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July 17, 2021

Airborne 07.14.21: Hartzell Acquires Tanis, Electric United, METARmaps-Minis

Also: AD: True Flight Holdings, KidVenture Changes, E195-E2 Airliner Order, Next-Gen Small Aircraft

Hartzell Propeller has purchased the assets of Tanis Aircraft Products, who made their name in engine preheat systems for fixed and rotary wing aircraft. Tanis will become part of Hartzell Propeller’s heated products, which  now include systems for propeller de-ice, piston engine preheat, turbine engine preheat, helicopter preheat,  battery, avionics, and cabin preheat. Tanis Aircraft Products President and CEO Douglas Evink will become Hartzell Propeller VP of sales for Tanis. Tanis engineering, sales, and administrative staff will stay

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Aero-TV At SnF21: From Twilight To Night-Time, SnF21 Rocked An Airshow

Warbirds, Balloons, Drones, Gliders, Formations... You Name It!

One of the best parts of a major fly-in like the Sun ‘n Fun Aerospace Expo are the many airshow performances that come our way as a result. SnF, though, has an ace up their sleeve by also adding TWO night airshows to the mix--offering a new dimension to the sights, sounds, and illuminating performances that cause airshow audiences to positively swoon.

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Dauntless Air Enters 2021 Wildfire Season with Expanded Fleet of 15 Fire Bosses

Already; The 2021 Season Is Outpacing National Averages

As the 2021 wildfire season gets underway, aerial firefighters, Dauntless Air has added two new Fire Bosses to the nation’s largest Fire Boss fleet. Dauntless will put its fleet to work on exclusive use and call-when-needed contracts with the Bureau of Land Management (which shares resources with the US Forest Service), Bureau of Indian Affairs and state fire agencies in Minnesota, Idaho, Washington, Alaska, Colorado and Oregon.

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What? There's An RC Flying Field at AirVenture 2021???

RC Field Will Be Open 7-9:30 P.M. On Monday, July 26, Through Saturday, July 31

AirVenture attendees who are looking to do some RC flying while at the event can do so at EAA’s RC Flying Field located on the south portion of the Pioneer Airport runway. The field, sponsored by Horizon Hobby, is available to AirVenture attendees who bring their own models. The Academy of Aeronautics (AMA) will be on site coordinating the flying and Horizon Hobby will be demonstrating various models each evening. The field will be open 7-9:30 p.m. on Monday, July 26, through Saturday, July 31.

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Demo 1 Spacecraft Commander, Doug Hurley, Retires

First Crewed Flight Of The SpaceX Crew Dragon Launched May 30, 2020

NASA astronaut and former U.S. Marine Col. Doug Hurley is retiring from NASA after 21 years of service. His last day with the agency was July 16. Hurley’s career highlights include 93 days in space on missions that include the final space shuttle flight and the first crewed flight of the SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft. Hurley was spacecraft commander on the first crewed flight of the SpaceX Crew Dragon, which launched May 30, 2020, and safely returned to Earth Aug. 2, 2020. The flight was the fifth time in history that NASA astronauts have flown on a new U.S. spacecraft and marked a new era of human spaceflight, enabling crewed launches to the International Space Station from

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B-29 Doc 'History Restored' Tour To Set To Land In Cleveland

The Tour Stop In Cleveland Includes Ground And Cockpit Tours

The B-29 Doc History Restored Tour will land at Cleveland’s Burke Lakefront Airport, July 19 for a three-day tour stop. B-29 Doc, one of only two B-29 Superfortresses still airworthy and flying today, is scheduled to arrive at the main terminal building at Burke Lakefront Airport at approximately 2 p.m., Monday, July 19. The Cleveland stop is the fourth stop for the B-29 Doc History Restored Tour in July that includes visits to a total of seven cities across five states.

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Gogo Commercial Aviation is Now Intelsat

Intelsat’s Newest Business Division Retires Previous Branding

Intelsat's Gogo Commercial Aviation, a business it acquired in December 2020, is dropping the Gogo name and is now called Intelsat. With its acquisition of Gogo’s Commercial Aviation division, Intelsat reportedly became the world’s leading provider of inflight broadband connectivity to the commercial aviation industry. The vertical integration is uniquely positioning Intelsat to deliver a reliable, high-performance inflight entertainment and connectivity (IFEC) experience for commercial airlines and their passengers.

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AMA Offers Initial Comments on Draft AC 91-57C

This Recognition Also Gives AMA A Stronger Voice Regarding Future Regulations

The FAA recently released Advisory Circular (AC) 91-57C, which will soon replace the current version, AC 91-57B. The updates to the new AC are centered around the recognition of community-based organizations (CBOs), a process that AMA worked with Congress to establish in 2018. The organization explains that this CBO recognition will allow AMA to continue safely managing the recreational model aircraft community, something AMA has done for more than eight decades. This recognition also gives AMA a stronger voice regarding future regulations, requiring the FAA to consult our community when updating model aircraft operational parameters.

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NTSB Prelim: American Aviation AA-1A

A Witness... Stated That He Observed The Airplane “Going Straight Down.”

On June 24, 2021 at 1714 central daylight time, an American Aviation AA-1A airplane, N9261L, was destroyed when it was involved in an accident near Cleburne, Texas. The pilot and passenger were fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 personal flight. Preliminary radar and ADS-B data showed that the airplane departed Cleburne Regional Airport (CPT), about 1658 and proceeded south, then northeast toward Keene, Texas. After the airplane made one full circle over Keene, it proceeded west and overflew CPT. The airplane continued west about 2,600 ft mean sea level (msl) for another 3 miles.

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AD: The Boeing Company Airplanes

AD 2021-13-10 Requires Repetitive Inspections For Any Existing Repair Of The Wing Lower Skin Fuel Tank...

The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain The Boeing Company Model 777 airplanes. This AD was prompted by reports indicating that during investigation of a fuel leak, fatigue cracking was found on the forward inboard side of the fuel tank access door cutouts on the left and right lower wing skin. The cause of the cracking is attributed to corrosion damage. This AD requires repetitive inspections for any existing repair of the wing lower skin fuel tank and dry bay access door cutouts on the left and right lower wing skin, and applicable on-condition actions. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (07.17.21)

Aero Linx: Angel Flight Soars Angel Flight Soars arranges free air transportation for people who need to travel to receive lifesaving medical treatment, but lack the means. We believe illness isn’t stopped by boundaries and cures shouldn’t be either – whether the boundaries are geographic or monetary. We help families focus on getting better instead of worrying about how to get there. That’s why we coordinate 9 missions a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (07.17.21): Precision Approach Radar

Precision Approach Radar Radar equipment in some ATC facilities operated by the FAA and/or the military services at joint-use civil/military locations and separate military installations to detect and display azimuth, elevation, and range of aircraft on the final approach course to a runway. This equipment may be used to monitor certain non−radar approaches, but is primarily used to conduct a precision instrument approach (PAR) wherein the controller issues guidance instructions to the pilot based on the aircraft’s position in relation to the final approach course (azimuth), the glidepath (elevation), and the distance (range) from the touchdown point on the runway as displayed on the rada

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (07.17.21)

“A growing number of fire agencies are turning to Fire Boss-driven Rapid Initial Attack to contain wildfires faster and avoid the devastation, fossil fuel emissions, health impacts and costs associated with large, complex fires. We are responding to this increasing demand by expanding our Fire Boss fleet to give fire agencies more access to critical water-scooping aircraft that can work alongside helicopters in the fight against wildfires.” Source: Brett L’Esperance, CEO, Dauntless Air, explaining that as the 2021 wildfire season gets underway, aerial firefighters, Dauntless Air has added two new Fire Bosses to the nation’s largest Fire Boss fleet.

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