Flaps, Landing Gear, Pressurization, Other Systems 'Performed As Expected'
The highly-anticipated Citation Latitude midsize business jet made a successful first flight Tuesday. The first flight of the Citation Latitude tested flaps, landing gear, pressurization systems, anti-ice capabilities, stability and control. The test flight reached an altitude of 28,000 feet and attained speeds of 230 mph. Cessna flight engineers said all systems are performing as expected.
Bolen: 'We Know We Must Remain Vigilant And Focused' To Keep Airport Open
The NBAA fully supports a decision by the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, which halts the most recent effort by the city of Santa Monica, CA, to close down a vital local airfield for general aviation. On Feb. 13, a federal judge ruled in favor of the position advocated by the FAA, namely that the city’s challenge to the requirement that Santa Monica Airport (KSMO) continue to be a publicly-accessible airport was untimely.
Airbus Helicopters has signed a contract with the Spanish Traffic Department to supply a total of seven helicopters: four AS355NP Ecureuils and three EC135s, with the latter aircraft to be operated by Spain’s National Police Force. Deliveries will begin in 2014 with one EC135 and one AS355NP and will be completed in 2016.
Will Enter Service Providing Offshore Passenger Transportation
Indonesian charter company Travira Air will soon take delivery of two AW139 twin intermediate helicopters. The helicopters will soon enter service for offshore passenger transport operations in Indonesia.
Program Begins With The Class Of 2014's Graduating Seniors
Gulfstream recently established a four-year college scholarship for eligible seniors attending West Michigan Aviation Academy (WMAA) in Grand Rapids. The Gulfstream Aerospace Scholarship begins with the class of 2014, the school’s first class of graduating seniors.
Celebrities Using The Airport Were Reportedly Unhappy With The Closure
When Michelle Obama arrived Friday in Aspen for a long Valentine's Day weekend ... with her daughters but not the President ... the Aspen Airport was closed to all other traffic for about an hour while the First Lady's chartered plane made its arrival. And some of the other rich and famous arriving at Aspen for a long ski weekend were apparently not particularly thrilled about the arrangement.
The Lifting Body Aircraft Has Been Designed By VX Aerospace
For the first time at JEC Europe 2014, Chomarat will present a one-quarter scale version of the VX-1 KittyHawk. This aircraft, designed by VX Aerospace, has a unique shape that the company says is structurally efficient due to C-Ply, Chomarat’s advanced composite reinforcement material.
German Aerospace Center, Airbus Conducting Experiments
The German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) has joined with Airbus and the European Transonic Wind Tunnel (ETW) in the three-part project HINVA (High lift INflight VAlidation), consisting of wind tunnel experiments, flight tests and computer simulations. The aim is to combine computer models and wind tunnel tests to substantially improve predictions of high-lift performance and hence pave the way for slower and quieter approach flights.
Heightened Awareness After Chelyabinsk Incident Last Year
One year ago, on Feb. 15, 2013, the world was witness to the dangers presented by near-Earth Objects (NEOs) when a relatively small asteroid entered Earth's atmosphere, exploding over Chelyabinsk, Russia, and releasing more energy than a large atomic bomb.
Fleet Flew Some 870,000 Miles During The Past Year
The fleet of aircraft used by Angel MedFlight to transport patients flew approximately 870,000 statute miles in 2013; nearly double the amount of miles from the previous year, according to the company. The medical flight crews transported seriously ill or injured patients in or out of all 50 U.S. states and 30 countries worldwide.
Will Be Developed To Provide Finance Options For Group's Businesses
Airbus Group has entered into a Share Purchase Agreement with Raiffeisenverband Salzburg to acquire Salzburg München Bank AG, in order to provide additional financing options for the aeronautics and defense company.
Upgrade Of Mission System Software And Hardware Is Largest In The History Of The Fleet
Boeing and Air France Industries KLM Engineering & Maintenance (AFI KLM E&M) have successfully completed the Mid-Life Upgrade modification on the first of four E-3F Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft for the French Air Force. The upgrade is part of a Foreign Military Sale in 2010 between France’s Direction Générale de l'Armement (DGA) and the U.S. government.
New FDR Rules Adopted By Governments Of Haiti And The Dominican Republic
New safety standards recently adopted by the Civil Aviation Authorities in Haiti, Office National de l’Aviation Civile (OFNAC), and the Dominican Republic, Instituto Dominicano de Aviacion Civil (IDAC), align those countries with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 6 requirements.
A Federal Judge has ruled in favor of the position advocated by the Federal Aviation Administration, namely that Santa Monica city’s challenge to the FAA requirement that Santa Monica Airport continue to be a publicly-accessible airport was untimely, and dismissed the case. The 600th airplane from Pipistrel's Sinus and Virus family of aircraft has been completed and rolled out of the company's production facility. Pipistrel has produced, together with other aircraft models and powered hang-gliders, well over 1200 different aircraft. The rejection of a 10-year
Rules That The City Must Continue To Keep The Airport Open
A California judge has ruled that the City of Santa Monica must continue to operate Santa Monica Airport (KSMO), granting a motion to dismiss filed by the FAA in the Central District of California court.
Flew The Airplane To Switzerland, Climbed Down A Rope From The Cockpit Window After Landing
An Ethiopian Airlines flight made an unscheduled stop in Geneva, Switzerland on Monday after the co-pilot took control of the 767 while the pilot was on a bathroom break.
Several Hundred Additional Flight Test Hours Planned This Year
The Scorpion Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR)/Strike aircraft completed additional test flights in January and February, according to Textron AirLand, LLC and AirLand Enterprises, LLC.
Will Provide Flight Training For Wounded Veterans In The Iconic Airplanes
On Saturday February 15th Prince Harry launched a Spitfire Flight Scholarship for wounded ex-servicemen during a visit to Boultbee Flight Academy. The scholarship is being operated by Boultbee Flight Academy with support from Aerobility and Flying for Freedom in partnership with The Endeavour Fund, of which Prince Harry is patron.
FAs Say They Expect More For Their Contributions To The Airline
Flight attendants at Alaska Airlines, represented by the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA), have voted down a tentative agreement with management. Through the vote, Alaska Airlines flight attendants say they have sent a strong message to management that they expect more for their contributions to the airline.
Deal Will Go To The Rank And File For Ratification In March
The Teamsters Airline Division announced that it reached a tentative agreement on a new four-year contract with Republic Airways. The more than 2,200 pilots of Republic are represented by Teamsters Local 357 in Plainfield, IN and fly for the Republic sister-companies Chautauqua Airlines, Republic Airlines and Shuttle America.
A couple from Florence, MS was fatally injured Friday night when the Cessna 210 they were aboard went down near Birmingham Shuttlesworth Airport in Alabama.
“While we cheer this latest victory in preserving a valuable Southern California airfield, we know that we must remain vigilant and focused in our work to preserve access to this airport, and all airfields in our nation’s aviation system.” Source: NBAA President and CEO Ed Bolen.
A facility in Washington D.C., established by FAA to operate a central aeronautical information service for the collection, validation, and dissemination of aeronautical data in support of the activities of government, industry, and the aviation community.