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May 03, 2022

Qantas' A-Game: Airbus Confirms Fleet Expansion

French Airplane Maker Airbus Confirms Australia’s Qantas Adding To Fleet

Earlier today, 02 May 2022, Airbus announced Qantas, Australia’s largest domestic and international airline has signed an agreement to order 12ea A350-1000, 20ea A220, and 20ea A321XLR (eXtra Long Range). Qantas had conducted evaluation projects to suit its desired mission, while also continuing to position themselves as frontrunners of the Australian airline industry. Qantas sought to add the A350-1000 to provide the capability for non-stop flights to London, New York, and other international destinations.

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JetBlue Seeks to Acquire Spirit Airlines

JetBlue Tries to Get Into The Spirit Of Things As Frontier Comes Out In Front

Earlier in February 2022, Frontier and Spirit Airlines seemed to be leaving the merger party, hand, having announced a “definitive merger agreement” that would combine their companies to create a competitive ultra-low fare airline. They stated that the customer stands to benefit, including those in underserved communities, and equally important, job creation on both sides of the aisle. Ted Christie, President and CEO of Spirit essentially said “we do” take Frontier to be our lawfully wedded business partner, adding that “we’re a perfect fit.”

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Aero-TV At SNF22: CompAir Has A New Airplane In The Works CompAir6.2

CompAir Debuts The Beginnings Of Its Newest Six-Seat Single-Engine Piston Aircraft

CompAir Enterprises’ President, Ron Lueck, discussed their newest aircraft, the CompAir6.2 that is, in his words “the quintessential family airplane.” This is a brand-new design, a six-place single-engine piston high wing aircraft that will be powered by a Lycoming IO 580 engine, their Lightning engine (an experimental version). The CompAir6.2 will have a useful load of 2000 pounds and carry 6 people at about 175 knots.

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Airborne-UnCrewed 04.26.22: XPO22 Is ON!, Tesla v Jet, Beta Raises $375M

Also: Vertical Proceeds, Natilus Expands, Rocket Lab Contract, Eve Partners with Thales

AUVSI’s long awaited XPONENTIAL 2022 is now in full swing... and the action is fierce. ANN’s Airborne-Uncrewed video news team is on site and cranking out stories and interviews as fast as we can. Celebrating its 50th anniversary, the Association for Uncrewed Vehicles Systems International (AUVSI) brings its world class annual conference, XPONENTIAL, to Orlando, this week. Surveillance footage making the rounds is making aviators and Tesla aficionados cringe this week as it shows a remotely summoned Tesla collide with a parked Vision jet at low speed. Th

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Australia Gets A New AirShow…Next Year!

‘Pacific Airshow’ To Grace Beaches Over Australia’s Pacific Gold Coast

With the cloud of the pandemic lifting in some areas quicker than others, Australians in Queensland will have something new to look up at in the skies…but they’ll have to wait until next year, specifically August 2023. Late last month, the Pacific Airshow that originated in 2016 at Huntington Beach in Southern California, USA stated they sought to “maximize the adrenaline rush” as the world’s best aviators push the edge of possibility.  At least for the next five years, they plan to bring an unprecedented airshow experience to the Aussies down under.  Pacific Airshow

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Airborne 04.25.22: DC Evac Blame Game, CubCrafters Raffle, Diamondo Journey

Also: Bacardi Sues American Airlines, Starlink Selected, Sporty's Scholarships, SkyCourier Full-Flight Sim

While a number of knee-jerk politicians are pointing fingers, the US Army Recruiting Command has issued a statement regarding its role in the April 20 false alarm that led to the evacuation of the Capitol. The demonstration and airshow team was doing a regular performance for the Washington Nationals’ Military Appreciation Night crowd when the U.S. Capitol Police initiated procedures to evacuate Congressional buildings, mistakenly identifying the team's aircraft as a threat. CubCrafters will support the upcoming Alaska Airmen’s As

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Momentus obtains FCC License for Initial Flight

Spacecraft Tug Preparing for First Launch, Test, For Eventual Satellite Repositioning Services

Commercial space company Momentus, Inc. has obtained the needed radio license for its first flight using the Vigoride orbital transfer vehicle. The Vigoride is described as a space tug, a small vehicle that provides transit to spacecraft up to 2,000 km, even if they require changing orbital planes and inclination. It uses an unorthodox microwave electrothermal thruster using water as propellant. Currently, its expected payload should come in around 1,650 lbs, or 750 kg, once up and running.

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FAA Approves ALSIM AL40 as AATD

FAA Approves ALSIM’s AL40 Simulator, A Replica Of A Diamond DA40 As An AATD

ALSIM’s tagline “the future simulation is now” appears to ring true following the recent FAA approval of its AL40 simulator as an Advanced Aviation Training Device (AATD). The AL40 is touted as a replica of a Diamond DA40 NG equipped with the Garmin G1000NXi avionics suite and GFC700 integrated autopilot. You may recall that the AATD is a category of flight simulator that facilitates a training environment for procedural and operational tasks pertaining to the private, instrument, commercial, airline transport, and even flight instructor certificates!  

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Southern Airways Expands Fleet

Southern Airways Expands Fleet With ‘Travelers’; Two Now, Four Later

Southern Airways signed on the line to take delivery of two P2012 Travelers, configured for commuter transportation, and intends to add four more to its fleet within the next year and a half. This configuration provides maximum seating for 9 passengers (consisting of two per row and a singular seat in the rear) and 2 crew in their hallmark (mostly boxy) fuselage.

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A Second Chance At Flight After Airline Ban

Some Airlines Are Considering Taking Passengers Off The B-List

Christmas may be a ways off, but a few airlines have decided to take passengers off the naughty list! Prior to COVID-19, unruly passenger behavior was a thing. Still, once the mask mandates kicked in, several passengers kicked up a fuss, going so far as to physically or verbally assault flight crews, with incidents increasing to the point of becoming a regular occurrence. As a result, some 4,000 passengers were banned by airlines over the past year, and others were hit with more than $30,000 in fines!

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NTSB Prelim: Cessna 525B

Landing Performance Data Indicated They Would Need About 3,000 Ft Of Runway

On March 7, 2022, about 1045 eastern standard time, a Cessna 528B, N22AU, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident at Martin State Airport, (MTN) Baltimore, Maryland. The airline transport pilot and copilot were not injured. The airplane was operating under the provisions of Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations as a Part 135 ondemand charter flight. According to the pilot, they maintained a stable approach to runway 15, a 6,997-ft-long paved runway, in windy and gusty conditions. They added about 5 knots to their reference speed to account for the added gust factor.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (05.03.22)

Aero Linx: US Ultralight Association USUA is the organization that the FAA, the media, and other organizations look to when it comes to ultralight issues. When an ultralight accident or incident happens in the USA, we are the ones that explain to the media the rules, the safety consciousness of pilots, and the freedom of flight. Currently USUA is working with LAMA and other organizations to update Sport Pilot regulations and policy.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (05.03.22): Maximum Authorized Altitude

Maximum Authorized Altitude A published altitude representing the maximum usable altitude or flight level for an airspace structure or route segment. It is the highest altitude on a Federal airway, jet route, area navigation low or high route, or other direct route for which an MEA is designated in 14 CFR Part 95 at which adequate reception of navigation aid signals is assured.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (05.03.22)

"We continue to make substantial progress in working through the different regulatory processes, as shown by receipt of this license from the FCC and the license modification approvals we received on March 21, 2022, and April 27, 2022, from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Our team remains focused on finishing late-stage preparation of the spacecraft as we look toward our first flight." Source: Momentus Chief Executive Officer John Rood, discussing how their commercial space company has obtained the needed radio license for its first flight using the Vigoride orbital transfer vehicle. 

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