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January 11, 2023

Airborne 01.11.23: Scalebirds P-36, Aerobility, NWOC Warbird Conference

Also: Super Bowl LVII TFR, EAA Canadian Council, FAA-Korea Coop, ERBS Reentry
The Scalebirds P-36 test aircraft has been flying for a while now and as most flight test programs prove, there is always room for tweaking. The P-36 is turning out to be a solid attraction for warbird enthusiasts on a budget, powered by an uncommon Verner 7U Radial engine and designed for light aerobatics. Andy Braybrook, a 35-year-old Grantham, UK man, has been picking up the basics of aviation thanks to the disabled flying charity, Aerobility. A motorcycle accident 6 years prior caused Braybrook to suffer a spinal cord injury at the 7th cervical vertebra, putting him in a wheelchair. Braybrook was eager to take the flight training charity up on its offer. A 'Must' Attend eve

Aerobility Issues Flying Scholarship

UK Charity Helps Wheelchair-Bound Brit Take to the Skies

Andy Braybrook, a 35-year-old Grantham, UK man, has been picking up the basics of aviation thanks to the disabled flying charity Aerobility. A motorcycle accident 6 years prior caused Braybrook to suffer a complete spinal cord injury at the 7th cervical vertebra, putting him in a wheelchair. Being a pilot at hard (as many motorcyclists are), Braybrook was eager to take the charity up on its offer, applying for a scholarship via Aerobility.

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Virgin Orbit UK Mission Fails To Make Orbit

System Experienced An Anomaly, Ending The Mission

The first attempt to launch satellites from British soil reportedly reached space late Monday, but ultimately fell short of reaching its target orbit. After taking off from the runway at Spaceport Cornwall – which just a few weeks ago was transformed from a mere slab of empty cement at a commercial airport to the world’s newest space launch operations center – and travelling to the designated drop zone, Cosmic Girl, the customized 747 that serves as the LauncherOne system’s carrier aircraft, released the rocket.

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Civil Air Patrol's Arizona Wings See Busy Holiday Season

From the Navajo Airlift to Rapid-Response Rescues AZ Pilots Kept on Their Toes

It was busier than usual for the Civil Air Patrol this year, with volunteers assisting the 38th Navajo Christmas Airlift and others homing in on a downed airlift participant. Last November, a pair of aircraft were hauling the mail from Arizona to Gallup, New Mexico to deliver donations to the Navajo Nation. While passing the Mogollon Rim in northern Arizona, one aircraft, piloted by one half of the father-son delivery duo, suffered engine malfunction and landed in a wooded area. His son remained in the area, circling the scene and maintaining watch over the sight until he had to press on due to fuel concerns.

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Airborne 01.03.23: DarkAero!, Chinese Fighter Jets, Mexico Ramp Checks

Also: Sikorsky Protests Bell, ZeroAvia Obtains Approval, Airport Worker Killed, Harrier Pilot Extradition

DarkAero is the embodiment of a shared aspiration to develop a kit aircraft of surpassing speed, range, and efficiency. The brothers Ryley, River, and Keegan Karl, have plied their considerable expertise and energies with the DarkAero-1 -- a single-reciprocating-engine, low-wing, retractable-tricycle-undercarriage, normal category airplane. With a wingspan of just under 24-feet, and an empty weight of 750-pounds, the DarkAero-1 is not a large airplane. A Chinese fighter jet reportedly neared to within ten-feet of a U.S. Air Force reconnaissance air

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Walmart Begins Drone Delivery Across US

Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, Utah and Virginia See 6,000 Deliveries off the Bat

Walmart has expanded its burgeoning drone delivery program, capping off 2022 with the last of its ambitious expansion plans. Heading into 2023, the company operates 36 drone delivery hubs across 7 states, including Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, North Carolina, Texas, Utah and Virginia. The rollout is assisted by a series of vendors, turning unused areas around stores into a turnkey drone-specific airfield, launching UAVs with small, sub-10 lb parcels to nearby customers.

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Lloyd's of London Companies Sued Over Jet Lease

Russian Airline's Stranded Airbus Subject of Newest Addition to Stack of Lawsuits

Zephyrus Aviation Capital has sued Lloyd's of London's insurance syndicate to cover the loss of its 'stranded' Airbus leased to Yamal Airlines. The messy and protracted-to-be legal battle is just one of a growing number as lessors look to recoup billions of dollars in losses incurred in the political aftermath of Russian disentanglement. Western sanctions and Russian counters led to Russian-operated airlines being signed into the domestic register, effectively thumbing their nose at the original owners and claiming them for their own.

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The Vertical Flight Society Boasts New Corporate Members

2022 Expands Industry Group with eVTOL Surge

The Vertical Flight Society says that things are running better than ever, thanks in large part to a field of quickly proliferating eVTOL interest. The Society said that it added a net gain of 20 corporate members in the last year, bringing its total corporate body to 183 in all. That growth comes from the seemingly endless parade of electric and sustainable-flight vertical takeoff aircraft manufacturers, a bonanza of VTOL tech that has brought renewed interest and attention to vertical flight. 

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Classic Aero-TV: 'No Other Options' -- The Israeli Air Force's Danny Shapira

From 2017 (YouTube Version): Remembrances Of An Israeli Air Force Test Pilot

Early in 2016, ANN contributor Maxine Scheer traveled to Israel, where she had the opportunity to sit down with retired Israeli Air Force Col. Danny Shapira, who served 25 years in the Israeli Air Force. Shapira was among the first pilots for the Israeli Air Force, which was formed shortly after the State of Israel was established in 1948. He and several others, including some Americans and pilots from other countries, went to Czechoslovakia to train in Avia S-199 aircraft, a variant of the Bf 109. The pilots and the aircraft brought

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NTSB Prelim: Cessna 150G

1,000 Ft Above The Ground When The Engine Started Running Rough

On November 11, 2022, about 1147 mountain standard time, a Cessna C-150 airplane, N3131J, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Payson, Arizona. The pilot was seriously injured. The airplane was operated as a 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. The airplane was the second airplane in a flight of two that departed Phoenix Deer Valley Airport (DVT) Phoenix, Arizona, at 1115 with a planned destination of Ak-Chin Regional Airport (A39) Maricopa, Arizona.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.11.23)

Aero Linx: The Cub Club The Cub Club is an organization of aviation enthusiasts interested in preserving and promoting the restoration, maintenance and flying of the long-wing fabric Piper Cubs. The Cub models include the E2, J2, J3, J4, J5, L4, HE-1, PA-11, PA-12, PA-14 and PA-18. The Cub Club believes in preserving these strong and simple airplanes that are fun to own and fly.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (01.11.23)

“We offer scholarships to ensure anyone can fly with Aerobility, we know how participating in aviation changes lives and we want as many people as possible to experience that. We can only do this because of the generosity of our donors and supporters so we thank them very much indeed for making this possible for Andy.” Source: Mike Miller-Smith, CEO at Aerobility, discussing Andy Braybrook, a 35-year-old Grantham, from the UK, who has been picking up the basics of aviation thanks to the disabled flying charity Aerobility. 

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