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May 03, 2020

Classic Aero-TV: AirVenture Airshow - Airshow Beauty in Slow Motion

The Displays Never Fail To Amaze The AirVenture Audience

The world’s best aerobatic, military, and warbird pilots make Oshkosh a priority for their air show performance schedule because they have the opportunity to strut their stuff in front of their peers in the community, as well as perhaps the most aviation-savvy audience on the planet. AirVenture’s daily air shows feature a vast variety in today’s world of flight - precision aerobatics, the latest innovations, rare and unique flying examples, and history coming alive through warbird and vintage showcases. We're still in the process

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (05.03.20): Coupled Approach

Coupled Approach An instrument approach performed by the aircraft autopilot, and/or visually depicted on the flight director, which is receiving position information and/or steering commands from onboard navigational equipment. In general, coupled non-precision approaches must be flown manually (autopilot disengaged) at altitudes lower than 50 feet AGL below the minimum descent altitude, and coupled precision approaches must be flown manually (autopilot disengaged) below 50 feet AGL unless authorized to conduct autoland operations. Coupled instrument approaches are commonly flown to the allowable IFR weather minima established by the operator or PIC, or flown VFR for training and safety.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (05.03.20)

Aero Linx: The Seaplane Pilots Association The Seaplane Pilots Association's primary focus is to promote safe seaplane operations and to protect our privilege to share our nation's waterways with our recreational, governmental and commercial operators. Our staff, field directors and members work around the nation to ensure our fair access to water flight. SPA is the only organization in the world solely dedicated to working these issues for seaplane pilots and operators at a local, state and national level. We do this by working with pilots, communities and governing agencies to resolve conflicts and insure fair and equal access through positive outreach, that includes educating policy makers and the

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (05.03.20)

“We know the value that drones provide to public safety. Although fully hand-flown drones are helpful, drones with advanced autonomy features provide exceptional value, allowing officers to fly without fear of crashing into objects while enhancing situational awareness." Source: Fritz Reber, Skydio's head of Public Safety Integration and a 27 year veteran of the Chula Vista police department and former SWAT team leader, explaining the rudiments of a new program to provide first responders with drones and personal protection equipment (PPE). Through the primary initiative, known as the Skydio Emergency Response Program (ERP), Skydio will donate dozens of its Skydio 2 drones and associated equipment to public safety agencies acros

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