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January 08, 2012

Low-Time CAP Pilot Safe After Engine-Out

Made Dead Stick Landing On City Street In Texas

Second Lieutenant Sarah Rovner, a member of the Thunderbird Composite Squadron in Houston, was flying the CAP-owned Cessna 172 from West Houston Airport to Lone Star Executive Airport when she reported losing aircraft power. When she realized she would not be able to glide the final six miles to the airport, she made a dead-stick landing on Davis Street in downtown Conroe with guidance from a controller, who also called emergency responders.

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Scary Flight Ends With Probation For Pilot

Dead-Stick, Gear-Up Landing In Fog, But No Injuries

If you're looking for a cab at a foreign airport and end up riding with an unlicensed jitney driver by mistake, there's a good chance you'll still make it to your hotel in one piece, and you might even save a few bucks. But a family from New York booked a charter flight out of the Dominican Republic to get back home in 2009, and wound up as passengers of a guy who holds an ATP, but wasn't certified to fly charters.

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Questions Raised About Helicopter Acquisition Plan

Pentagon IG Says Mi-17 Purchase Was Mismanaged

The Inspector General for the Pentagon says that the recent purchase of a fleet of Mi-17 helicopters for use in Afghanistan was mishandled by the Department of Defense. Over the past five years, $1.6 billion has been spent on aircraft categorized as Non-Standard Rotary Wing Aircraft (NSRWA), with an additional billion dollars in the pipeline.

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NATA Rolls Out Ground-Breaking FBO Audit Standard

Promotes Best Practices And Safety Management Systems

The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) will present what it says is a ground-breaking audit standard specifically for FBOs. NATA established the NATA Safety 1st Ground Audit Standard to promote industry best practices and Safety Management Systems (SMS) development among ground handling providers in response to member requests for a safety standard and rating for FBOs

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Balloon Down In New Zealand, 11 Fatally Injured

Witnesses Said Flames Shot From The Basket Before It Crashed

A hot air balloon carrying 10 passengers and a pilot went down outside the New Zealand capital city of Wellington Friday morning, resulting in the fatal injury of all on board.

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AirMed Expands Into Asia

Provides Alternative To Traditional Health Plans

AirMed International says it has become the first company to sell air medical evacuation memberships in Asia. AirMed operates its own fleet of customized medical jet aircraft and serves members who are hospitalized while traveling.

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New Rotax Classes Offered Leading Up To Sebring LSA Expo

Aero Technical Institute Holding Sessions At Sebring

Aero Technical Institute will be holding training classes focused on Rotax engine maintenance just before the Sebring LSA Expo. "More than 80% of the aircraft in the Light-Sport Aircraft category are using the Rotax power plants,” said Aero Technical Institute’s Director and Rotax expert, Dean Vogel. He noted they still have class slots open for the days leading up to the Sebring LSA Expo.

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Flight Design USA Announces New Regional Service Center

LSA Manufactured Links Up With Major Texas Aviation Enterprise

Flight Design has appointed US Aviation of Denton, Texas to provide Factory Authorized service for the popular CT series of Light Sport aircraft. The Texas company has been a Rotax Service Center for several years and has more than 20 A&P mechanics on staff. Combined with its FAA 145 Repair Station, US Aviation is a major flight school with extensive contracts to train foreign flight students.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.08.12)

Aero Linx: Aviation Radio Bands and Frequencies Types of Aviation Radio Signals Some aviation signals can be classified as being purely for navigation (NAV) or communication (COM), but others are used for both. For example, some aircraft navigation beacons and VHF Omnirange (VOR) navigation stations also transmit voice communications.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (01.08.12): CNS/ATM

CNS/ATM Communications, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management. CNS/ATM is the collective term for the set of solutions for modernizing outdated processes and procedures that were identified from the FANS evaluations and recommendations. The solutions include the use of digital data link for Communications, a global navigation satellite system for Navigation, and automatic position reporting for Surveillance.

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (01.08.12)

"DoD officials did not adequately manage the acquisition and support of NSRWA. Specifically, DoD officials were unable to identify a comprehensive list of all DoD-owned and supported Mi-17s, their total ownership costs, and all planned requirements in support of these aircraft." Source: From a one page IG report after the Pentagon said that the recent purchase of a fleet of Mi-17 helicopters for use in Afghanistan was mishandled by the Department of Defense.

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