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December 14, 2020

Airborne 12.14.20: Virgin Galactic Failure, No Paris AirShow, Reno Seeks Aid

Also: GE H-Series Aerobatic Engine, Sporty's Award, New FAI President, Next Starliner Flt Test

After numerous delays, some induced by the COVID pandemic, and dealing with the move to New Mexico, VG still has not launched a spacecraft from their new New Mexico facility... though, Saturday, they tried. In a flight to some 50,000 feet to allow for a proper altitude for the drop of the small spacecraft, video shows a good release from the Mothership, followed by brief seconds of separation as it dropped away, and then ignition of SpaceShipTwo's single rocket engine... for an even briefer second....  followed by an apparent shutdown and some gaseous venting as it turned back to the airport. In light of the uncertainty linked to the current COVID-19 health crisis, the Paris Air S

Updated: Virgin Galactic SpaceFlight Test Fails

Seconds After Release From WhiteKnightTwo, Rocket Briefly Fires and Fails

ANN Real-Time Update -- 1012ET, 12.13.20: Virgin Galactic has been pretty quiet about Saturday's failed attempt to see SS2 Unity safely into space, as it has accomplished on two previous occasions when launched from Mojave, CA. However; we do have a LITTLE bit of info from VG that suggests that Saturday's misfire may be related to electronic issues that shut down the single rocket engine just as it was ignited in flight. A VG twitter explained,  “After being released from its mothership, SpaceShipTwo Unity’s onboard computer that monitors the rocket motor lost connection. As designed, this triggered a fail-safe scenario that intention

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Ampaire Conducts First 'Airline' Flight Trials

Hybrid-Electric Aircraft Flies Round Trip Between Hawaiian Islands

Ampaire is reportedly the first to complete a demonstration flight of a hybrid-electric aircraft along an actual airline route. The company flew its Electric EEL aircraft on a 20-minute flight from Maui’s Kahului Airport across the island to Hana and back on a single charge. Ampaire is now flying the route regularly in a one-month demonstration program with Hawai‘i-based Mokulele Airlines, one of 15 airlines to have signed a Letter of Interest with the company. It is the first use of a hybrid-electric aircraft under the FAA’s Experimental-Market Survey category, allowing Ampaire to fly with their crew and essential personnel for crew training and other exploratory

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Airborne 12.11.20: SpaceX Starship Test, Falcon 6X, Chuck Yeager Goes West

Also: Joby Takes On Uber Elevate, SkyHawks Season Cancelled, MQ-25 Test, JetBlue A220

It was quite an explosion...shortly after the launch of a SpaceX Starship prototype to 40,000 feet. The steel rocket prototype that SpaceX hopes will be used to put human on Mars had a successful launch and for a few minutes everything was looking good until -- reignition of the Raptor rocket engines to a targeted landing. It came SO close to working this time around. But... the final approach appeared to show problems with getting the engines up to full thrust, followed by what appeared to be one or more failures... a

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FAA Provides Guidance on Pilot Controller Vaccine Use

Pilots and Controllers May Receive Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine with Appropriate Precaution

Following the Emergency Use Authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for Pfizer, Inc.’s COVID-19 vaccine, the FAA has determined that pilots may receive the vaccine under the conditions of their FAA-issued airman medical certification. FAA Air Traffic Controllers, who are subject to FAA medical clearance, may also receive the vaccine. To maintain the highest level of safety in the National Airspace System, the agency will require aviation professionals with medical certifications or medical clearances to observe a period of 48 hours following the administration of this vaccine before conducting safety-sensitive aviation dutie

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Classic Klyde Morris (01.21.11)

Wes' Computer had a Serious Meltdown (Foreign Saboteurs, No Doubt)... So, We Present 'Classic' Klyde Episodes Until His PC is Resurrected

This Klyde Morris Cartoon Was Originally Published on January 21, 2011 FMI:

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Viasat's 'No Speed Limit' Ka-band IFC Available For Gulfstream G280

Global Aero Terminal 5510 Communicates With Viasat's ViaSat-1, ViaSat-2 and KA-SAT Sat-Platforms

Viasat tells us that its Ka-band 'no speed limit' bizav in-flight connectivity (IFC) service is now available on the Gulfstream G280. Viasat removed internet speed limits delivered to G280 aircraft, which will enable passengers and crew an opportunity to maximize their 'home-like connectivity' in-flight experiences—with what is reportedly the fastest available business aviation IFC download speeds in this business jet segment. The new Ka-band service plans enable concurrent use of business-critical productivity and entertainment apps from video-conferencing, accessing cloud content and email to enjoying high-definition streaming services, live TV

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Classic Aero-TV: A 2011 LSA Q&A – What’s Missing From Today’s LSAs?

From 2011: The Third Question (of Five) Is Put Forth Among The Attendees of the 2011 US SAE

OK... three questions down, two to go... are you feeling better educated about LSAs yet? One of the most enjoyable interactions we at ANN and Aero-TV undertake at the dozens of events we attend is the chance to talk NOT with the newsmakers... but to those that the news we report on affects most... YOU. At the 2011 Sebring Sport Aviation Expo, we spent extra time asking the attendees a series of five questions... both to gauge the kind of interest that LSA holds for the aviation community

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ALPA Speaks Out on Transport Canada Implementation of Flight/Duty-Time Regs

"We Acknowledge That They Are A Significant Improvement Over The Existing Rules..."

Tim Perry, president of the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA) Canada, issued a statement in advance of the implementation of new flight- and duty-time regulations for professional pilots in Canada. “Canada’s flight- and duty-time regulations have been acknowledged by aviation industry experts as inadequate for ensuring that pilots are well-rested when they fly. The implementation of these long-overdue changes is a direct result of over a decade of work. For years, ALPA worked diligently to secure updated science-based flight- and duty-time regulations, which has been one of the most important aviation safety issues for flight crews in Cana

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NTSB Prelim: Cessna 551

The Pilot Cycled The Anti-Skid Brake System About 2-3 Times, And Then The Braking Did Not Respond

On December 2, 2020, about 0843 central standard time, a Cessna 551, N48DK, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Lufkin, Texas. The airline transport pilot sustained minor injuries and 2 passengers were not injured. The airplane was being operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 91 corporate flight. The pilot stated that after an uneventful Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight from Austin, Texas, he entered the RNAV 16 approach to runway 16 at the Angelina County Airport (LFK), Lufkin, Texas. His intention was a full stop landing. After breaking out of the clouds during the approach, he cancelled his

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AD: Airbus SAS Airplanes

AD 2020-25-03 Retains The Requirements Of AD 2020-01-17, Expands The List Of Affected Parts To Be Checked

The FAA is superseding Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2020-01-17, which applied to all Airbus SAS Model A318, A319, A320, and A321 series airplanes. AD 2020-01-17 required repetitive checks of the pressure gauges on the inflation reservoir of each emergency escape slide/raft to determine the amount of pressure and, depending on findings, accomplishment of applicable corrective actions. This AD retains the requirements of AD 2020-01-17, expands the list of affected parts to be checked, and provides optional terminating action for the repetitive checks; as specified in a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, which is incorporated by ref

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (12.14.20)

Aero Linx: The Army Aviation Heritage Foundation (AAHF) The Army Aviation Heritage Foundation (AAHF) is a national, one-of-a-kind non-profit organization composed of Veterans, their families, and civilian supporters. The AAHF is acting to connect the American soldier to the American public as an active, accepted, and admired member of the American family by presenting the story of Army Aviation and the American soldier. ?The AAHF is providing America an opportunity to hear its Veterans share their stories and see its military legacy in flight and in action.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (12.14.20): Vortices

Vortices Circular patterns of air created by the movement of an airfoil through the air when generating lift. As an airfoil moves through the atmosphere in sustained flight, an area of area of low pressure is created above it. The air flowing from the high pressure area to the low pressure area around and about the tips of the airfoil tends to roll up into two rapidly rotating vortices, cylindrical in shape. These vortices are the most predominant parts of aircraft wake turbulence and their rotational force is dependent upon the wing loading, gross weight, and speed of the generating aircraft. The vortices from medium to super aircraft can be of extremely high velocity and hazardous to smaller aircra

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (12.14.20)

“After being released from its mothership, SpaceShipTwo Unity’s onboard computer that monitors the rocket motor lost connection. As designed, this triggered a fail-safe scenario that intentionally halted ignition of the rocket motor.” Source: The latest scant details from the Virgin Galactic team, explaining a LITTLE about what happened to cause a misfire during a spaceflight attempt last Saturday, over New Mexico.

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