Also: Drone Registration-Part 2, Juneyao Airlines, Space Needle Drone Bust, Canadian Airlines v St. Maarten
Airplanes are vital to Alaska.... there are six times as many pilots per capita, and 16 times as many airplanes per capita, as compared to the rest of the US... BUT Governor Walker (I) wants to make it more expensive to fly there. The Governor has proposed a state airplane registration system that would be used to create a database for instituting an airplane tax. The tax would be $150 on any private plane, single engine, twin, reciprocating or turboprop, and $250 on any commercial aircraft of any size. Walker has openly called the tax a user fee. Lockheed Martin test pilot Mark "Red" Ward reached a new milestone by becoming the first pil
Also: Gone West-Richard Gordon, StandardAero Buys Vector Aerospace, Alaska Airlines, Piper ADs
Possibly one of the best deals in general aviation, TruTrak is now delivering both Cessna 172 and Cessna 177 Vizion autopilot systems. AND... the company says the price is the same as when the system was announced at AirVenture 2017 - just $5000. This price includes pretty much everything needed to complete installation of the Vizion autopilot in a 172 or 177, autopilot controller, roll servo, pitch servo, mounting brackets, pushrods, AND hardware, even the wiring harness. Add in the affordably-priced ST
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Aero Linx: Aviation Without Borders
Aviation Without Borders (AWB) is an exciting UK aviation charity dedicated to providing humanitarian assistance through aviation services irrespective of politics, religion, race or nationality. "The intention", explains one volunteer, "is not to sit idly by, but to act, and to do so not just for the success of the charity or our own satisfaction, but mostly to help others. The motivation comes from the heart."
Like no other UK aviation charity, Aviation Without Borders is unique in using the talents and skills of the aviation community, and beyond, in such a worthwhile humanitarian manner. Volunteers
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