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May 31, 2022

Walmart DroneUp’s To Your Door

Walmart Is Extending DroneUp Delivery Across 6 States In USA

Walmart is expanding its drone delivery service, with the help of DroneUp, across six states this year, to bring convenience to customers. Those pilot states include Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Texas, Utah, and Virginia. They’ve been working on this solution over the past year, and customers’ orders weighing no more than 10 pounds can be delivered for a delivery fee of $3.99. It is expected that some 30-odd ‘sites’ will be in operation by the end of this year.

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Phoenix East Aviation Joins United Aviate

Phoenix East Aviation Turns 50, Celebrates Addition To United Aviate Program

Phoenix East Aviation (PEA), a flight training center based at Daytona Beach International Airport (DAB) in Florida, on its 50th birthday, has announced a partnership with United’s Aviate program to supply pilots to the commercial airline carrier. Mr. Kristoffer Johnson, CEO & President at PEA stated “we are proud to provide this excellent opportunity for the flight students and instructors attending PEA” and that by matching “the professional pilot training we provide… a clear career progression into the cockpit at United Airlines.”

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Aero-TV At AUVSI2022: Commaris Seeker UAV

Commaris Promises 3+ Hours With ‘Seeker’  VTOL UAV

Mr. Fred Beddard, Director of Sales Marketing & Flight Operations at Commaris spoke with us midway through AUVSI2022 about the ‘Seeker’. Its mission is those applications that require a long flight time, 3+ hours of flight time, carries a payload of 6.5 to 7.0 lbs, basically law enforcement, surveillance, inspection pipeline, rail line, oil, gas line and so on. Search and rescue is another application, as is agriculture, where they have multispectral cameras to do plant health; they can scan thousands of acres of farmland in just a few hours.

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JSX Taps Skyborne Airline Academy For Pilots

Skyborne Airline Academy to Provide JetSuiteX ‘JSX’ With Pilots

At the end of last month, Skyborne Airline Academy and JSX (formerly JetSuiteX) signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) where the former will supply First Officers for JSX’s Embraer ERJ fleet, once those pilots reach 50 hours of multi-engine time, 1000 hours total time. The MOU states that Skyborne will provide an opportunity for its experienced flight instructors who also meet JSX’s strict hiring standards, to enrich their professional experience with JSX, a US Part 135 air carrier.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (05.31.22)

Aero Linx: Cardinal Flyers Online (CFO) CFO stands for Cardinal Flyers Online. We are an affinity group, an organization of individuals who own, operate or are interested in the Cessna 177 Cardinal, a single engine aircraft made by Cessna from 1968 through 1978. We are a virtual community of over 3000 people who exchange knowledge, experiences, information and wisdom through our online presense and at in-person events around the country and the world. The principles of CFO have been involved with Cardinal groups since the early 1980's. CFO itself started in 1997 and became an official organization on Jan 1, 2000.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (05.31.22): Severe Weather Forecast Alerts

Severe Weather Forecast Alerts Preliminary messages issued in order to alert users that a Severe Weather Watch Bulletin (WW) is being issued. These messages define areas of possible severe thunderstorms or tornado activity. The messages are unscheduled and issued as required by the Storm Prediction Center (SPC) at Norman, Oklahoma.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (05.31.22)

“Cassio will open a new era of highly sustainable air transportation in Europe with on-demand flight services for those who join our fractional share ownership... It’s highly appropriate that we bring this mobility solution to Europe with Cassio…" Source: Jean Botti, VoltAero’s CEO and Chief Technology Officer, detailing how VoltAero is launching a European, fractional-ownership program for its Cassio 330 electric-hybrid aircraft. The company accepted initial expressions of interest for fractional ownership shares of its five-seat, single-engine, pusher-configuration, twin-tail-boom canard at EBACE in Geneva.

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