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August 02, 2024

Rep. Sam Graves Recognized by EAA for FAA Reauthorization Efforts

Spearheaded Bipartisan Bill Containing First-Ever GA Provision

The EAA announced at AirVenture its formal recognition of Rep. Sam Graves (R-Missouri) for his outstanding work in bringing together members of both parties in the House and Senate to pass the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2024, which President Biden signed into law this past May. The Reauthorization Act includes a first-ever titled section specific to general aviation that involves a number of provisions benefiting GA growth and was supported by EAA and other aviation groups. It also expands Basic Med by increasing the size of covered aircraft to 12,500 pounds, and increases the number of passengers permitted to 6 and seats to 7. Other provisions include: setting a deadline of 24 mo

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Kirby Chambliss Receives 2024 Bill Barber Award

Showmanship Hallmark of Chambliss’s Air Show Performances

Kirby Chambliss always knew what he wanted to do with his life even as a young boy: “I’ve always wanted to be a pilot. There was nothing else I ever wanted to do. I just had to figure out how to do it,” he said. After the Saturday air show at EAA AirVenture, Chambliss was rewarded for his career as one of the top aerobatic performers in the world when he received the 2024 Bill Barber Award for Showmanship. The only surprise about the award is how long it took to be recognized. He is a five-time U.S. National Aerobatic Champion and as a member of the U.S. National Aerobatic Team he won 13 medals at World Aerobatic Championships. He also won Red Bull Air Race Worl

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AirVenture Sees World Debut of The Pink Jet

L-39 Donated to Aerial Angels Raises Breast Cancer Awareness

Aerial Angels is a 501(c)(3) devoted to raising awareness, supporting survivors, and raising funds for breast cancer research. Through donations from several generous individual and corporate supporters, the organization received a Czchoslovakian-built Aero Vodochody L-39 Albatros fighter jet which was then given its unique paint scheme and transformed into The Pink Jet. The pink color is easily-recognizable as the symbol of the fight against breast cancer and the tail displays the breast cancer support decal. The Pink Jet made its debut performance on the world stage at this year’s EAA AirVenture Oshkosh in front of record breaking attendance of 686,000 for the week-long

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Klyde Morris (07.29.24)

Klyde Has A Few Adventures At Oshkosh 2024...


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Classic Aero-TV: Goodyear's Wingfoot One - What it Takes to Tour in a Zeppelin

From 2016 (YouTube Version): Fly Along With Chief Pilot Hissem…

Goodyear’s Wingfoot One Zeppelin is not the blimp (Navy slang, “Poopy Bag”) that you have known from the past. It’s a modern lighter-than-air machine, and this video will provide a fascinating insight as to how it operates and what makes it work. Your guide in this captivating video is Spirit of Goodyear chief pilot, Gerald Hissem. The first part of the video discusses the operational requirements of the zeppelin, and you’ll probably hear things that you have never thought of before. Hissem formats his discussion by describing

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (08.02.24)

Aero Linx: KC-10 Extender Mission The KC-10 Extender is an Air Mobility Command advanced tanker and cargo aircraft designed to provide increased global mobility for U.S. armed forces. Although the KC-l0's primary mission is aerial refueling, it can combine the tasks of a tanker and cargo aircraft by refueling fighters and simultaneously carry the fighter support personnel and equipment on overseas deployments. The KC-10 is also capable of transporting litter and ambulatory patients using patient support pallets during aeromedical evacuations.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (08.02.24): Approach Sequence

Approach Sequence

The order in which aircraft are positioned while on approach or awaiting approach clearance.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (08.02.24)

“Ground reference maneuvers can be a source of frustration for student pilots. We show tips and tricks you can use to deal with wind to fly good patterns over the ground. This skill is best first understood on the ground. Watching these videos will save time and frustration in the air, while impressing your flight instructor with what you know.” Source: King Schools' Barry Knuttila, who hosts a new series of videos showing students the ropes. 

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