R.I.P. Virginia Heinlein | Aero-News Network
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Sat, Jan 18, 2003

R.I.P. Virginia Heinlein

Ginny Has 'Sailed Beyond The Sunset'

Virginia Heinlein (with Robert, right), the much-loved widow of Science Fiction author Robert Heinlein, has passed away.

"Ginny" passed quietly in her sleep Saturday, having been hospitalized since Thanksgiving, when she fell and broke her hip. A talented and devoted partner to an amazing man, Virginia was an integral part of a writing legend that inspired millions to seek new horizons, and to push way past the limits others tried to put on them. To say that they were both "an inspiration" is a woeful understatement... but other words fail for the moment, and so these must do.

She was a lovely and gracious woman, who occasionally corresponded (often online) with a number of people who started their love for aerospace and adventure with "Rocket Ship Galileo," "Starship Troopers," "Stranger in a Strange Land," or "Time Enough For Love."

Robert passed away in the spring of 1988, and, for nearly fifteen years, Virginia has been a loyal and extraordinary custodian of her husband's life and work. Robert Heinlein described Virginia as his, "surrogate chela in the guru business," and despite the sadness of her passing, I have to smile at the thought of these two soulmates finally being reunited in what awaits us all, "Beyond This Horizon."

Godspeed Virginia, and God Bless...  --Jim Campbell, E-I-C 

FMI: www.alt.fan.heinlein, www.quotableheinlein.com


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