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October 02, 2022

Artemis Dodges Ian Bullet... Will Potentially Launch Next Month

Teams Confirm No Damage to Flight Hardware, Will Focus on November for Possible Launch

Teams at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida conducted initial inspections Friday to assess potential impacts from Hurricane Ian. There was no damage to Artemis flight hardware, and facilities are in good shape with only minor water intrusion identified in a few locations. Next, engineers will extend access platforms around the Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft inside the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) to prepare for additional inspections and start preparation for the next launch attempt, including retesting the flight termination system.

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ALPA Continues Push For Secondary Cockpit Barriers

Urges Rule To Apply Retroactively to Existing Aircraft

ALPA is renewing its push to expedite implementation of the rule to install secondary barriers on newly manufactured passenger aircraft and also urged the agency to apply the rule to the more than 2,000 airplanes that have been ordered or delivered since the antiterrorism law was enacted.

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WestJet Places Historic Order for Up to 64 737 MAX-10 Jets

737 MAX-10 FAA Certification Pending

Boeing has announced the sale of 42 737 MAX-10 airliners to WestJet, Canada’s second-largest airline and the ninth-largest air-carrier in North America. The deal includes options for an additional 22 jets. The agreement occasions the largest-ever one-time sale of 737-MAX aircraft, and speaks to renewed air-carrier and public faith in the beleaguered family of twin-engine, narrowbody jets.

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Barnstorming: To Strive, To Seek, To Find, And Not To Yield

News/Analysis and Opinion By ANN Editor-In-Chief/CEO Jim Campbell Hi folks… It's been a while since I pontificated via ‘Barnstorming,’ but it's been kinda busy here as we continue to build up back everything in the aftermath of a tough couple of years, and as we reflect aggressively on the state of aviation. Do not mistake my silence for disinterest… But more as a time to reflect, strategize, and build on the platforms that I started with Aero-News, Kindred Spirit Press, Airborne, the Hoover Foundation, and other projects. As a matter of fact; after nearly 50 years of writing about aviation, and utilizing a fair part of that to speak out on behalf of all things aeron

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Klyde Morris (09.30.22)

Klyde's Having A Perplexing Time Handling The Lunatic Fringe...


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ICAO: Air Biz Is Recovering To Near Pre-Pandemic Levels

Recovery, By And Large, Should Be Complete By Early 2023

ICAO’s latest analyses reveal that air transport seat capacity and passenger totals globally have reached an estimated 80% of pre-pandemic levels, with passenger revenue at around 72% of its 2019 high point. The number of air passengers carried from January to August of this year increased by an estimated 55% compared to the same period in 2021. Aircraft flight departures increased by 28%, with overall seat capacity growing by 32% over the same period.

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Classic Aero-TV: Historically Unique -- Marlin Horst's Exquisite Fairchild 71

From 2014 (YouTube Version): Exotic Rebuild Reveals Aerial Work Of Art

During EAA AirVenture 2014, ANN's Michael Maya Charles took the time to get a history lesson about a great airplane from days gone by. By 1929 aviation was being recognized for its ability to transport people and cargo to areas that were extremely hard to get to. This led the Fairchild Company to come up with a single-engine transport plane known as the Fairchild 71.

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Airborne-Flight Training 09.22.22: NO ATP Shortcuts Sez FAA, Top Aces, RACCA UPS

Also: Chattahoochee Tech Aviation Academy, Annual Space Day, EAA Chapter 534, RAA on FAA Decision

The FAA has denied Republic Airways’s request to halve the flight time requirements for graduates of its Leadership In Flight Training (LIFT) Academy—a Part 141 flight-school operated by the Indianapolis-based air-carrier. In its decision, the FAA asserted: “After full consideration of Republic’s petition for exemption and the public comments, the FAA has determined that the relief requested is not in the public interest and would adversely affect safety.” Top Aces Corp has announced its selection for the US Air Force Combat A

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AD: MHI RJ Aviation ULC

AD 2022-12-03 Prompted By Reports Of Displayed Headings Changing From MAG to TRU With No Pilot Action

The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain MHI RJ Aviation ULC Model CL600-2B19 (Regional Jet Series 100 & 440) airplanes; Model CL-600-2C10 (Regional Jet Series 700, 701 & 702) airplanes; Model CL-600-2C11 (Regional Jet Series 550) airplanes; Model CL-600-2D15 (Regional Jet Series 705) airplanes; Model CL-600-2D24 (Regional Jet Series 900) airplanes; and Model CL-600-2E25 (Regional Jet Series 1000) airplanes.

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AD: Piaggio Aviation S.p.A. Airplanes

AD 2022-19-07 Requires Modifying The Total Air Temperature (TAT) Probe Heater Electrical Circuit

The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for all Piaggio Aviation S.p.A. (Piaggio) Model P-180 airplanes. This AD results from mandatory continuing airworthiness information (MCAI) originated by an aviation authority of another country to identify and correct an unsafe condition on an aviation product. The MCAI identifies the unsafe condition as accumulation of water and subsequent freezing in the pitot-tube, which results in pitot-tube blockage. This AD requires modifying the total air temperature (TAT) probe heater electrical circuit and revising your existing airplane flight manual (AFM). The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsaf

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NTSB Prelim: Jacquneaux Glen R CGS Hawk

The “Tailcone” Started To Violently Shake And He Decided To Land Off-Airport

On September 15, 2022, at about 1504 mountain daylight time, a CGS Hawk, N5148G, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Lander, Wyoming. The pilot was not injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. According to the pilot, he was on a cross-country flight from Cle Elum Municipal Airport (S93), Cle Elum, Washington, with the intended destination of Isabell Field Airport (4A9), Fort Payne, Alabama.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (10.02.22)

Aero Linx: Community and Airport Partnership for Safe Operation CAAPSO was founded in 2017 as a partnership between parties interested in securing the future of Reid-Hillview airport. CAAPSO is a not-for-profit, tax-deductible 501(c)(3) (EIN 35-2606912) corporate organization and a chapter of the California Pilots Association (CAL Pilots).  CAAPSO started through the joint collaboration of a diversified group of founding members, including: Local FBOs (Fixed Base Operators: Fuel, Training, Maintenance, Rentals) San Jose State University – Aviation Department RHV tenants (Pilots/Aircraft Owners/Flying Clubs) Av

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (10.02.22): Light Gun

Light Gun

A handheld directional light signaling device which emits a brilliant narrow beam of white, green, or red light as selected by the tower controller. The color and type of light transmitted can be used to approve or disapprove anticipated pilot actions  where radio communication is not available. The light gun is used for controlling traffic operating in the vicinity of the airport and on the airport movement area.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (10.02.22)

“The significant delay in issuing this rule means that more than 2,000 passenger aircraft were ordered or delivered without these security barriers, so the FAA should apply the rule retroactively to include all of these aircraft.  And given that aircraft manufacturers already offer these security features as an option, there is no reason to take two years to require compliance with the rule.” Source: Capt. Joe DePete, ALPA president, pushing hard, once again for secondary barriers to be the future of air travel in order to avoid 9/11 type intrusions.

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