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June 08, 2023

Airborne Affordable Flyers 06.08.23: Velocity V-Twin 6, eSPRG Progress, RotorX Update

 Also: AeroPup Soon To Fly, Bushliner, Dynon Offers Trade-In, Cubcrafters 

A much modified version of the Velocity V-Twin has made its first flight in Sebastian, FL, out of Velocity Aircraft’s company HQ. Stretching a fiberglass / carbon-composite airframe 24-inches longitudinally and four inches both vertically and laterally is an ambitious undertaking, but one well-suited to Velocity’s decades of experience and aeronautical know-how. We’ve been promoting the forthcoming SportPlane Resource Guide in an all digital format for some weeks now and we’re happy to say that we’re making excellent progress... with all primary book templates now approved and a couple of hundred pages laid out. The Rotorway E

Climate Protesters Vandalize Citation 525

Crime Veiled in the Raiments of Activism

On 06 June 2023, protesters ostensibly connected to Last Generation—a group of climate-change activists indigenous, primarily, to Germany and Italy — egregiously vandalized a Cessna 525 CitationJet 1+ parked on Germany’s Sylt Airport (GWT). The aircraft is reportedly owned by a German real estate entrepreneur. According to German news outlets, local authorities have undertaken an investigation of the incident. Remarkably, police are reportedly endeavoring to determine if the vandals were coerced, and if any property damage was incurred.

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157 Years of Distilled Oshkosh Know-How Handed Out for Free

AirVenture Tips and Tricks Published to Aid Attendees Ahead of Time

EAA staff got together to share some of their favorite “insider” know-how ahead of next July’s AirVenture 2023. First, the team went over the ins and outs of ticketing, sharing the best ways to snag early bird pricing or expedite entry into the AirVenture grounds. The deadline for Express Arrival and member-only Early Bird pricing is only a couple weeks away, on June 15th. Also, kids 18 and under are free attendees, part of the EAA's work with sponsors looking to corral the next generation of aviation professionals.

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Airborne 06.01.23: Reno Seeks New Home, Jet It Kaput, SLS Criticized

Also: Diamond DA62 SurveyStar, Blue Origin, Radio Altimeter 5G SAIB, ALPA v 1500 HR Rule

The Reno Air Racing Association (RARA) is now accepting bids from airports and localities seeking to partner with the organization for purpose of hosting future air racing events. Last March, the Reno Air Racing Association’s board of directors regretfully announced that 2023’s 59th National Championship Air Races—spanning 13 through 17 September—are to be the last held at Reno, Nevada’s Reno-Stead Airport (4SD). North Carolina-based charter and fractional ownership concern Jet It—the world’s 12th largest private jet operator by t

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Aero-TV: Portrait of Montaer’s MC-01


Brazil’s Take on The LSA

Based on DeLand, Florida’s DeLand Municipal Airport (DED), Aero Affinity Holding Corporation maintains the rights to represent, sell, and service international aircraft brands in the United States. Additionally, the company reportedly provides flight-training, aircraft maintenance and support, and aviation consultancy services -- though, be advised, we've had a very difficult time communicating with this company to get more info. 

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NBAA Launches Free Webinar for Small Operators

Looking Out for the Little Guy

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) will imminently host its first-annual Small Operators Symposium—a free online community event (webinar) conceived of to benefit operators of four or fewer aircraft. The virtual event is intended to build on the success of the in-person symposium held annually at the association’s Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE). Dubbed Urgent PIREP: Small Flight Department Administration, the webinar is open to all and will feature aircraft operators and industry experts versed in the complexities of flight department management. The comprehensive, two-hour event is slated to get underway Tuesday, 20 June at 15:00 EDT.

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Plane Purveyor Sells AT-6D to WASP Museum Fleet

Women Airforce Service Pilots Now Own Full Range of WWII US Trainer Planes

Courtesy Aircraft helped the WASP Museum complete its collection with the purchase of a vintage North American AT-6D, capping off their fleet of WWII trainers after years of searching. The museum is dedicated to keeping the memory of the Women Airforce Service Pilots corps, or WASPs, who helped to strengthen the country's logistical backbone in the early years of WWII. The civilian pilots became an early entry into the world of military-approved female aviators, forming their first squadron in summer of 1942. 

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Fourth Edition of ASA’s “Lesson Plans to Train Like You Fly” Announced

A Perennial Favorite Updated and Digitized

ASA has announced the release of the fourth edition of its popular Lesson Plans to Train Like You Fly publication. Written by Arlynn McMahon as a guide for Certified Flight Instructors (CFIs), the tome presents lesson plans in the form of scenario-based maneuver briefings. A rich and proven resource, Lesson Plans to Train Like You Fly is useful to both active CFIs and persons preparing for their CFI written and practical tests.

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Bushliner-Lycoming Partnership Announced

New 1850 Powerplant Options Imminent

Bushliner, the Washington State-based backcountry aircraft concern renowned for its wizardry with Cessna’s 180 and 185 airframes, announced on 05 June 2023 that it had signed an OEM distribution agreement with Lycoming Engines. The partnership occasions the beginning of a new chapter in Bushliner’s history and heralds the introduction of new and compelling engine options for the company’s highly anticipated 1850 kit—buyers of which now have the option to power their aircraft with Lycoming’s IO-540 and IO-580 powerplants.

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Southeast Aerospace Awarded STC for Hawker 800 Flight-Deck Upgrade

Goodbye Legacy CRTs; Hello Universal Avionics InSight Suite

Universal Avionics has announced that Universal authorized dealer Southeast Aerospace (SEA) has received FAA Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) approval to upgrade the flight-decks of Hawker 800 jets with Universal’s InSight suite.

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NTSB Prelim: Cessna 172

The (Aileron) Pulley Did Not Rotate Freely, And Corrosion Was Noted

On May 26, 2023, at 1118 eastern daylight time, a Cessna 172P, N3KV, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident at Palm Beach County Park Airport (LNA), Lake Worth, Florida. The flight instructor and student pilot were fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 91 instructional flight. According to airport security video, the airplane from departed runway 4, rotated and began to climb.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (06.08.23)

Aero-Linx: Porterfield Airplane Club

The American Eagle Aircraft Corporation was started in 1925 by Ed Porterfield for the express purpose of providing a safe training aircraft for the fledgling Porterfield Flying School. Porterfield felt that a safer, better performing trainer was badly needed to replace the existing "Jennys" and Lincoln "Standards" being used in his flight school. In April 1926, the American Eagle, Model A-1, first flew from Richards Field in Kansas City, Missouri...

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (06.08.23): Jet Route

Jet Route

A route designed to serve aircraft operations from 18,000 feet MSL up to and including flight level 450. The routes are referred to as “J” routes with numbering to identify the designated route; e.g., J105. 

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (06.08.23)

"It was an honor to help the WASP museum find the perfect AT-6 they needed. This flying example is an excellent way for the museum to honor those who served before us and remember the contributions the WASP pilots made."  Source: Courtesy President Mark Clark, referencing how Courtesy Aircraft helped the WASP Museum complete its collection with the purchase of a vintage North American AT-6D, capping off their fleet of WWII trainers after years of searching.

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