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November 27, 2023

Airborne 11.27.23: MAX 10 Update, Air Tour Restriction, Starship IFT2 Details

 Also: Oshkosh dates Thru 2027, Liberty University, Inadequate ATC Staffing, Stratolaunch

Boeing's 737 MAX 10 has been given the go-ahead for type-inspection authorization by the FAA, allowing the regulator to begin its own testing on the aircraft after hundreds of in-house flights. Boeing is understandably antsy to get that type certificate in hand for the MAX 10, given a long line of backorders that numbers somewhere north of 1,000 aircraft. The National Park Service and the FAA have published their now complete air tour management plan for Mount Rushmore. All flights must stay 1/2 sm away from park boundaries, or 5,000 ft AGL. The plan isn't a surprise to local operators, being the stuff of years-long controversy thanks to the park

Bob Hays Honored for Work on B-29

"Doc" Mechanic Attains Both Charles Master Mechanic and Wright Brothers Master Pilot Awards

Bob Hays, a crewman working with the B-29 Doc crew, has been recognized by the FAA with its highest honor: The Charles Taylor Master Mechanic Award. Bob Hays started his career in 1967, beginning his PPL and going on to join the Kansas Army National Guard where he received his FAA Mechanic’s Certificate in 1975. In addition to his mechanic expertise, Bob received his CFI and ATP ratings, though not all of his jobs kept him away from desk duty.

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Boeing 737 MAX 10 Approved for Testing

With Backorders Waiting, Certification Can't Come Soon Enough for Paused Model

Boeing's 737 MAX 10 has been given the go-ahead for type-inspection authorization by the FAA, allowing the regulator to begin its own testing on the aircraft after hundreds of in-house flights. Boeing is understandably antsy to get that type certificate in hand for the MAX 10, given a long line of backorders that numbers somewhere north of 1,000 aircraft. The MAX 10's development timeline suffered quite badly at the hands of the 737 MAX debacle, being grounded after some highly visible crashes and a continued subject of congressional humming and hawing.

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Mount Rushmore Helo Tours Restricted to 1/2 Mile

New Air Tour Management Plan Goes Into Effect in 180 Days

The National Park Service and the FAA have published their now complete air tour management plan for Mount Rushmore - the TL,DR? All flights stay 1/2 sm from park boundaries, or 5,000 ft AGL. The plan isn't a surprise to local operators, being the stuff of years-long controversy thanks to the park's confluence of indigenous lands, controversial custody, overt politicism, and increasing crowds. 

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Stolen Plane? Good Ol' Detective Case Wraps Up Nice and Clean

Aircraft Owner's "Stolen" Plane Found Abandoned in Alleged Insurance Fraud

A Utah man's stolen 1970 Beechcraft was found in the backwater of Wells, Nevada, safe and sound - and netting him a 2nd-degree felony for insurance fraud in the process. The aircraft had been reported by its owner as stolen in late June, with the owner reporting it was "missing from where he left it" according to charging documents. In late August, the owner filed a claim and moved on with life. The story didn't quite sit right with investigators, however. Airborne joyrides and thefts aren't too often quiet, sedate affairs, given the implicit career waste of ruining a pilot's license in the process. Curious, local police put out feelers in the local communities, asking

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Airborne Affordable Flyers 11.16.23: SAIB on SeaMax Fatal, IUAC, SwitchBlade

Also: CubCrafters IR, ASR-Pioneer Bankrupt, BIG ICAS Announcement, Zenith Workshop

Amid reports of the Brazilian company’s failing to deliver on purchased aircraft here in the USA, as well as other problematic details, the SeaMax amphibious LSA has become the subject of a worrisome FAA SAIB after a fatal aircraft breakup last year. The Illinois Ultralight Advisory Council, the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics, and the Federal Aviation Administration, Springfield FSDO, are presenting the 42nd Annual IUAC Ultralight/Light Sport Symposium. 2024’s event will be held in Granite City, Illinois on Saturda

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Bell Continues Work on Invictus

Engine Installation Successful, 1st Flight to Come in 2024

Bell has announced another milestone in the development of their next-gen attack helicopter, the Invictus. The brand spankin' new T901 Improved Turbine Engine was tendered to Bell Textron's Flight Research Center in Arlington, Texas, bringing together all the ingredients to finally bake that cake. Bell took a moment to show off the state of the build, expecting to have the prototype flying later in 2024.

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ERAU Drone Instructors Gearing Up for Business

Students in UAS Major Become Flight Instructors

A new program at Embry-Riddle has begun training Uncrewed Aircraft Systems students into becoming Remote Pilot Instructors. The program is reportedly successful so far, with 13 instructors produced, and each holding Trusted Operator Program credentials. The school is proud to be the 1st academic institution to get TOP certification from AUVSI. In addition to flight operations, students in the UAS program learn how to build, design, and flight-test drones with a bevy of computer modeling and prototyping skills included along the way. 

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NTSB Final Report: Piper PA-32RT-300T

Maintenance Personnel’s Inadequate Maintenance Of The Magneto, Which Resulted In A Loss Of Engine Ignition

Analysis: The pilot declared an emergency to air traffic control after the airplane’s engine began to run rough while en route to the destination airport. He received radar vectors to an alternate airport but was unable to reach that airport. During the subsequent off-airport landing, the airplane impacted trees and sustained substantial damage to the wings and fuselage. Postaccident examination of the airplane revealed the magneto case’s cover screws were loose and there was corrosion present on the magneto housing.

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Airborne 11.15.23: Starship Ready!!!, Uncrewed R22, MORE Rotor X Woe

Also: BizJet Invader, Samson Sky, B757 Freighter Sell-Off, ALPA Testifies

Friday may turn out to be an exciting day... with SpaceX Boss Elon Musk confirming that he, “...Was just informed that approval to launch should happen in time for a Friday launch.” Paperwork holdups have been extensive since the April 2023 inaugural orbital test-flight of SpaceX’s Starship platform—the largest, most powerful rocket yet conceived of by humankind—proved something less than a resounding success. But since then, the FAA and other governmental permitting processes have dragged on and on.... Until... hopefully... now. Rotor T

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Classic Aero-TV: The Red Tail Project--Carrying the Torch of the Tuskegee Airmen

From 2009 (YouTube Version): Educational Organization Aims to Inspire by Sharing Tuskegee Story

Founding leader Don Hinz summarized the Red Tail Project’s mission in simple, yet eloquent words:  “Inspire youth and tell the story of the Tuskegee Airmen all across America.”  Since its inception, the non-profit organization has dedicated itself to sharing the extraordinary legacy of the first African Americans to be trained as WWII military pilots;

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.27.23)

Aero Linx: Aviators Code Initiative The Permanent Editorial Board (PEB) provides editorial oversight and stewardship of the Aviators Code Initiative (ACI) and implementation of the family of codes of conduct and supporting materials, available at formal editorial body oversees the ACI and provides balance to ongoing revisions and new content. The following group of experts from the aviation community volunteer to serve as the PEB.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.27.23): Charted VFR Flyways

Charted VFR Flyways Charted VFR Flyways are flight paths recommended for use to bypass areas heavily traversed by large turbine-powered aircraft. Pilot compliance with recommended flyways and associated altitudes is strictly voluntary. VFR Flyway Planning charts are published on the back of existing VFR Terminal Area charts. 

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (11.27.23)

“When I took that first flight lesson in 1967, I had no idea it would lead to nearly 60 years of being hooked on aviation and flying. I’ve been blessed to have a career that has allowed me to work with so many people in an ever-changing and evolving industry that has helped to connect people and make air travel safe for so many people. I am humbled to receive these honors and recognition from the FAA, and I look forward to continuing to volunteer and work with my fellow B-29 Doc maintainers to keep Doc flying for generations to come.” Source: Bob Hays, a crewman working with the B-29 Doc crew, has been recognized by the FAA with its highest honor: The Charles Taylor Master Mechanic Award. If that wasn't enough,

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