Also: Dramatic Helo Rescue, Hot Spots Standardized, NASA's 747SP, Blackhawk Aerospace Acquired
Ask any taildragger pilot about the issues inherent in taxiing the average conventional geared airplane around a busy ramp... like the Pitts Special, Cessna 195, Russian SU26/29/31 Sukhoi series... or... the P-51 Mustang. So... as the year was coming to a close, two aircraft met in the worst possible way... the oft-warned nose to tail collision. A North American P-51D Mustang, N3333E, nicknamed 'Glamorous Glenn III', ran into the aft section of a Piper PA-46-600TP M600, N282TX, during taxi at Houston Executive Airport, Texas. Inside the Multi-Payload Processing Facility at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, engineers and technicians are conducting in
One of the 1000+ SportPlane Profiles Destined For The Next SportPlane Resource Guide
E-I-C Note: The eSPRG and ANN staff have been working furiously, behind the scenes on a new All-Digital, Next-Generation, SportPlane Resource Guide. In addition to nearly 100 'How-To' chapters, dozens of appendices, THOUSANDS of videos and images, and other fonts of SportPlane knowledge, we estimate that some 1000 or so SportPlanes and Sport Aircraft will eventually be profiled. Herewith; a sample profile of one of the many, many, MANY aircraft coming up for the next eSPRG... while also noting that the published eSPRG profiles will also include even more info, pictures, data and (where possible) detailed and carefully critical Repo
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... Sharply Decreased To A Descent Exceeding 5,000 Ft Per Minute
On November 9, 2022, about 0934 central standard time, a Piper PA46-500TP, N234PM, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near Bignell, Nebraska. The pilot and passenger sustained fatal injuries. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 business flight. According to preliminary air traffic control information, the pilot established contact with Denver Air Route Traffic Control Center (ZDV), reported inbound to the North Platte Regional Airport (LBF), North Platte, Nebraska, and the controller issued the current altimeter.
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