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October 12, 2024

Airborne Affordable Flyers 10.03.24: RV15 Update!, Zenith Homecoming, Trio STCs

Also: World Ultralight Fly-In, Pipistrel Velis, EAA Touts Larsen, Aero-TV: Keeping the Helicycle Legacy Alive

Flight testing of the new Van’s Aircraft RV-15 engineering prototype is underway, and despite a few setbacks, the process is in full swing. The company is currently working on a few tweaks to enhance both aerodynamics and usability. Van’s released several other changes, including moving the flap handle from the overhead position to a floor mount, updating aileron control systems, and evaluating a conventional horizontal stabilizer/elevator design. Zenith’s 33rd annual Homecoming event was hosted on September 20 and 21 in Mexico,

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Airborne 10.04.24: eParamotor Record, CA AvGas Ban, ‘Green Hydrogen’ Balloon

Also: Insurance Trial, Elixir Contract, Crazy Russkie Su-35, Airline Cautions

Nathan Finneman has been flying since childhood, including hang gliders for a time. But when he found paramotors in 2010 he’s been flying them over the world and in air shows. He also represented the USA in the World Air Sports Federation’s (FAI) world paramotor slalom championships. Finneman was at the Lake County Airport (KLXV) in Leadville, Colorado, to launch on his record-setting flight. LXV is the highest public-use airport in North America at 9,934 feet MSL. The record actually took two attempts due to some issues such as turbulence he experienced on t

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (10.12.24)

Aero Linx: Recreational Aviation Australia (RAAus) Recreational Aviation Australia is the country’s largest administrator of pilots, maintainers and aircraft. Formerly the Australian Ultralight Federation (AUF), RAAus was established in 1983 and since that time we have consistently seen growth, diversification and improvements in our performance. We changed our name from the AUF to Recreational Aviation Australia Inc. in 2004 and in 2016 we changed our governance structure from an Incorporated Association to a Company Limited by Guarantee. We are now Recreational Aviation Australia Limited (RAAus).

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (10.12.24): Instrument Runway

Instrument Runway A runway equipped with electronic and visual navigation aids for which a precision or nonprecision approach procedure having straight-in landing minimums has been approved. 

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (10.12.24)

“Peter truly had an unyielding passion for participating in field activities, including flying, and an insatiable curiosity for research... By releasing his ashes into Hurricane Milton, we sought to honor his memory and his spirit of teamwork, adventure, and curiosity.” Source Shirley Murillo, deputy director of the Hurricane Research Division at NOAA AOML, in comments made as Hurricane scientist Peter Dodge was granted a final flight through Hurricane Milton on October 8. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration honored Dodge’s more than 40 years of service by spreading his ashes through the massive storm’s eye.

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