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December 30, 2003

NTSB Assisting In Benin Airliner Crash Investigation

The NTSB will lead a team of US-based investigators to assist the government of Benin in its investigation into the crash of a Boeing 727 on Christmas day that apparently resulted in the deaths of more than 100 passengers and crew. NTSB Chairman Ellen Engleman Conners has designated Dennis Jones, a senior investigator for the NTSB, as the United States' Accredited Representative to the investigation. He will lead a team that includes investigators from the Federal Aviation Administration, Boeing Commercial Aircraft, and Pratt & Whitney Engines.

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Another Shoe Drops: DHS Issues Aviation Amendments

The Department of Homeland Security has announced that it issued three aviation emergency amendments to further enhance security on both passenger and cargo aircraft flying to, from and over the United States. International air carriers, where necessary, will now be required to place armed, trained, government law enforcement officers on designated flights as an added protective measure. Some countries already place armed law enforcement officers on flights traveling to, from or over the United States. The measures contained in these Emergency Amendments are in addition to requirements of federal regulations currently in place. The directives are effective immediately. Homeland Security remains concerned about Al Qaeda’s desire to conduct attacks against com

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Upgraded: JetBlue's New VP of Flt Ops

JetBlue Airways has named Captain Dave Bushy, Vice President, Flight Operations. Capt. Bushy fills a vacancy created by the promotion of Al Spain to Senior Vice President, Operations. Capt. Bushy joins JetBlue after a 24-year career with Delta Air Lines, where he started in 1979 as a Boeing 727 Second Officer, and held numerous management positions during his tenure at Delta, most recently as the company's Senior Vice President, Flight Operations.

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