Coulson Fire Nabs Contract with Chile | Aero-News Network
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Sat, Nov 18, 2023

Coulson Fire Nabs Contract with Chile

3-Year Deal Stations C-130H and Citation 550 for Forest Fires

Coulson Aviation will be putting a unit of its C-130H Hercules Large AirTankers on station with local partner BRYSA to fulfill a 3-year contract with the Chilean National Forest Corporation.

The unit will be supported by a Citation 550 'air attack lead plane', allowing for spotting and scouting of fires before they conflagrate. The Citation serves as an airborne command and control center once the worst comes to pass, too. Its maneuverability allows it to stay out of the way of tankers firefighting down below, while its speed helps it to hop around the region wherever it's needed most. Coulson Aviation notes that it's the "only aerial firefighting company operating Large Airtankers with Air Attack Lead Aircraft internationally." Their C-130H sports their own custom 4,000-gallon Retardant Aerial Delivery System (RADS-XXL), a system they say is the envy of firefighting operators the world over thanks to its minimum crew requirement, high flow rates, and superior drop zone coverage.

“We are honored to continue supporting Chile with our aircraft,” said Britton Coulson, President and COO, Coulson Aviation. “We have been successfully fighting fires in Chile for the past three years with our Boeing CH-47D’s and Lockheed C-130H’s with great success. This new contract solidifies Coulson’s presence with the largest airtanker in the country. It also recognizes the value our C-130 and Citation 550 working together to provide an efficient and productive aerial firefighting response.”



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