Palatka, FL Airport Holds Second Annual Fly-In | Aero-News Network
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Tue, Jan 17, 2012

Palatka, FL Airport Holds Second Annual Fly-In

Activities Planned To Interest Pilots, Public

Palatka, FL airport officials are set for their second annual Community Open House/Fly-In planned for Saturday January 28th. The event is planned for 0900-1600 EST. “This will be a great opportunity to come out and meet local pilots from all over North East Florida and share what we do with our local and regional community members. There will be plenty of food, fun and festivities," said Airport Manager, John Youell. "Last year’s inaugural event was a huge success and we are looking to improve this year’s showing with more aircraft and people attending."

Palatka Kay Larkin Field (28J)

Youell says a number of WWII “War-birds” from the Florida War bird Association are expected to preform “fly-bys” periodically and stop in to display their machines. Eagle Sport Aviation from Pierson Air Park will be selling bargain-priced introductory flights in their high performance S-21 glider, J-3 Cub and S-2 Pitts Aerobatic Biplane. Avia Aero Services Flight School will also be offering reasonably priced introductory flights for anyone who has or is thinking about taking flight lessons. Skydive Palatka will be actively jumping throughout the event and the local Remote Control Airplane club will be demonstrating and displaying their aircraft.

Youell says that other activities are still being planned, which will make the day enjoyable for everyone who comes out.  Lunch will be served beginning at 11:00 a.m. and last until the food runs out or the event is over, whichever comes first. A customary small donation to a charitable organization is all that is requested.

The event is sponsored by The City of Palatka along with a number of corporate supporters. "So bring your family and friends, folding chairs, blankets and flying machines (if you have them)," Youell says. "You will, no doubt, see a lot of cool airplanes, meet a lot of cool aviators and enjoy a great day at the airport."



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