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June 19, 2006

ANN Daily Touch-And-Go: 06.20.06

The NTSB worries about the safety of GE engines...

Northwest pilots elect a new union leader...

And we're learning more about a mid-air that claimed the life of an RV-6 pilot over I

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ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 06.20.06

The NTSB worries about the safety of GE engines...

Northwest pilots elect a new union leader...

And we're learning more about a mid-air that claimed the life of an RV-6 pilot over I

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NTSB Announce Public Hearing On Cargo Flight Safety

Part Of February UPS Inflight Fire Investigation

Aero-News has learned the National Transportation Safety Board will convene a two-day hearing on July 12 & 13, 2006, to consider safety issues surrounding cargo aircraft and the potential risks of transporting cargo such as lithium batteries. The hearing is part of the board's ongoing investigation into the fire onboard a United Parcel Service (UPS) DC-8 at Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) earlier this year.

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NOTAM Number: FDC 6/0143 Issue Date: June 18, 2006 at 20:48 UTC Location: 22 Miles North West of Wagon Mound, New Mexico near CIMARRON VORTAC (CIM) Beginning Date and Time: Effective Immediately Ending Date and Time: Until further notice Reason for NOTAM: To provide a safe environment for fire fighting aircraft operations Type: Hazards Replaced NOTAM(s): N/A Pilots May Contact: Albuquerque (ZAB) Center, 505-856-4580

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NOTAM Number: FDC 6/0150 Issue Date: June 18, 2006 at 23:58 UTC Location: 40 SW OF PAGE , Arizona Beginning Date and Time: Effective Immediately Ending Date and Time: Until further notice Reason for NOTAM: TO PROVIDE A SAFE ENVIRONMENT FOR FIRE FIGHTING OPERATIONS Type: Hazards Replaced NOTAM(s): N/A Pilots May Contact: LOS ANGELES (ZLA) Automated Flight Service Station, 661-265-8205

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NOTAM Number: FDC 6/0058 Issue Date: June 16, 2006 at 21:08 UTC Location: 6 Miles North of Hannigan Meadows, Arizona near ST JOHNS VORTAC (SJN) Beginning Date and Time: Effective Immediately Ending Date and Time: Until further notice Reason for NOTAM: To provide a safe environment for fire fighting aircraft operations Type: Hazards Replaced NOTAM(s): N/A Pilots May Contact: Albuquerque (ZAB) Center, 505-856-4580

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NOTAM Number: FDC 6/0106 Issue Date: June 17, 2006 at 14:23 UTC Location: Dunkard Township, Pennsylvania near MORGANTOWN VORTAC (MGW) Beginning Date and Time: Effective Immediately Ending Date and Time: Until further notice Reason for NOTAM: Law enforcement operations Type: Hazards Replaced NOTAM(s): N/A Pilots May Contact: Cleveland (ZOB) Center, 440-774-0426

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NOTAM Number: FDC 6/0122 Issue Date: June 17, 2006 at 23:43 UTC Location: 7.5 Miles North West of Colfax, New Mexico near CIMARRON VORTAC (CIM) Beginning Date and Time: Effective Immediately Ending Date and Time: Until further notice Reason for NOTAM: To provide a safe environment for fire fighting aircraft operations Type: Hazards Replaced NOTAM(s): N/A Pilots May Contact: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) System Operations Support Center, 202-267-3333

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NOTAM Number: FDC 6/0120 Issue Date: June 17, 2006 at 20:58 UTC Location: 10 Miles North of Reserve, New Mexico near ST JOHNS VORTAC (SJN) Beginning Date and Time: Effective Immediately Ending Date and Time: Until further notice Reason for NOTAM: To provide a safe environment for fire fighting aircraft operations Type: Hazards Replaced NOTAM(s): N/A Pilots May Contact: Albuquerque (ZAB) Center, 505-856-4580

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NOTAM Number: FDC 6/0153 Issue Date: June 19, 2006 at 5:12 UTC Location: Dutch Mountain, Utah near BONNEVILLE VORTAC (BVL) Beginning Date and Time: Effective Immediately Ending Date and Time: Until further notice Reason for NOTAM: To porvide a safe environment for fire fighting Type: Hazards Replaced NOTAM(s): N/A Pilots May Contact: Salt Lake (ZLC) Center, 801-320-2560

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NOTAM Number: FDC 6/0118 Issue Date: June 17, 2006 at 20:29 UTC Location: 53 Miles North West of Silver City, New Mexico near ST JOHNS VORTAC (SJN) Beginning Date and Time: Effective Immediately Ending Date and Time: Until further notice Reason for NOTAM: To provide a safe environment for fire fighting aircraft operations Type: Hazards Replaced NOTAM(s): N/A Pilots May Contact: Albuquerque (ZAB) Center, 505-856-4580

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Release 1.0: An Aeronautical Meeting of the Minds (Part One)

Esther Dyson's Release 1.0 Conference Tackles Air Taxi Concepts

Part conference/workshop, part-aero incubator, and part techno-geek mind-meld; several dozen aviation professionals gathered together to talk about the acknowledged (and much hyped) paradigm shift that is taking place in commercial aviation thanks to a new generation of air taxi operators and air-taxi-suitable airplanes.

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Student Fails To Divert African Airliner With Syringe

Words No Pilot Wants To Hear: "Take Me To Maputo"

Take this plane to Maputo. That's the message a 21-year-old Zimbabwean national and student at the University of Cape Town had for the pilots of a South African Airways (SAA) flight he tried to hijack Saturday.

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HeloWerks Says Accident Will Lead To A Better Helicopter

Investigation Results In Design Improvements

After a May landing accident took its prototype rotorcraft out of commission -- and sent company president and test pilot Tony Pena to the hospital -- representatives with HeloWerks told ANN development work will continue on its WASP helicopter... and that some positives will come from the negative experience.

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Aero-News Featured Aero-Casts For Monday 06.19.06

Tom Turner's Aero-Craft 101: Flying A Tailwheel Plane

ANN Daily Touch N Go: 06.19.06 (ANN's Short-Form Daily News Program) ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 06.19.06 (ANN's Long-Form Daily News Program) ANN Special Feature -- Tom Turner's Aero-Craft 101: 06.19.06 (ANN Special Feature, with CFI Tom Turner's tips for handling a tailwheel-equipped plane.)

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Indian Air Force Pilots Want Out... But Official Says No

Better Money To Be Had Working For Airlines

The Indian Air Force has a problem. So many of its pilots want to quit the service, it would face a serious manpower shortage -- and national security would be compromised -- if they all had their wish.

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Superior Announces Extended Warranties On Millennium Cylinders

Retroactive To Parts Purchased Since January 1, 2006

Coppell, TX-based Superior Air Parts told Aero-News it has extended the warranties on all of its products including standard cast Millennium® Cylinders and all piece-parts to a full two-years.

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AD: Airbus

AD NUMBER: 2006-12-02 MANUFACTURER: Airbus SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2006-12-02 SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Airbus Model A318, A319, A320,and A321 airplanes.

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AD: Raytheon

AD NUMBER: 2006-12-20 MANUFACTURER: Raytheon SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2006-12-20 SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Raytheon Model BAe.125 series 800A (including variants C-29A and U-125), 800B, 1000A, and 1000B airplanes and Model Hawker 800 (including variant U-125A) and 1000 airplanes; and for certain Raytheon Model HS.125 series 700A and 700B airplanes and Model Hawker 800XP airplanes.

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AD: Short Brothers

AD NUMBER: 2006-12-18 MANUFACTURER: Short SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2006-12-18 SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Short Brothers Model SD3 airplanes.

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AD: Bombardier

AD NUMBER: 2006-12-21 MANUFACTURER: Bombardier SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2006-12-21 SUMMARY: The FAA is superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD), which applies to certain Bombardier Model CL-600-2B19 (Regional Jet Series 100) airplanes.

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AD: Airbus

AD NUMBER: 2006-12-22 MANUFACTURER: Airbus SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2006-12-22 SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus Model A319, A320, and A321 airplanes.

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USCG Air-Rescue Demo Quickly Turns Into Real Thing

"It Was A Good Day For The Coast Guard"

It was supposed to have only been a demonstration -- part of Saturday's Vertical Challenge Helicopter Air Show at the San Carlos Airport in California. But reality intervened... and US Coast Guard Lieutenant Che Barnes had to call the air boss and say, "...we're going to be running late."

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Canadian Judge Calls For Air Safety Investigation

Says SMS Would Compromise Safety

Worried about Transport Canada's plan to give the airlines responsibility to oversee their own safety, a retired judge from Alberta thinks government and industry are getting just a little too cozy.

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FAA Pulls Saudi's Pilot Certificate

The Strange Case Of Rayed Mohammed Abdullah Ali Continues

A Saudi Arabian general aviation pilot who showed up in New Zealand and took five one-hour instructional flights was doing so on a suspended FAA license -- and now, the FAA says his ticket has been revoked.

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Pilot, Passenger In Downed Taylorcraft Doing Well

Witnesses Say Plane Couldn't Gain Altitude

Two Rochester, NY-area men are doing well after their vintage Taylorcraft went down Saturday afternoon, shortly after takeoff from a private grass airstrip in Parma, NY.

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Klyde Morris (06.19.06)

Klyde, We're Gonna Hear From NBC On This One...

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Russia, ESA Gear Up For Mars Missions

Red Planet Is The Place To Be

Contrary to H.G. Wells' best predictions, it is Mars that is about to be invaded... by a duo of Russian and European space probes, set to join NASA's Mars Reconnaisance Orbiter, Odyssey and Global Surveyor spacecraft in the next several years.

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Agreements Expand Eurasian Commercial Routes

From Korea To China, India To Iceland

On Friday, June 16 -- following a week of talks -- the Korean Ministry of Construction and Transportation announced a doubling in the number of flights between China and South Korea.

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Taiwan Wants More F-16s To Replace Aging Fleet

Older Planes Involved In 32 Fatal Accidents

With a neighbor like China, occasionally rumbling like a grouchy volcano in a fitful sleep... it's no wonder the island country of Taiwan is interested in bulking up its military.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Tips (06.19.06): Landing Priority


You're on downwind and see an airplane on a three-mile final. You know you've got time to land ahead of the other airplane... but who has the right-of-way?

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (06.19.06)


More info on World War II aircraft.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (06.19.06): GMT


Greenwich Mean Time  -- Greenwich, England has been the home of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) since 1884.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (06.19.06)

"I believe the government is moving away from more vigorous inspection and enforcement strictly as a cost-cutting measure, much as was done in the mid- and late-1980s preceding the Dryden crash."

Source: Retired Canadian judge Virgil Moshansky, expressing his fears on Transport Canada's plan to give the country's airlines responsibility to oversee their own safety.

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MA TFR: 06.22.06

NOTAM Number: FDC 6/0018 Issue Date: June 16, 2006 at 18:55 UTC Location: Westfield-Barnes Municipal Airport, Westfield, Massachusetts near BARNES VORTAC (BAF) Beginning Date and Time: June 22, 2006 at 15:30 UTC Ending Date and Time: June 25, 2006 at 21:30 UTC Reason for NOTAM: The Westfield International Airshow 2006 Type: Airshow Replaced NOTAM(s): N/A Pilots May Contact: Bradley (Y90) TRACON, 860-386-3580

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AD: Boeing

AD NUMBER: 2006-12-23 MANUFACTURER: Boeing SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2006-12-23 SUMMARY: The FAA is superseding an existing airworthiness directive (AD) that applies to certain Boeing Model 737-100, -200,-200C, -300, -400, and -500 series airplanes.

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