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July 26, 2020

Airborne 07.24.20: LX7 Speed Records, King Schools, Epic Aircraft PC

Also: FAA Update on 737 MAX, Bahamas Shutdown, AirVenture Oshkosh21 Tkts, Busy Astros!

Whoever said records are made to be broken must’ve known something about RDD, an experimental aircraft manufacturer from Redmond, Oregon. In March of this year, just before COVID19 quarantines went into place. Sisters, Oregon resident Paul Hodge piloted his LX7 personal aircraft from Redmond, Oregon to Anchorage, in just six hours, a new all-time record for that distance. Hodge was delighted at how the LX7’s average airspeed of almost 269 mph with standard range made it so easy to get there despite less th

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (07.26.20)

Aero Linx: Washington Aviation Association Organized in 1938 as an informal coalition of aviation businesses, the Washington Aviation Association was formalized into a non-profit corporation in 1948 to confront problems of the industry and build a stable and prosperous future. Membership is open to everyone including non-Washington residents.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (07.26.20): Actual Calculated Landing Time

Actual Calculated Landing Time ACLT is a flight’s frozen calculated landing time. An actual time determined at freeze calculated landing time (FCLT) or meter list display interval (MLDI) for the adapted vertex for each arrival aircraft based upon runway configuration, airport acceptance rate, airport arrival delay period, and other metered arrival aircraft. This time is either the vertex time of arrival (VTA) of the aircraft or the tentative calculated landing time (TCLT)/ACLT of the previous aircraft plus the arrival aircraft interval (AAI), whichever is later. This time will not be updated in response to the aircraft’s progress.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (07.26.20)

"The work in Paris is finished, but the investigation is far from over. There are still many key questions that need to be answered. I know the families of the victims and many others are eager to learn what data was recovered. We have urged Iran to release factual information from the recorders as soon as possible. However, as outlined in Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation, the TSB is not able to share any specific information at this time, without the express consent of the State leading this investigation, namely Iran. The TSB continues to advocate for a thorough, transparent and credible safety investigation and continues to offer its assistance to Iran." Source: TSB Chair Kathy Fox, commenting as the Transporta

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