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May 04, 2004

They Do This With Boats, Right?

Arm Aerospace Aircraft Lift Addresses Expensive And Diminishing Hangar Space

Recognizing that hangars are scarce and hangar fees are steadily escalating, especially in large metropolitan areas, ARM Aerospace of Tucson (AZ) has come up with an innovative solution that doubles the storage capacity of any existing hangar.  They have created The Aero-Lift a cantilevered lift that makes it possible to store two airplanes in almost any hangar by lifting one aircraft into the air and using the empty space underneath to store an additional aircraft (or a car or a boat). Already adopted by a number of FBOs, general aviation and sport aviation pilots and aeroclubs, the lift Aero-Lift has met with an enthusiastic response in the United States and overseas.

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Dallas Executive: Reliever Airport Of The Year

Turnaround Deemed Success

By ANN Editor Pete Combs About 15 years ago, when I was a nervous junior birdman vying for his IFR ticket, I flew from Addison Airport in Dallas (TX) to Redbird Airport on the south side of town. I made every single mistake I could possibly make, until the grizzled old flight examiner sitting in the right seat said, "Either you're too lost or I'm too scared. Let's turn this thing around." My memories of what is now Dallas Executive Airport weren't terribly fond -- not that the airport was at fault. Still, it was a little... well, seedy. Not any more.

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AOPA Goes To The Source

Hosts Meeting For ASN Volunteers In California

AOPA Airport Support Network volunteers are a vital part of the association's efforts to protect airports, so this past weekend, AOPA representatives went to central California for a meeting with several of the volunteers.

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California TFR: TFN

NOTAM:  4/3840  Issued:  05/03/2004 16:28  Effective:  Immediately - Until Further Notice  State:  CA  Facility:  ZLA - LOS ANGELES (ARTCC)PALMDALE, CA.  Type:  HAZARDS  Description:  TEMECULA, CA. 

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Ohio TFR: 05/04/04

NOTAM:  4/3843  Issued:  05/03/2004 18:25  Effective:  05/04/2004 12:15 - 05/04/2004 15:05  State:  OH  Facility:  ZOB - CLEVELAND (ARTCC),OH.  Type:  VIP  Description:  TOLEDO, OHIO, MAY 4, 2004. 

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Flightdocs' Steve Jackson to Speak at PAMA 2004

Will Talk About Using The Internet In Aircraft Maintenance And Repair

Flightdocs, a company that makes aviation maintenance software, says its director, Steve Jackson. will speak at the Professional Aviation Maintenance Association's (PAMA) 33rd Annual Symposium in Las Vegas (NV).

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AD: Cessna

AD NUMBER: 2004-08-17 MANUFACTURER: Cessna (CORRECTION) SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2004-08-17 SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Cessna Aircraft Company(Cessna) Models 208 and 208B airplanes. This AD requires you to inspect any upper and lower wing strut attach fitting nut for existence of the corresponding cotter pin and do any necessary corrective action. This AD is the result of a report of one airplane having loose and improperly tied nuts on the wing struts upper attachment bolts. We are issuing this AD to detect and correct loose and improperly tied nuts on the wing struts, which could result in an attachment nut coming off the bolt. This could lead to the failure of

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