SAE15 Sponsor, Renegade Light Sport, Offers Amazing Adventures
Welcome to Renegade Light Sport...

one of the most versatile and adventurous companies in the LSA industry! We have SO MUCH to offer you! From an amazing range of light sport airframes to new engine alternatives and the exciting new SPAR sport aviation racing program, Renegade has more to offer than you might have expected!
Renegade Light Sport Aircraft - Lil Rascal LS1 and LS2
Start first with our recently announced all-US-manufactured airframe with the Lycoming LSA engine. Renegade Light Sport Aircraft is proud to introduce the new Lycoming powered "Renegade Carbon Lil Rascal models - the LS1 and LS2." The Lil Rascal LS1 and LS2 are Light Sport compliant single and two seat fully aerobatic LSA aircraft.

The Lil Rascal LSA will feature fabric over carbon fiber construction and will be powered by the Lycoming AE-IO-233 fuel injected, fully aerobatic, electronic ignition engine. The Lil Rascal will be capable of fully inverted flight and producing 124 horsepower. The LS1 will weigh in at or just below 650 pounds total empty weight.
Renegade Light Sport Aircraft - Renegade Falcon LS 2.0
The Renegade Falcon LS 2.0 from Renegade Light Sport is truly a beautiful airplane.

It's clean, smooth lines are the result of composite construction using extraordinarily strong Kevlar carbon fiber. Due to this advanced construction material, the Falcon LS 2.0 airframe is light compared to other LSA's on the market, yet it remains incredibly strong with a wing loading of +6/-3g. The Renegade Falcon LS 2.0 is powered by a more traditional GA engine the I0 233 from Lycoming a 124 HP, 4 cylinder, direct drive. dual electronic ignition, with direct port fuel injection and a 2400 TBO.
Renegade Light Sport Aircraft - Renegade Falcon Taildragger
The Renegade Falcon LS 2.0 Mizzoura Taildragger from Renegade Light Sport is truly a beautiful airplane.

It's clean, smooth lines are the result of composite construction using extraordinarily strong Kevlar carbon fiber. Due to this advanced construction material, the Falcon LS 2.0 airframe is light compared to other LSA's on the market, yet it remains incredibly strong with a wing loading of +6/-3g.The Renegade Falcon LS 2.0 is powered by a more traditional GA engine the I0 233 from Lycoming a 124 HP, 4 cylinder, direct drive. dual electronic ignition, with direct port fuel injection and a 2400 TBO.
Sport Pylon Air Races (SPAR)
Sport Pylon Air Races or (SPAR) was formed to quench the thirst for more Air Racing here in the United States.

The (SPAR) CIRCUIT will be somewhat like other races, in that it will be a single aircraft being timed through a closed course, but that is where the similarity ends. These Lycoming fuel injected, electronic ignition, 125 horsepower, Sport Planes will explode through a series of twists and turns between, and around, Pylons and exciting obstacles. These are real LSA Sport Planes, all the planes are set up to be completely stock and totally equal in every respect.
SPAR is designed so that no pilot has the advantage of a superior aircraft over another pilot. Much like the "IROC" races in the 80’s and 90’s every possible step has been taken to make it truly a "PILOT V PILOTS" race.
The D-Motor, a light weight aircraft engine that has been under development and testing since 2010, and is being flown in aircraft in Europe and around the world, is now available in the America through D-Motor USA!

D-Motor company began production of the D motor in 2010. The 4 cylinder D-Motor is based on existing and well proven technology -- the 4 stroke side valve (flat head) boxer engine uses the latest technology, including multipoint fuel injection, electronic ignition and liquid cooling giving a maximum continuous power of 88.8 HP.
Combine this with high quality materials, machined on the latest precision C.N.C. machines -- this ensures that crank shafts, connecting rods, camshafts and all engine components are produced to the highest standards.
The engine was initially bench tested for hundreds hours before undergoing extensive flight testing by three independent aircraft manufacturers and/or distributors to establish its reliability and durability.
Advantages of the D-motor for Light Sport and Experimental Amateur-Built aircraft:
- The D-Motor is Compact: By using the flathead instead of overhead engine, the D-Motor is smaller in area despite the big cubic capacity.
The D-Motor is Simple: With the flathead design, the D-Motor is simpler and doesn't have the complexity of rockers. A D-Motor customer wrote on a blog, after exploring the inside of the engine, "This engine will go a long way. After fiddling in it's belly, I have even more faith in the mechanics of the engine. It is so simple, there is not much that can go wrong."

- The D-Motor is Lightweight: The extra weight of the liquid cooling is compensated by the flathead design, which does not have an overhead camshaft and cooling fins. The liquid cooling makes it possible to practice "touch and go's" without any danger of thermal shocks or hotspots. It also improves fuel efficiency and lowers emissions.
- The D-Motor is Strong: The big cubic capacity results in high torque, with the direct drive running at lower RPM instead of a smaller engine running high RPM. The D-Motor takes advantage of Nikasil treatment for the cylinders, used in many higher RPM engines. This expensive treatment is used for motorbike engines running up to 12,000RPM. At a red line of 3000 RPM, this treatment is an extra guarantee for a long life.
"Did-You Know?" -- Cool Facts About Renegade Light Sport!
- Renegade Light Sport is led by Christopher "Doc" Bailey -- a former military aviator having completed the US Army's Army Warrant Officer program for Rotary Wing aviators.
- Renegade Light Sport has just moved into a new facility at the Deland, FL, airport.
- The Renegade Falcon LS 2.0 is built with composite construction using the extraordinarily strong properties of Kevlar and Carbon Fiber.
- The LS1 aerobatic LSA will weigh in at or just below 650 pounds total empty weight.
- Renegade Light Sport has a flight school in Deland, FL, offering private and sport pilot training.
- A 6 cylinder D-Motor is under development. The LF39 is expected to available in the middle of 2014.
The Renegade "LIL RASCAL" Bi-plane and the Renegade Falcon LS, dubbed the "Mizzourah Tail dragger," will be the two aircraft that will start thje SPAR circuit.

- The Lycoming IO-233-LSA accepts both mogas and avgas (just NO ethanol), adds fuel injection, and includes a triple-redundant, dual-electronic ignition system for increased simplicity and decreased weight.
- Proceeds from the SPAR races will fund the "Broken Wing Program" -- A 501c3 Non-Profit program that has been formed so that (without cost to them), we can train our Wounded Warriors how to fulfill one of mans most precious dreams -- "The Ability To Fly"
- Renegade offers an accelerated sport pilot training program to get you in the air (flying and having fun!) in just a few weeks -- for as little as $4,360.
Read All About SAE15 Sponsor Renegade Light Sport -- In The News!