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October 08, 2012

Airborne 10.05.12: Avidyne DFC90-Aspen Cert, Obama Blasts BizAv, Boeing Bucks

Also: Albuquerque Needs Helium, LightSquared Rears Ugly Head Again, AOPA Fallout, Footballers Are Crazy

The FAA has granted an STC to Avidyne Corporation for the installation of their D-F-C 90 Digital Autopilot in Cessna 182-series aircraft when interfaced with the Aspen Evolution Pro Primary Flight Display (PFD) from Aspen. President Obama took another swipe at business aviation during Wednesday night’s debate, saying “Why wouldn't we eliminate tax breaks for corporate jets? My attitude is, if you got a corporate jet, you can probably afford to pay full freight, not get a special break for it.” That statement drew immediate fire from

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Klyde Morris (10.08.12)

Klyde Gets Political


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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (10.08.12)

Aero Linx: Albuquerque Aerostat Ascension Association The Albuquerque Aerostat Ascension Association (AAAA or "Quad-A"), located in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the sport of hot air ballooning. As the largest community ballooning organization in the world, we advance the sport through numerous opportunities for continued growth and development. We inform you, we encourage you, we support you, and then we let you fly.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (10.08.12): Datum

Datum An aircraft datum line is an imaginary vertical plane or line from which all horizontal measurements of arm are taken, generally for balance purposes. Once the datum has been selected, all moment arms and the location of CG range are measured from this point and the weight and balance may be calculated. The datum line appears on drawings as a vertical line, which is perpendicular (90°) to the aircraft horizontal axis. The datum is established by the manufacturer and is referenced in the type certificate data sheet as noted in the attached illustration. There is no fixed rule for the position or location of the datum, except that must be positioned in a location that will not change during the life of the aircraft

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (10.08.12)

"We strongly believe that any aviation advocacy rule its actions with an unquestionable degree of transparency so that members and affected parties KNOW just what is happening. We also believe that ANY organization looking to support aviation establish a true sense of trust with its constituency and promise an unprecedented level of honesty... otherwise know as the "No-Bull" rule. We further believe that any such organization devote itself to a TIGHT focus on an agreed and well-defined mission plan that is clear to all concerned. Finally; there is the most controversial issue of all... accountability. Right now, members of most of the aviation organizations have little opportunity to directly contribute and craft the direction and mission of the organizations that they support a

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