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January 25, 2023

EAA Celebrates 70 Years of Sharing the Spirit of Aviation

Three-Score and Ten Young

Comes now 2023, and the 70th anniversary of the Experimental Aircraft Association’s founding—an auspicious occurrence of which current EAA CEO and Chairman Jack J. Pelton remarked: “For seven decades, EAA has allowed people to passionately pursue that dream [of flight] with imagination and innovation, as they found kindred spirits that created an aviation movement that has no equal in the history of manned flight.”

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SpaceX Starship Test Firing Imminent

Thirty-Three Burning

SpaceX’s Starship—the vehicle by which Elon Musk, his legions of boffins, NASA, and the whole of mankind aims to return humans to the moon and eventually pack them off to Mars—is drawing ever nearer its inaugural launch. In point of fact, the mammoth spacecraft and the Super Heavy booster by which it is to be borne heavenward may well make their first orbital flight within weeks.

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Airborne 01.17.23: Forgotten Fighter, EAA's 70th!, 3000th Caravan

Also: Immersive Radio Training, Helios Anti-Icing, Hydroplane, 5G AD

Congressman Darrell Issa released a statement regarding the upcoming upgrade to the Navy Cross for Navy Captain E. Royce William, California. Williams will be recognized for his 7-on-1 battle in 1952, when he flew his F9F-5 Panther alone against a group of Soviet MiG-15s. After years without recognition, William's previously received Silver Star will be upgraded to the Navy Cross. Williams came away the victor, shooting down 4 before excaping with a 37-mm hole in his fuselage. EAA is going all out for its 70th anniversary this year, marking the group's inception on January 26, 2023. T

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Airborne 01.17.23: Forgotten Fighter, EAA's 70th!, 3000th Caravan

Also: Immersive Radio Training, Helios Anti-Icing, Hydroplane, 5G AD

Congressman Darrell Issa released a statement regarding the upcoming upgrade to the Navy Cross for Navy Captain E. Royce William, California. Williams will be recognized for his 7-on-1 battle in 1952, when he flew his F9F-5 Panther alone against a group of Soviet MiG-15s. After years without recognition, William's previously received Silver Star will be upgraded to the Navy Cross. Williams came away the victor, shooting down 4 before excaping with a 37-mm hole in his fuselage. EAA is going all out for its 70th anniversary this year, marking the group's inception on January 26, 2023. T

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Aero-TV: Remembering Bob Hoover

Legacy of a Titan

Robert (Bob) Anderson Hoover was a fighter pilot, test pilot, flight instructor, and air show superstar. More so, Bob Hoover was an icon of American military and civil aviation, and a man whose achievements in and out of the cockpit stand with those of Wiley Post, Richard Byrd, Chuck Yeager, Albert Scott Crossfield, and John Boyd. Hoover flew Spitfires in the United States Army Air Force during the Second World War. In 1944, he was shot down off the coast of France and held for over a year in a German POW camp. Ill-suited to captivity, Hoover escaped his Nazi captors, eventually stealing an enemy aircraft and flying it to freedom. After t

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CAF Fundraises Repairs to P-47N

Warbird Restoration Proceeds With Repairs to Wings, Flaps Thanks to Generous Supporters

The Commemorative Air Force successfully fundraised for the restoration of their Republic P47 Thunderbolt, bringing in $38,552 - 193% of their $20,000 goal. The money will go to purchase a new engine mount, as well as a new set of brakes for the aircraft. Now that the P47 has been out of production for more than half a century, suitable replacement parts are few and far between, lost to warehouses and collectors around the world. While more than 15,000 of the sturdy fighters were built during the second world war, barely a baker’s dozen remain airworthy in the USA today.

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Israeli Air Force Grounds Drone Fleet …


The Israeli Air Force (IAF) grounded its fleet of armed IAI Heron-1 drones after a specimen of the medium-altitude long-endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) was damaged during takeoff on Saturday, 21 January 2023. The incident occasioned the third fleetwide grounding of the Heron-1—known within Israeli military circles as the Shoval (Hebrew “Path”)—in the last four months.

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NBAA Announces Business Aircraft Scheduler Certificate Program

To Dispatch with Dispatch

For purpose of assisting aircraft schedulers seeking career advancement, NBAA announced that it will offer a new Business Aircraft Scheduler Certificate Program prior to the organization’s 2023 NBAA Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference (SDC2023) to be held at Nashville, Tennessee’s Music City Center between 24 and 26 January.

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2022 Heli Market Trends Report Issued

Pre-Owned Helicopter Sales Down in 2022

Aero Asset has released its Heli Market Trends 2022 Annual Single Engine Report. Subject treatise shows 2022 sales of pre-owned single-engine helicopters were down 12-percent compared to 2021. Aero Asset’s report is germane to and addresses recent, retail sales of single-engine pre-owned helicopter models in production and all variants thereof.

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H3 Dynamics, Hylium Progress on Liquid H2

Hydrogen Powered Drones to Attempt Transatlantic Voyage on Hydrogen Power

H3 Dynamics has joined hands with Hylium Industries to boost the performance of their sustainable, hydrogen-electric hybrid tech with the latter's liquid hydrogen storage designs. Hylium's specialty in liquification for hydrogen fuels could be a great boost to H3 Dynamics' efforts, as they develop hydrogen propulsion in a world of battery-only competitors. The jump to liquid hydrogen is a promising one, given its increased energy density over compressed gas.

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Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame Announces 2023 Inductees

The Distinguished Half-Dozen

Founded to establish and maintain ongoing means by which to honor native Minnesotans who’ve contributed significantly to the development, advancement, and promotion of aviation in Minnesota and elsewhere, the Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame strives to foster, promote, and encourage public appreciation of the state’s rich aviation history. On 23 January, the Board of Directors of the Minnesota Aviation Hall of Fame proudly announced the names of the six persons to be inducted into the Hall of Fame’s 2023 class.

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NTSB Prelim: Piper Aircraft Inc PA-34-220T

Multiple Witnesses Reported That The Mountain Range Was Obscured With Clouds

On January 4, 2023, about 1456 mountain standard time, a Piper PA-34-220T, N814WT was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near New Harmony, Utah. The pilot was fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. The pilot had flown from his home base of Salt Lake City Airport (SLC) the morning of the accident to check on his secondary residence in the St. George area, and the accident flight was to be his return trip.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.25.23)

Aero Linx: International Federation Of Airworthiness We aim to be the most internationally respected independent authority on the subject of Airworthiness. IFA uniquely combines together all those with responsibility for policies, principles and practices concerned with the continuing airworthiness of civil transport aircraft throughout the world. IFA’s mission is to contribute to the debate and formation of policies, which affect the Airworthiness of civil aircraft worldwide, and to influence Regulators, Airlines, Maintenance Organisations and Governments to constantly improve aviation safety. 

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (01.25.23): Instrument Approach Procedure [ICAO]

Instrument Approach Procedure [ICAO] A series of predetermined maneuvers by reference to flight instruments with specified protection from obstacles from the  initial approach fix, or where applicable, from the beginning of a defined arrival route to a point from which a landing can be completed and thereafter, if a landing is not completed, to a position at which holding or en route obstacle clearance criteria apply.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (01.21.23)

“EAA’s founder, the late Paul Poberezny, often said that he never expected this little Milwaukee airplane club to grow into what it has become, but it tapped into a basic aspiration—the freedom to fly.” Source: EAA Boss, Jack Pelton, in remarks made as EAA approaches its 70th anniversary.

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