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December 19, 2024

Airborne Affordable Flyers 12.19.24: MOSAIC Delay?, Flight Design BK, Flybox

 Also: Velocity Display, Starlink Mini For GA?, 2025 FSA FlightSimExpo, Drone Sightings

The surprise announcement of FAA Boss, Michael Whitaker’’s impending resignation caught much of the industry off guard. While initial concerns surround the state of various Boeing machinations/investigations, those of us in the sport and general aviation community have concerns on the much-delayed, oft-promised final publication of MOSAIC. Flight Design general aviation GmbH has filed for bankruptcy. The company is based at Eisenach-Kindel airfield in Germany. This development follows a string of financial troubles in the aviation industry, including bankruptcies from Hoffmann Propeller, Lilium, Sonaca, and ICON earlier in the year. Fie

AURA AERO’s INTEGRAL R Earns EASA Certification

Deliveries Of Two-Seat Trainer To Begin In 2025

AURA AERO announced that its INTEGRAL R, a two-seat trainer aircraft with aerobatic capabilities, has been certified by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). The certification comes just six years after its design and four and a half years after its first flight in June 2020. The INTEGRAL R is the first aircraft in the INTEGRAL family designed and built by AURA AERO, and the certification is the culmination of a ground and flight test campaign.

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FAA Accelerates Space License Application Reviews

Says Federal Range Safety Analyses Now Satisfy Requirements

The FAA announced on December 13 that it will now accept the safety analyses filed by Federal ranges in California, Florida, and Virginia as satisfying the requirements of Part 450 for space mission launch and reentry licenses. This action removes a level of paperwork and review to bring more efficiency and clarification to the process.

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Industry Groups Request Halt To Revised FAA Medical Policy

Policy Will Deny Cert Instead Of Requesting Additional Information

Fourteen aviation associations and unions have sent a letter to Federal Air Surgeon Susan A. Northrup, MD, MPH, requesting a stay in implementation and consider withdrawing a change in policy the FAA recently announced that affects the handling of medical certificate applications.

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SmartSky Hits Gogo With $1B+ Anti-Trust Lawsuit

Alleges “Abusive Monopolist” Actions

SmartSky Networks has filed an anti-trust lawsuit against Gogo Inc., and Gogo Business Aviation, LLC, in U.S. District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, alleging that Gogo engaged in monopolistic actions in the air-to-ground (ATG) broadband inflight connectivity market for business aviation.

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Daher Learning Center Opens With Optimism

Can Host 40 Students For Customized Technical Talent Development

Daher announced the opening of its brand new Daher Learning Center in Colomiers, near Toulouse, France. The facility comprises nearly 10,000 square feet and represents the company’s commitment to address the growing demand for skilled personnel in the aerospace industry.

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Klyde Morris (12.16.24)

Klyde Thinks We're Being 'Goosed'


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Counter-Drone Tech Monitors El Paso Air Show Airspace

D-Fend Provides Takeover Capability To Prevent Rogue Drone Intrusion

D-Fend Solutions partnered with El Paso International Airport (KELP) to successfully implement a pilot project to monitor the airspace during the recent Amigo AirSho, using advanced counter-drone technology to protect the restricted airspace and attendees from intrusion by unauthorized drones.

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Southwest Research Gets $26.1M NASA Space Instrument Contract

Will Build Magnetometer For NOAA Space Weather Next Program

The Southwest Research Institute of San Antonio was selected by NASA on behalf of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to build the next-generation space weather magnetometer for the Lagrange 1 Series project under NOAA’s Space Weather Next program. The cost-plus-fee contract includes development of two magnetometers and is valued at about $26.1 million.

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Airborne 12.11.24: Switchblade Hybrid, Indy Heliport Endangered, AK Pilot Busted

Also: CAF P-39, Orion Heat Shield, ISS Replacement, Banyan Acquisition

Samson Sky released some details about its proprietary Skybrid hybrid electric drive-and-fly system that powers its Switchblade Flying Car. At the heart of the system is a 260 hp four-cylinder, liquid-cooled internal combustion engine repurposed from the automotive industry and runs on premium auto gas. The FAA recently issued its approval to the Indianapolis Airport Authority to close the downtown Indy Heliport. The land is part of a larger chunk needed for the city to construct a Major League Soccer stadium. Shutting down the heliport has already been a lengthy process, but it isn&r

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Airborne 12.11.24: Switchblade Hybrid, Indy Heliport Endangered, AK Pilot Busted

Also: CAF P-39, Orion Heat Shield, ISS Replacement, Banyan Acquisition

Samson Sky released some details about its proprietary Skybrid hybrid electric drive-and-fly system that powers its Switchblade Flying Car. At the heart of the system is a 260 hp four-cylinder, liquid-cooled internal combustion engine repurposed from the automotive industry and runs on premium auto gas. The FAA recently issued its approval to the Indianapolis Airport Authority to close the downtown Indy Heliport. The land is part of a larger chunk needed for the city to construct a Major League Soccer stadium. Shutting down the heliport has already been a lengthy process, but i

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NTSB Prelim: Truitt James B Vans RV-8A

It Was Not Uncommon For The Pilot To Occasionally Fly Over The Property At Low Altitudes While Enroute To Various Destinations

On December 4, 2024, about 1451 eastern standard time, an experimental amateur-built Vans RV-8A, N627TT, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Fort Blackmore, Virginia. The commercial pilot was fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 business flight. According to the operations manager at Virginia Highlands Airport (VGI), Abington, Virginia, the pilot received 16.8 gallons of 100LL aviation fuel prior to departure. He watched the airplane depart runway 24, and as the pilot approached the end of the runway, the airplane “did a sharp

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Classic Aero-TV: The Nature of AirVenture-A Unique Look at the Planes of Oshkosh

From 2012 (YouTube Edition): Aero-TV Takes A (Very) Creative Look At The Wilder Side Of Oshkosh

Sometimes, after a week of watching airplanes fly, they begin to seem to almost ... well ... begin to take on a life of their own. When videographers and writers start to look at airplanes in that way, strange things can happen. We call our airplanes "birds." They have names like KitFox, Goose, BearHawk, and ... yes ... Cub. And at an event like Oshkosh they do gather, like all the different animals at the watering hole on the African savannah, for a brief time before moving on. There are the fragile, the small and agile, the large and ponderous, and the

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (12.19.24)

Aero Linx: Aviators Code Initiative (ACI) The ACI materials are for use by aviation practitioners -- pilots, mechanics, organizations, and the entire aviation community.  Designed to be adaptable by the implementer, they are provided without charge and periodically updated.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (12.19.24): Security Notice (SECNOT)

Security Notice (SECNOT) A SECNOT is a request originated by the Air Traffic Security Coordinator (ATSC) for an extensive communications search for aircraft involved, or suspected of being involved, in a security violation, or are considered a security risk. A SECNOT will include the aircraft identification, search area, and expiration time. The search area, as defined by the ATSC, could be a single airport, multiple airports, a radius of an airport or fix, or a route of flight. Once the expiration time has been reached, the SECNOT is considered to be canceled. 

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (12.19.24)

“We are very proud to have obtained the CS-23 type certification for INTEGRAL R. This is the materialization of 5 years of relentless work and most of all, the recognition of our credibility as a full aircraft manufacturer with DOA/POA approvals and certification.” Source: Jérémy Caussade, Co-founder and President of the company, after AURA AERO announced that its INTEGRAL R, a two-seat trainer aircraft with aerobatic capabilities, has been certified by the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). The certification comes just six years after its design and four and a half years after its first flight in June 2020. 

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