Radar pulses transmitted from the searching transmitter/receiver (interrogator) site are received in the cooperative equipment and used to trigger a distinctive transmission from the transponder. This reply transmission, rather than a reflected signal, is then received back at the transmitter/receiver site for processing and display at an air traffic control facility.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (09.11.21)

"Right now, there are far more questions than there are answers... thousands are likely dead, we may not know who is truly responsible for all this for a long time, and the aviation world has been brought to a dead stop. This is obviously my generation's Pearl Harbor Day... which can't but help to fundamentally change all our lives -- possibly forever. We are a strong nation, and we will need to be... but we will ALL need to have our hearts completely in taking the next step to regaining control over our destinies and protecting ourselves and the rest of the world against the madness that was just brought to our doorsteps. God Bless America... especially those we lost and those who loved them." Source: 09.11.01: From ANN's 24/7 latter day

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