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January 15, 2017

SpaceX Is Back In The Launch Business

Successful Placement of 10 Iridium Satellites Completed

SpaceX’s Falcon 9 successfully delivered 10 satellites to low-Earth orbit for Iridium. The 10 satellites are the first of at least 70 satellites that SpaceX will launch for Iridium’s next generation global satellite constellation, Iridium NEXT. SpaceX conducted the launch of Iridium-1 from Space Launch Complex 4E at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. The payloads for this launch are the first 10 Iridium NEXT satellites. Iridium NEXT will replace the world's largest commercial satellite network of low-earth orbit satellites in what will be one of the largest "tech upgrades" in history. Iridium has partnered with Thales Alenia Space for the manufacturing, assembly and testing of 81 Iridium NEXT satel

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'Spirit Of John Muir' Wins Approval For Firefighting On Federal Land

Global Supertankers Services Can Now Negotiate Contracts With The U.S. Forest Service

The U.S. Interagency Airtanker Board has approved "The Spirit Of John Muir" Boeing 747 supertanker for fighting wildfires on federal land in the U.S., clearing the way for Global Supertanker Services LLC to negotiate contracts with the U.S. Forest Service.

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Hubble Detects 'Exocomets' Taking The Plunge Into A Young Star

Phenomenon Taking Place Some 95 Light-Years From Earth

Interstellar forecast for a nearby star: Raining comets! NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope has discovered comets plunging onto the star HD 172555, which is a youthful 23 million years old and resides 95 light-years from Earth.

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Sikorsky - PZL Mielec Plans Caribbean And Latin American Tour

Will Demonstrate Multirole Capabilities Of The M28 Short Takeoff And Landing Airplane

Sikorsky and its PZL Mielec affiliate will launch a two-month, 13-city tour across seven Caribbean and Latin American countries in early 2017 to demonstrate the short take-off and landing capabilities of the M28 twin turboprop airplane.

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Coast Flight Training Announces New Facility In San Marcos, TX

U. S. Military Helicopter Pilots Train For Careers With Envoy/American Airlines

Coast Flight Training is expanding from its San Diego headquarters to establish a second location for its airline flight training program in San Marcos, TX. The new training facilities in San Marcos will focus on training U. S. Military helicopter pilots who are transitioning to in-demand careers as civilian airline pilots for the nation's top airlines.

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Asteroid Sleuths Go Back To The Future

Review Of Old Images Show Newly-Discovered Body Poses Little Threat To The Earth

Careful sleuthing through decade-old images has enabled ESA’s asteroid team to decide that a newly discovered space rock poses little threat of hitting Earth any time soon.

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Lightspeed Sweetens The Deal On Wireless Tango Headsets

Offers Over $100 In Free Accessories With Purchase

Lightspeed Aviation has announced the details of their wireless Tango Bonus Pack promotion, which runs through the end of the month. Anyone purchasing a new wireless Tango headset will receive two extra Tango rechargeable lithium ion batteries and an accessory wall charger free. Together, the bundle is worth over $100.

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Garmin Announces New 2017 Classroom Pilot Training Opportunities

Will Offer Courses In Use Of Several Of Its Products

Garmin has announced expanded pilot training opportunities for 2017 to include additional classes throughout the United States. In addition to scheduled classes for the GTN 650/750 touchscreen navigator series and G500/G600 glass flight display systems, on-demand classes for the G1000, G3000, and G5000 Integrated Flight Decks and supplemental eLearning opportunities are also available. These new training opportunities and locations provide pilots with varying levels of experience a hands-on approach to learning Garmin avionics in a classroom environment taught by experienced certified flight instructors.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.15.17)

Aero Linx: The American Helicopter Society (AHS) International The American Helicopter Society (AHS) International is the world’s oldest and largest technical society dedicated to enhancing the understanding of vertical flight technology. AHS International is a non-profit education and technical organization. Since it was founded in 1943 — just as the first US helicopter was being put into service — the Society has been the primary forum for interchange of information on vertical flight technology. According to the AHS Bylaws, the purpose of the Society is to 'advance the theory and practices of the science of vertical flight aircraft.'"

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (01.15.17): IF/IAWP

IF/IAWP− Intermediate Fix/Initial Approach Waypoint

The waypoint where the final approach course of a T approach meets the crossbar of the T. When designated (in conjunction with a TAA) this waypoint will be used as an IAWP when approaching the airport from certain directions, and as an IFWP when beginning the approach from another IAWP.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (01.15.17)

"IAB approval is an essential requirement in airtanker contracts for some wildfire agencies, including the U.S. Forest Service. With this approval, we look forward to bidding on - and winning - upcoming domestic and international contracts. We are grateful and excited to join the team of airtankers currently serving a critical mission for the United States and globally, and look forward to continuing to work with the USFS, CalFire and IAB during the final approval process." Source: Global Supertanker Services CEO Jim Wheeler in comments made as the U.S. Interagency Airtanker Board approved "The Spirit Of John Muir" Boeing 747 supertanker for fighting wildfires on federal land in the U.S., clearing the way for Global Supertanker Servic

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