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December 03, 2024

Airborne-NextGen 12.03.24: MagniX Records, New PAL-V Rotors, SpaceX Wants 25!

 Also: Redmond PD BVLOS, Ruko U11MINI, Starlink On Gulfstream, Swift At 56,000'

MagniX’s magni650 electric propulsion unit (EPU) recently completed its extensive NASA test campaign. This moves the device one step closer to achieving the “world’s first” electric engine certification. The magni650 conducted testing at NASA’s Electric Aircraft Testbed, or NEAT, in Sandusky, Ohio. It was able to provide a maximum continuous 700 kilowatts of power at an altitude of 30,000 feet. PAL-V and the Netherlands Aerospace Center (NLR) announced the completion of the development phase of the rotor blades for the PAL-V Liberty, a significant step in moving toward the production phase of the flying car. SpaceX is aiming t

MagniX Breaks Records, Concludes NASA Test Campaign

Magni650 Electric Propulsion Unit Nears Electric Engine Certification

MagniX’s magni650 electric propulsion unit (EPU) recently completed its extensive NASA test campaign. This moves the device one step closer to achieving the “world’s first” electric engine certification. The magni650 conducted testing at NASA’s Electric Aircraft Testbed, or NEAT, in Sandusky, Ohio.

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GAMA Releases Q3 2024 Aircraft Report

Shipping And Billing Stable Relative To 2023

The General Aviation Manufacturers Association (GAMA) issued the Third Quarter 2024 General Aviation Aircraft Shipping and Billing Report. The report shows an increase in the overall value of shipments and increased shipments of piston airplanes, business jets, and turbine helicopters. Shipments of turboprops and piston helicopters were in line with the first nine months of 2023.

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Is the Instrument Rating as Hard as People Say?

A Recently-Rated Pilot’s Perspective on the IRA

From speaking with both new and veteran pilots, it is clear that there is a strong love-hate relationship with the Instrument Rating. Sure, approaches are a big step up from the endless traffic patterns in Private Pilot training… but is Instrument flying as brutal as people say?

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Virginia City Hosts Toys for Tots Fun Fly

Suffolk Community Raises $1,400 to Support Families

The aviation community of Suffolk, Virginia recently came together to host a ‘fun fly’ supporting the Toys for Tots charity. Donations were collected throughout the event, raising $1,400 and toys to assist families in need over the holiday season. The Suffolk Skydiving club also made an appearance at the event to perform a live demonstration while carrying donations.

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Unruly Passenger Booted From Two Flights in Five Days

Woman Boards Flight Without a Ticket on One, Causes Ruckus on the Other

A 56-year-old woman who snuck onto a Delta Airlines flight without a boarding pass on November 25 was kicked off of her return flight only five days later. She currently remains in custody in Paris, France. French officials and TSA are both investigating the case, hopefully focusing on how she got through ID checks and onto the aircraft without ever presenting a valid boarding pass.

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Airborne-NextGen 12.03.24: MagniX Records, New PAL-V Rotors, SpaceX Wants 25!

Also: Redmond PD BVLOS, Ruko U11MINI, Starlink On Gulfstream, Swift At 56,000'

MagniX’s magni650 electric propulsion unit (EPU) recently completed its extensive NASA test campaign. This moves the device one step closer to achieving the “world’s first” electric engine certification. The magni650 conducted testing at NASA’s Electric Aircraft Testbed, or NEAT, in Sandusky, Ohio. It was able to provide a maximum continuous 700 kilowatts of power at an altitude of 30,000 feet. PAL-V and the Netherlands Aerospace Center (NLR) announced the completion of the development phase of the rotor blades for the PAL-V Liberty, a significant

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US Army Receives First Bombardier Global 6500

Delivery Supports High Accuracy Detection and Exploitation System Program

The US Army recently took delivery of its first Global 6500 from Bombardier Defense. The aircraft is part of the Army’s High Accuracy Detection and Exploitation System (HADES) program. The army’s new Global 6500 was presented at a ceremony held at Bombardier’s US Headquarters in Wichita, Kansas.

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Royal Canadian Air Force Orders 19 PC-21 Trainers

Contract Signed Through RCAF’s Future Aircrew Training Program

The Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) has signed a contract with Pilatus to receive 19 PC-21 training aircraft. The deal was made alongside SkyAlyne for RCAF’s “Future Aircrew Training” (FAcT) program. The new PC-21 fleet will be located at the Moose Jaw Canadian Forces Base (CFB) in Saskatchewan.

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Classic Aero-TV: MyGoflight Acquires FlightFlix

From SnF 2024 (YouTube Edition): FlightFlix Has What You Need For Mounting Cameras

While weathering the brief storm at Sun ‘n Fun 2024, ANN Editor-in-Chief Jim Campbell hunkered down for a chat with President and Co-Founder of MYGOFLIGHT Nic Martinez, taking a spell to check out their high-quality action camera mounting systems. MyGoFlight brought out its recent portfolio additions from FlightFlix, a whole host of camera mounting solutions tailor-made for aviation.

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NTSB Final Report: Michael G Darby DARD 1

After Landing He Realized He Had Misidentified The Runway And Landed In Softer Snow

Analysis: The pilot reported that during approach to the snow-covered runway in flat light conditions, the runway end lights were off making it difficult to see the runway. He lined up on what he perceived to be the runway centerline and noted ski tracks to the right of his position. After a normal touchdown, he increased power for a touch-and-go; however, he noticed the skis bogged down into the soft snow. There was a sudden deceleration, and the airplane nosed over, sustaining substantial damage to the rudder.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (12.03.24)

Aero Linx: The Collings Foundation The Collings Foundation is a non-profit, Educational Foundation (501(c)3), founded in 1979. The purpose of the Foundation is to preserve and exhibit  rare historical artifacts and to organize and support “living history” events that enable Americans to learn more about their heritage through direct participation.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (12.03.24): Area Navigation (RNAV)

Area Navigation (RNAV) A method of navigation which permits aircraft operation on any desired flight path within the coverage of ground− or space−based navigation aids or within the limits of the capability of self-contained aids, or a combination of these.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (12.03.24)

"They don’t call it a ‘weed-out’ rating for nothing. It’s hard, requires painful accuracy, and the whole process can feel a little rushed, especially in a collegiate program. However, I can say without a doubt that earning an Instrument Rating has been the most rewarding part of my flight journey so far." Source: From a story by ANN Associate Editor, Addison DeWitt, shortly after completing her Instrument ticket at Purdue University. Take our word for it, this kid is going places... 

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