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May 28, 2020

Airborne 05.27.20: Virgin Orbit Attempt, WACO YMF-5F Cert, AEA 1Q Report

Also: Ligado Takes More Flak, ERAU Makes Return Plans, CG Helo Rescue, UND Plans Restart

It was not the best of days for the team at Virgin Orbit, but it was an educational one. After having to scrub a launch attempt on Sunday, May 24th, due to sensor issues, the VO team, finally had the chance to launch a rocket from the belly of their 747 carrier aircraft, 'Cosmic Girl' on Memorial Day. However, while they finally had the chance to release a rocket in real life, things went bad shortly thereafter. The LauncherOne liquid-fueled two-stage rocket angled skyward about 27°, as expected, at the moment o

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Classic Aero-TV: Cruisin The Superfortress - ANN Rides Along

From 2016: Sit Back, Relax, and Let’s Go Flying With “FIFI”…

Our ANN video crew took the opportunity at EAA AirVenture 2016 to capture a lot of video of the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) B-29 named “FIFI”. Our montage of this airplane includes lots of scenes on the ground, in the air, and onboard the airplane. As you watch the scenes be sure to note such things as the amount of aileron control wheel motion necessary just to get this lumbering giant into a turn. You might also take a look at the flight engineers panel to see what it took to keep those four ‘Wright

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (05.28.20)

Aero Linx: RNZAC Welcome to, the ideal spot to view New Zealand from the air. Here you will find all you need to know about flying aircraft in New Zealand. We know there is nothing more informative than an engaging conversation, so we make it our business to stay away from complex terminologies that will make you feel lost just a few minutes into the flight. We have perfected the art of everyday conversation in order to ensure that even our most educative discussions are enjoyable. Get on board for a real talk on why being a pilot is one of the coolest careers around. Forget all what you are told about risks and extended periods away from home;listen to real stories by real pilots who would

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (05.28.20): Glideslope Intercept Altitude

Glideslope Intercept Altitude The published minimum altitude to intercept the glideslope in the intermediate segment of an instrument approach. Government charts use the lightning bolt symbol to identify this intercept point. This intersection is called the Precise Final Approach fix (PFAF). ATC directs a higher altitude, the resultant intercept becomes the PFAF.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (05.28.20)

"About 9 seconds after drop, something malfunctioned, causing the booster stage engine to extinguish, which in turn ended the mission. We cannot yet say conclusively what the malfunction was or what caused it, but we feel confident we have sufficient data to determine that as we continue through the rigorous investigation we’ve already begun. With the engine extinguished, the vehicle was no longer able to maintain controlled flight — but the rocket did not explode. It stayed within the predicted downrange corridors of our projections and our Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) launch license as the vehicle fell to the ocean, posing no risk to public safety, no danger our aircrew or aircraft, and no significant environmental impact." S

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