JASSM Certified Operational: Stealthy, All-Weather Cruise
Missile Deployed
The Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missile (JASSM), developed by
Lockheed Martin, has been certified by both the JASSM Joint Program
Office and the B-52 Systems Program Office to meet warfighter
requirements and is now ready for operational use. This major
milestone represents a dramatically increased capability for
warfighting aircrews.
This ain't 'Avon calling...'
"JASSM provides the Air Force with kick-the-door-down
capability," according to Gerry Freisthler, director of
the Air Armament Center's Lethal Strike project office at Eglin Air
Force Base (FL). "Shrinking force structure, increasing tasking,
improving threats and the need to conserve precious lives and
assets drive a demand for a standoff, precision strike capability
in the conduct of 21st century air operations. JASSM combines
several key attributes not available in other cruise missiles
needed to satisfy these needs: cost effectiveness, accuracy,
flexibility and responsiveness from a tasking perspective and high
JASSM brings new capability to the
warfighter: survivability, lethality and long-range precision
strike, at an affordable price. JASSM also offers unprecedented
safety because it is an insensitive munition. JASSM is a
2,000-pound class weapon with a dual-mode penetrator and blast
fragmentation warhead. JASSM cruises autonomously in adverse
weather, day or night, using a state-of-the-art infrared seeker in
addition to the anti-jam Global Positioning System (GPS) to find a
specific aim point on the target unlike the current generation of
cruise missiles. Its stealthy airframe makes it extremely difficult
for enemy defenses to detect and engage. In addition to the B-52,
the missile is planned for deployment on B-1, B-2, F-16 and F/A-18
aircraft and has a range greater than 200 miles.
Lockheed Martin recently delivered the 42nd JASSM to the U.S.
Air Force B-52 bomber community at Barksdale AFB (LA), and at
Whiteman AFB (MO). This missile delivery, along with the supporting
personnel training and technical data to support sustained JASSM
operations, satisfies a Required Assets Available (RAA)
prerequisite for an Air Force combat unit Initial Operational
Capability (IOC).
The U.S. Government requested that 42 of the first 76 missiles
delivered for Lot 1 go to the B-52 bomber community to fill its RAA
need by the end of September 2003. Lockheed Martin fulfilled that
request on September 24, 2003. This delivery marks the successful
completion of a warfighter requirement documented in the
Operational Requirements Document (ORD) and a Lockheed Martin
commitment to the warfighter made more than four years ago.
JASSM is produced at Lockheed Martin's all up round facility in
Troy (AL).