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December 16, 2021

GAMA Calls on FAA to Address Santa Clara 100LL Ban

Letter to Administrator Calls For Agency Action in Interest of Safety

The recent move by California's Santa Clara County Board of Directors to ban 100LL fuel from sale within their purview has been met with consternation from aviation industry groups, who say the move is a matter of vital safety for aviation operations in the region. The long-running feud between the County and the two local airports has made headlines time and again for the often underhanded methods employed in an effort to reclaim the increasingly valuable real estate occupied. Reid-Hillview and San Martin occupy some of the only land conceivably readily developed remaining in San José, a tantalizing target of opportunity in a region with home prices nearing an avera

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Airborne-Flight Training 12.09.21: UAL Training, Atlanta Tech College, Skyborne

Also: New Astronauts, Debrief Replay App, GrandView Pilots, Civil Air Patrol's 80th

United Airlines announced the start of operations for its subsidiary, United Aviate Academy as 30 students began class on December 6 at Arizona's Phoenix Goodyear Airport. The class is 80% female or people of color, set to complete a rigorous year-long training program to set their careers on a course that will land them in a professional aviation position. Atlanta Technical College will open its Aviation Maintenance Airframe Certificate Program in 2022, with applications accepted now.The program will offer students a technical certificate of credit after 3 semesters of

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Airborne-Flight Training 12.09.21: UAL Training, Atlanta Tech College, Skyborne

Also: New Astronauts, Debrief Replay App, GrandView Pilots, Civil Air Patrol's 80th

United Airlines announced the start of operations for its subsidiary, United Aviate Academy as 30 students began class on December 6 at Arizona's Phoenix Goodyear Airport. The class is 80% female or people of color, set to complete a rigorous year-long training program to set their careers on a course that will land them in a professional aviation position. Atlanta Technical College will open its Aviation Maintenance Airframe Certificate Program in 2022, with applications accepted now.The program will offer students a technical certificate of credit after 3 semesters of

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Aero-TV At DSAS21: Titan’s T-51 - A Stunning Mustang Replica

And Don’t Forget The Original Tornado... STILL One of the Best ‘Affordable Flyers’ We’ve Flown

Titan Aircraft President John Williams brought their T-51 partial-scale P-51 Mustang Experimental to the 2021 DeLand Aviation Showcase to catch up on their Tornado and T-51 variants. The T-51B is a light sport capable, fixed-gear version of the T-51D, the retractable, standard kit configuration. Either aircraft can be fitted with a series of engines, ranging from the 100 hp Rotax 912S, a 245 hp Honda V6, a 300 hp GM LS3 V8, or the top of the line BMW V-12 in the works.

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Tecnam Expands American Operations, Service

Appoints 3 Exclusive Sales Reps, Support Specialists

Tecnam Aircraft has expanded its domestic footprint stateside, hoping to secure a greater portion of the general aviation market with its Italian-accented takes on traditional light aircraft. The company has inked deals with 3 new sales appointees who will assume responsibility for specific regions, ensuring consistent before and after-purchase support for Tecnam owners and operators. Altisky, Volare Air, and Flightline Group have each carved out a small fiefdom for themselves, with Altisky taking the majority of the southeastern states; Volare, the midwest and Texas; and Flightline, the entirety of Florida. Each company will now offer the complete lineup of Tecnam aircraft - 

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Boeing Refills Order Books in November

Sees 737 Max Demand Rise, Boosted by 109 Jets

Boeing has seen its 10th straight month of positive order activity, obtaining 109 orders for their 737 Max aircraft during November 2021 alone. The number was greatly boosted by Southwest Airlines with their purchase of 91 net orders, joined by a number of other carriers. Indian Airline Akasa Air accounted for 72 aircraft, with 30 for lessor 777 Partners in addition to the Southwest buy. The year has proven that consumer confidence in the 737 Max has largely returned, if it had ever even left. The ambivalence is something of an oddity to those who recall the troubled passenger reception received by the Douglas DC-10 once upon a time. Boeing did some shuffling with a few orders and commitments as i

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First Kuwaiti Eurofighters Delivered

First of 28 Typhoons Ferried With Italian Tanker Assistance

The first pair of Eurofighter Typhoons for the Air Force of Kuwait have been delivered, ahead of the rest of the 26 aircraft ordered for the country's air defenses. The delivered trim represents the highest-spec version of the fighter, including the must-have AESA radar essential to any respectable modern fighter. The Active Electronically Scanned Array is a vast improvement over their current fleet of legacy F/A-18C's older, mechanically scanned equipment. The Eurofighter will join the force as part of a two-model fleet, joined by recently ordered Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornets purchased through the U.S. FMS program.

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Pan Am Flight Academy Expands Again

Miami Flight School Opens Separate Simulator Campus

Pan Am Flight Academy announced the expansion of their flight school, opening up a separate location to house its 8 flight simulators in a single story, 67,700 square-foot facility in the first quarter of 2022. The new location will sport 22 separate simulator bays, which, when counted alongside their initial Miami International Airport location, brings their full potential capacity to 36 simulators total. Currently, even with their most recent buys, they operate 20 simulators of various levels across its 3 Florida locations. Pilot hiring has once again made headlines, as the aftereffects of the 2009 minimum time requirements have continued to hamper the creation of fresh, airline-ready pilo

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Klyde Morris (12.13.21)

Klyde Notes That There Might Be A Unique New Mission For The Long-Delayed SLS


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ZeroAvia brings in $35M for Green Flight Tech

More Investors Jump On the Hydrogen-Electric Bandwagon

United and Alaska Airlines have joined fellow investors to support ZeroAvia's efforts at developing a 2 to 5 megawatt powertrain for commuter aircraft. The sustainable aviation company has made headway on their ventures, bringing in a number of big fish investors to the sum of $115 million total. United anticipates an order of 50 of the hydrogen-electric engines, with an option for 50 should they desire it. ZeroAvia says they are on schedule to offer commercialized hydrogen propulsion by 2024, planning for a 500-mile range in a 10-20 seat aircraft. That offering would see service in anything from passenger transport, package delivery, agriculture, or air taxi use for outlying spokes in th

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NTSB Prelim: Bell 206B

About 25 Knots Forward Airspeed, The Helicopter Experienced An Un-Commanded Left Roll

On November 28, 2021, about 1658 central standard time, a Bell 206B helicopter, N59600, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near Perry, Oklahoma. The commercial pilot sustained fatal injuries and the student pilot sustained serious injuries. The helicopter was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 91 personal flight. The family members of the pilot reported that he worked fulltime as a helicopter air ambulance pilot. The pilot owned the accident helicopter and also worked part-time seasonal jobs as a 14 CFR Part 137 aerial application pilot.

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AD: Daher Aerospace

AD 2021-24-16 Describes The Unsafe Condition As Cracks On The Main Landing Gear (MLG) Legs

The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Daher Aerospace (type certificate previously held by SOCATA) Model TB 20 and TB 21 airplanes. This AD was prompted by mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI describes the unsafe condition as cracks on the main landing gear (MLG) legs. This AD requires repetitively inspecting the MLG and performing all applicable corrective actions. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products. This AD is effective January 18, 2022.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (12.16.21)

Aero Linx: The Aero Club of India (ACI) The Aero Club of India (ACI), then known as Royal Aero Club of India and Burma Ltd., was inaugurated in the year 1927, along with Directorate of Civil Aviation (DCA). Since its inception and till independence (1927-1947) the DCA and Aero Club worked in close cooperation. The Club functioned as a branch of the Royal Aero Club of Great Britain till Independence. In fact, the Constitution of the Club was drawn up along the lines of the Royal Aero Club of Great Britain. During the World War II (1939-1945) the activities of the club were practically suspended. The Club was affiliated to the Royal Aero Club as well as to the Societe Aviation Internationale. 

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (12.16.21): Transition

Transition a. The general term that describes the change from one phase of flight or flight condition to another; e.g., transition from en route flight to the approach or transition from instrument flight to visual flight. b. A published procedure (DP Transition) used to connect the basic DP to one of several en route airways/jet routes, or a published procedure (STAR Transition) used to connect one of several en route airways/jet routes to the basic STAR.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (12.16.21)

“We are committed to working with the FAA and industry stakeholders to effect a smart, managed nationwide transition to unleaded fuels in general aviation aircraft, one with safety at its core. Unlike automobiles, if an aircraft has engine trouble, it cannot simply pull over to the side of the road. The automobile industry took time to safely transition to unleaded fuels and was successful, and the aviation industry must do the same.” Source: From a letter written by a number of aviation organizations attempting to gain support in the fight against the bizarre 100LL ban in Santa Clara County airports in California.

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