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June 25, 2023

Klyde Morris (06.23.23)

Klyde Notes That There ARE LImits... Even Among The NASA Nerds


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Looming Machinist Strike Threatens Boeing, Airbus, & USAF

Workers Reject Spirit Aerosystems Contract Offer

Machinists in the employ of Spirit Aerosystems have voted to strike rather than accept a four-year contract proposed by executives of the Wichita, Kansas-based aerospace components and systems supplier. Spirit AeroSystems Holdings is the world's largest first-tier aerostructures manufacturer. Companies under the first-tier of the aerospace industry’s supply-chain produce major aircraft components and systems—wings, fuselages, control systems, landing gear, and the like. Spirit AeroSystems builds key facets of Boeing aircraft, including portions of 737 and 787 family fuselages and the cockpit sections (referred to in Boeing vernacular as Section 41) of nearly all the pla

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (06.25.23)

Aero Linx: National Association of State Aviation Officials (NASAO)

NASAO is dedicated to representing the interests of the states and the public before policymakers at the federal level. A safe, secure, efficient and well-funded aviation system is a powerful economic engine for growth and job creation across the nation. NASAO is the only organization deeply invested in representing the public interest in all facets of aviation and airports. The United States has developed the largest, safest and most complete aviation system in the world. All Americans reap the significant benefits of this unique and unparalleled transportation, shipping, emergency response and defense network.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (06.25.23): Light-Sport Aircraft (LSA)

Light-Sport Aircraft (LSA) An FAA-registered aircraft, other than a helicopter or powered-lift, that meets certain weight and performance. Principally it is a single-engine aircraft with a maximum of two seats and weighing no more than 1,430 pounds if intended for operation on water, or 1,320 pounds if not. It must be of simple design (fixed landing gear (except if intended for operations on water or a glider), piston powered, nonpressurized, with a fixed or ground adjustable propeller). Performance is also limited to a maximum airspeed in level flight of not more than 120 knots calibrated airspeed (CAS), have a maximum never-exceed speed of not more than 120 knots CAS for a glider, and have a maximu

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (06.25.23)

"We are at a turning point in aviation as we harness the power of hydrogen. By embracing this groundbreaking technology, we are making an unwavering commitment to eliminating airline emissions and dramatically reducing operating costs. With ZeroAvia's extensive flight testing and in-house IP [Internal Protocol] around core technologies, we have the perfect alliance to achieve our vision. Together, we are poised to revolutionize the aviation industry, setting a new standard for a greener sky and delivering an unparalleled passenger experience. This innovative collaboration positions Cahana as the front-runner in becoming the cleanest airline in the sky.” Source: Air Cahana CEO Tony Thompson, doing a little crowiong about the 250 of hy

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