Also: Oshkosh dates Thru 2027, Liberty University, Inadequate ATC Staffing, Stratolaunch
Boeing's 737 MAX 10 has been given the go-ahead for type-inspection authorization by the FAA, allowing the regulator to begin its own testing on the aircraft after hundreds of in-house flights. Boeing is understandably antsy to get that type certificate in hand for the MAX 10, given a long line of backorders that numbers somewhere north of 1,000 aircraft. The National Park Service and the FAA have published their now complete air tour management plan for Mount Rushmore. All flights must stay 1/2 sm away from park boundaries, or 5,000 ft AGL. The plan isn't a surprise to local operators, being the stuff of years-long controversy thanks to the park
Aircraft Owner's "Stolen" Plane Found Abandoned in Alleged Insurance Fraud
A Utah man's stolen 1970 Beechcraft was found in the backwater of Wells, Nevada, safe and sound - and netting him a 2nd-degree felony for insurance fraud in the process. The aircraft had been reported by its owner as stolen in late June, with the owner reporting it was "missing from where he left it" according to charging documents. In late August, the owner filed a claim and moved on with life. The story didn't quite sit right with investigators, however. Airborne joyrides and thefts aren't too often quiet, sedate affairs, given the implicit career waste of ruining a pilot's license in the process. Curious, local police put out feelers in the local communities, asking
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Also: CubCrafters IR, ASR-Pioneer Bankrupt, BIG ICAS Announcement, Zenith Workshop
Amid reports of the Brazilian company’s failing to deliver on purchased aircraft here in the USA, as well as other problematic details, the SeaMax amphibious LSA has become the subject of a worrisome FAA SAIB after a fatal aircraft breakup last year. The Illinois Ultralight Advisory Council, the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics, and the Federal Aviation Administration, Springfield FSDO, are presenting the 42nd Annual IUAC Ultralight/Light Sport Symposium. 2024’s event will be held in Granite City, Illinois on Saturda
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