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November 14, 2014

Airborne 11.14.14: Comet Landing!, Google@Moffett, FAA's UAV Rule Pending?

Also: Mark Baker on AOPA2014, ForeFlight 6.4, Jet Rebound?, Musk Plans Sat-Internet, Jabiru Engine Problems Reported

The European Space Agency confirmed the touchdown by sending a message on Twitter announcing "Receipt of signal from surface" shortly after the landing Wednesday morning. The landing 300 million miles from Earth culminates a 10-year journey for the Philae spacecraft. It’s reported the message from the comet confirming the landing took 28 minutes to reach Earth. NASA has signed a lease with Planetary Ventures, LLC to manage Moffett Federal Airfield , an agency facility located in Moffett Field, California, and rehabilitate its histo

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Airborne 11.14.14: Comet Landing!, Google@Moffett, FAA's UAV Rule Pending?

Also: Mark Baker on AOPA2014, ForeFlight 6.4, Jet Rebound?, Musk Plans Sat-Internet

The European Space Agency confirmed the touchdown by sending a message on Twitter announcing "Receipt of signal from surface" shortly after the landing Wednesday morning. The landing 300 million miles from Earth culminates a 10-year journey for the Philae spacecraft. It’s reported the message from the comet confirming the landing took 28 minutes to reach Earth. NASA has signed a lease with Planetary Ventures, LLC to manage Moffett Federal Airfield , an agency facility located in Moffett Field, California, and rehabilitate its historic Hangar One. NASA estimates the lease will save the agency approximately $6.3 million and provide $1.16 billion in rent over the initial 60-year leas

Transport Canada Eases Rules For Small UAVs

Makes It Easier To Fly The Aircraft For Work And Recreation

Transport Canada has announced two exemptions that simplify small unmanned air vehicle (UAV) operations and safely integrate UAVs into Canadian airspace.

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Flashes Of The Past And Rubbing Shoulders With The New

Observations From AOPA's Fly-In On St. Simons Island, GA

I had the opportunity to attend the recent AOPA Fly-in on St. Simons Island, Georgia. I had never attended one of their regional fly-in’s before and I was very pleased with the broadness of the event. The food, the speakers, the aircraft, and the camaraderie made it well worth the trip.

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Columbia Helicopters Names Jim Rankin President & CEO

Will Assume Duties On December 1, 2014

Columbia Helicopters is pleased to announce the appointment of Jim Rankin as the company’s new President and Chief Executive Officer. This hiring – effective December 1 of this year – follows the retirements of current Chairman of the Board Nancy Lematta and current CEO Michael Fahey, and the promotion of Stan Wilson from president to Chairman of the Board of Directors.

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Cessna Sees Uptick In Caravan Interest From Asia-Pacific Operators

Increase Comes During First Year Of Joint Venture With CAIGA

Cessna says the first year of operations at Cessna-AVIC Aircraft (Shijiazhuang) Co., Ltd. a success. The joint venture between Cessna and China Aviation Industry General Aircraft Company (CAIGA) assembles and delivers Caravan utility turboprop aircraft for the Chinese market. A Grand Caravan EX is one of four Cessna and Beechcraft aircraft at the Textron Aviation static display this week during Airshow China 2014 in Zhuhai.

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AgustaWestland Congratulates RCAF 442 Squadron Rescue 903 Crew

Winners Of The 2014 Cormorant Trophy.

AgustaWestland congratulates the Royal Canadian Air Force crew of search and rescue helicopter “Rescue 903” for winning this year’s Cormorant Trophy.

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License Renewal Sought For Jacksonville, FL's Cecil Spaceport

State Grants Will Help With Infrastructure Improvements

Cecil Spaceport at Cecil Field in Jacksonville, FL has applied for a renewal of its spaceport license for an additional five years.

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Sikorsky Celebrates 30th Anniversary In China At Zhuhai Air Show

Delivered First Aircraft In The Country In 1984

Sikorsky will celebrate its 30th anniversary in China together with China civil aviation industry peers at Air Show China, which is taking place November 11-16, 2014, in Zhuhai, China.

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NetJets, Teamsters Trade Accusations Over Potential Layoffs

Union Threatens To Name High-Net-Worth Customers Of The Company

The latest round of "negotiations" between NetJets and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters involves a threat by the union to release the names of some of the fractional company's high-net-worth customers, and the company saying it will fire workers if they do so.

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FedEx Pilots Conduct Informational Picketing

Pilots Say They Are Frustrated By The Pace Of Contract Negotiations

FedEx pilots, represented by the Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA), conducted informational picketing on Wednesday, November 12, in Denver, Indianapolis and New York City to show their continuing frustration with ongoing contract negotiations and their resolute support of their Negotiating Committee.

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Bell 505 Jet Ranger X Captures China's Attention

LoI Signed With Reignwood Investment, Ltd. Is The Largest Single Bell 505 Order To Date

A Letter of Intent (LoI) for 50 Bell 505 Jet Ranger X aircraft has been signed between Bell and Reignwood Investment, Ltd., (Reignwood). The announcement was made as part of a formal signing ceremony at the Bell Helicopter display at Airshow China in Zhuhai.

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Six China-Based Airlines Select Rockwell Collins Avionics, Cabin Systems

Agreements Cover More Than 70 Aircraft

Six China-based airlines have awarded contracts to Rockwell Collins for varying combinations of avionics, in-flight entertainment (IFE) and service. The awards span 74 new aircraft, including Boeing 787 Dreamliners, Airbus A320s, Next-Generation Boeing 737s and Bombardier CRJ-900s. Deliveries have begun for one airline and the remainder will begin next year.

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AD: Piper Aircraft

AD NUMBER: 2014-23-03

PRODUCT: Certain Piper Aircraft, Inc. Model PA-31P airplanes.

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Aero-TV: Leveraging Avidyne‘s Best Efforts – Sampling The Skills Of The IFD540

The Next-Generation of TRULY Intuitive Avionics
In this video ANN CEO and Editor-In-Chief, Jim Campbell visits with Jared Butson, the director of sales for Avidyne, about their new IFD 540. The first thing we see a about the IFD 540 is the unique feature of it being a touchscreen system that also includes function switches. This allows the capability of being able to control functions by the touchscreen or, if turbulence makes using the screen difficult, using the push switches reduces the chance for an inadvertent function command.

Orion Spacecraft Arrives At Launch Pad 37

Integrated Onto Delta IV Heavy Rocket

NASA’s new Orion spacecraft now is at its launch pad after completing final journey in the early hours Wednesday. It arrived at Space Launch Complex 37 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida at 0307 EST, where the spacecraft then was lifted onto a United Launch Alliance Delta IV Heavy rocket in preparation for its first trip to space.

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Aero-TV: Leveraging Avidyne‘s Best Efforts – Sampling The Skills Of The IFD540

The Next-Generation of TRULY Intuitive Avionics

In this video ANN CEO and Editor-In-Chief, Jim Campbell visits with Jared Butson, the director of sales for Avidyne, about their new IFD 540. The first thing we see a about the IFD 540 is the unique feature of it being a touchscreen system that also includes function switches. This allows the capability of being able to control functions by the touchscreen or, if turbulence makes using the screen difficult, using the push switches reduces the chance for an inadvertent function command. Butson also mentions that the IFD 540 has been designed as a slide-in replacement for the Garmin 530; all the connections

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Aviation Industry Presses Senate Leaders For Action

Letter Urges Prompt Consideration Of Two Important Bills

A group of 17 aviation associations has addressed a letter to the leaders in the U.S. Senate urging them to bring two important bills forward for a vote as soon as possible, before the 113th Congress adjourns in December.

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Embraer Releases China Regional Aviation Market Outlook 2014-2033

Forecasts Demand For More Than 1,000 Regional Jets In The Period

Embraer forecasts that 1,020 new 70 to 130-seat jets will be demanded by the Chinese regional aviation market by 2033, representing 16% of global deliveries of jets in that segment, as released in Embraer’s China Regional Aviation Market Outlook in a press conference during the 10th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition, in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province.

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Australia Seeks To Limit Operations Of Jabiru-Powered Airplanes

Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) Drafts Document After Multiple Engine Failures

Australia's Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has drafted a document in response to what it says is a "high, and increasing, rate of engine failures among aircraft that are powered by engines manufactured by, or under licence from, Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd (Jabiru)."

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Orion: A Determined Vehicle

The History And Logic Behind NASA's New Deep Space Transportation System In the wake of the loss of the Space Shuttle COLUMBIA as well as subsequent studies and commissions, the Bush administration decided that the United States needed to replace the Shuttle system with a new architecture that would take crews to the Moon and Mars and would also have the capability to safely abort during all phases of boosted flight. A key in that architecture was a spacecraft that NASA named “Orion.”

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AeroSports Update: Indoor Skydiving Competition Begins

To Link The Terms ‘Indoor’ And ‘Skydiving’ Seems To Be Creating An Oxymoron, But The First Internationally Recognized Competition Is Underway

The 1st FAI World Cup of Indoor Skydiving competition is underway and is being hosted by iFly Austin, in Austin, TX. In January of this year the FAI and IPC voted to recognize wind tunnel competitions at the world level, making this the first FAI-sanctioned indoor skydiving event. This all leads to the question of, what the heck is indoor skydiving?

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Klyde Morris 11.14.14

Sometimes The Journey Is Its Own Reward, Klyde


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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (11.14.14)

“In less than a month, Orion will travel farther than any spacecraft built for humans has been in more than 40 years.” Source: William Gerstenmaier, NASA’s associate administrator for Human Exploration and Operations.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (11.14.14): Heading

The direction in which the nose of the aircraft is pointing during flight.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (11.14.14)

FAA Office Of Accident Prevention

The FAA Office of Accident Prevention is intended to be a clearing house for resources, allowing the FAA to better understand current and emerging risks across the aviation community.

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