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September 11, 2020

Klyde Morris (09.11.20)

Klyde Can't Quite Seem To Escape His Past...


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Airborne 09.09.20: Jetpacks at LAX?, XP-82 Twin Mustang, Canada Mask Fines

Also: Erickson Takes Bell 214 Series, RC Fest 2020 Cancelled, Embraer Cuts, Coast Guard Rescues Pilot

The recent reports by two airline pilots in LAX airspace of a man flying a jetpack at 3000 feet are not technically feasible, at this point, says Jetpack Aviation's David Mayman... an experienced jetpack pilot and innovator. For the record, David is stuck in Australia, in quarantine, so this is not an attempt to evade responsibility, as he was thousands of miles away and all his jetpacks and pilots are otherwise accounted for... Our recent discussions with David suggest him to be a straight shooter. "Th

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (09.11.20)

Aero Linx: The Vertical Flight Society The Vertical Flight Society — founded in 1943 as the American Helicopter Society, Inc. — is the world's only international technical society for engineers, scientists and others working to advance vertical flight technology. We bring together industry, academia and government to tackle the toughest challenges in vertical flight. Our members share a legacy of knowledge and accomplishment that has been driving innovation for over 75 years! As a member of the world's only Vertical Flight Society, you can help advance the state of the art in vertical flight.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (09.11.20): IFR Military Training Routes (IR)

IFR Military Training Routes (IR) Routes used by the Department of Defense and associated Reserve and Air Guard units for the purpose of conducting low-altitude navigation and tactical training in both IFR and VFR weather conditions below 10,000 feet MSL at airspeeds in excess of 250 knots IAS.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (09.11.20)

"We have extended the closure at our HQ location, which we enacted due to wildfires in the area which have resulted in very poor air quality and evacuations in the surrounding areas. Many of our staff members have had to evacuate their homes with their families, while others are on standby to do so. As such, a significant number of people are displaced and have pressing family responsibilities. This way our Van’s team members can best take care of themselves and their families... As a result, we will not be conducting any business operations on Thursday. This includes telephone services, email communication, orders, shipping, and factory production. We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for your understanding during this dynamic and unpredictable time."

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