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January 16, 2012

Aero-News Alert: Kestrel Takes Wisconsin Deal

Governor Announces Move In Monday News Conference

ANN has learned that the deal between the State of Wisconsin and Kestrel Aircraft is done, and that Alan Klapmeier's airplane will be built in the upper Midwestern state rather than in Brunswick, ME. We recieved word Monday morning from Kestrel spokeswoman Kate Dougherty that the move was a "done deal."

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ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 01.16.12

Phobos-Grunt enters liquid orbit.
The Obama administration slaps general aviation, again.
And Schweizer says, don't chop the throttle to idle when practicing autos!


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ANN Special Feature: Pressure Altitude vs. Density Altitude - 01.16.12

ANN's Paul Plack talks with CFI Bob Miller of Over The Airwaves about the difference between pressure altitude and density altitude, and why it matters.


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Attention LSA Industry... Be Sure To Submit YOUR USSAE 2012 News To ANN!

ANN Plans 'Best-Ever' Coverage AND is Bringing AIRBORNE To The FIRST Big Aero-Event of 2012!

The 2012 US Sport Aviation Expo is coming up soon, and, if history is any indicator, it's likely those of you in the LSA biz may (or should) have some news/announcements to make. The Aero-News Network, the aviation world's most comprehensive DAILY/REAL-TIME news and information service, is going to be reporting live from the grounds of the 2012 USSAE with the industry's most aggressive roster of LIVE Online News, as well as Audio and Video programming, in the business. An expert assemblage of ANN's top journalists, including ANN Editor-In-Chief Jim Campbell, have been assigned to generate dozens of stories about the event, and to work on many more for future distribution to the hundred

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Aero-Marketing 101: Give the Public What They Deserve

Dave Juwel Continues To Observe The Problems Aviation Has In Marketing Itself

By ANN Correspondent David Juwel In 1991, I wrote the first article about the aviation management disease called ITBOA BNITBOB (In The Business Of Aviation, But Not In The Business Of Business). It is now twenty-one years later. Has anything really changed? Not that I can detect, at least not among the smaller and start-up manufacturers. In the aviation marketing arena, I typically write a post event criticism of the poor quality marketing that I encounter as I attend Sebring and other events. However, this year, I thought I'd try something different. I would like to provide you with a marketing critique that can be used by your sales managers to train your sales personnel

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NASA's Orion Spacecraft to Land In Oklahoma, Texas and Alabama

Three-State Tour For The Prototype Space Vehicle

A test version of NASA's Orion spacecraft soon will make a cross-country journey, giving residents in three states the chance to see a full scale test version of the vehicle that it is hoped will eventually take humans into deep space.

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Volaris, Airbus Finalize Largest Aircraft Order In Mexican History

First Mexican Carrier To Sign Up For A320neo

Mexican low cost carrier Volaris has signed a purchase agreement for 44 eco-efficient Airbus A320 aircraft, comprised of 30 A320neo and 14 A320 aircraft. The order represents the largest single commercial aircraft order ever by an airline in Mexico.  Volaris, also the first airline in Mexico to order the A320neo, will announce its engine selections for the aircraft at a later date.

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Transport Canada Approves A Performance Boost For Bell 429

Company Will Make Similar Case To The FAA, EASA

Transport Canada has approved a 500 lbs. weight increase for the Bell 429 ... increasing the aircraft's maximum gross weight to 7,500 lbs.

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NASA Cold Weather Airborne Campaign To Measure Falling Snow

Sets The Stage For Measuring Snowfall From Space

Beginning Jan. 17, NASA will fly an airborne science laboratory above Canadian snowstorms to tackle a difficult challenge facing the upcoming Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) satellite mission -- measuring snowfall from space. GPM is an international satellite mission that will set a new standard for precipitation measurements.

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Boeing Awarded US Army Contract For 14 Additional CH-47F Chinook Helicopters

Contract supports Army’s Foreign Military Sales efforts

The U.S. Army has awarded a contract valued at approximately $370 million for 14 CH-47F Chinook helicopters to Boeing to support Foreign Military Sales efforts. The aircraft will be delivered to the U.S. Army beginning in 2014; all but one are intended for Australia and the United Arab Emirates.

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FAA Selects Saab Sensis For Airport Surface Surveillance Capability Program

Runway Situational Awareness System Designed To Increase Safety On The Ground

The FAA has selected Saab Sensis Corporation for the Airport Surface Surveillance Capability (ASSC) program. FAA has incrementally funded $5 million of the $54 million five year contract. In addition, options for deliveries beyond the five year period are valued at $65 million, for a total contract value of $119 million.

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Speakers Announced for Second Annual Human Spaceflight Technical Forum

Special Aerospace Services Holding The Event January 18-20, 2012

A number of experienced spaceflight-focused speakers are scheduled to present at the second Human Spaceflight Technical Forum on January 18-20, hosted by Special Aerospace Services. The Forum will focus on the value of human spaceflight to the nation and its strategy going forward.

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Aerospace Manufacturer EMTEQ Expands To Montana

Plans To Open An Electronics Branch Operation In Great falls

Wisconsin-based aerospace manufacturer EMTEQ is working towards opening a branch facility in Great Falls Montana, and has reportedly already hired 20 people for the operation.

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Celebrity's Grandson Sentenced For Laser Incident

Clark James Gable Pointed Laser At An LA Police Helo

The grandson of Clark Gable has been sentenced to 10 days in jail after he aimed a laser pointer at the cockpit of a police helicopter.

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Former NM Spaceport Director Now In Tampa

Rick Homans Is New President Of The Tampa Hillsborough Economic Development Corp

After being let go as the director of New Mexico's Spaceport America by incoming governor Susana Martinez, Rick Homans has moved across the country, accepting a position as the president of the Tampa Hillsborough Economic Development Corporation.

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Last Nail In Coffin? Experts Confirm LightSquared 'Can't Work'

LightSquared Continues To Defend And Promote Troubled System

The long saga involving the bizarre and inexplicably persistent efforts of LightSquared to foist an unworkable and reportedly dangerous wireless system on America might finally be coming to an end. Despite the FCC's seemingly indefensible, though limited, waiver for a system with a multitude of problems and issues, the final nail in LightSquared's coffin may have been hammered late Friday. Late in the day; the National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation and Timing Executive Committee (PNT ExComm) stated that the collection of nine federal agencies that constitute the organization body had reached a unanimous conclusion in that none of LightSquared's proposals would overcome significant interference with GPS tec

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Airborne 01.13.12: Robinson Doubles Up, NTSB Airshow Hearings, BRS Chutes Again!

Also: ETS, Whooping Cranes, Pipistrel, Avemco, Hartzell, Avidyne, 787s, NIMBYs, Bell, NASA... and SO MUCH MORE!

  Airborne 01.13.12 is chock full of info about the week ending Friday, January 13th, 2012 -- our FIRST Airborne of 2012... Presented by Aero-TV veteran videographer and Airborne Host Ashley Hale, and supported by ANN CEO/Editor-In-Chief Jim Campbell, Chief Videographer Nathan Cremisino, and Aero-Journalists Tom Patton and Paul Plack, this episode covers: NTSB Holds Hearing on air show and air race safety ETS Will Be Costly<

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Cubcrafters Delivers 200th LSA

Claims Title Of 'Top-Selling US-Made LSA Manufacturer'

As we work our way to this week's much-awaited US Sport Aviation Expo and a chance to concentrate on all things LSA; the next month, February, will see the delivery of the 200th CC11 series Light Sport Aircraft (LSA) from Yakima, Washington-based light aircraft designer and manufacturer, CubCrafters. This milestone solidifies what CubCrafters' reports is their envious position as the number-one selling United States made LSA manufacturer, in terms of both fleet size and annual sales. CubCrafters offers two models of LSA, the 100 horsepower Sport Cub S2 and the 180 horsepower Carbon Cub SS. The Carbon Cub SS has won virtually every Short Take Off and Landing (STOL) competition in which it has been entered.

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Klyde Morris (01.16.12)

Klyde Lends His Insight Into The Administration's User Fee Backing


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Southwest Airlines Commits To Kansas

AirTran Flights To Mid-Continent Airport To Stay As Southwest Flights

Southwest Airlines has committed to serve Wichita according to local and state leaders who met with the airline late last week. “We are pleased to announce that Southwest Airlines has agreed to serve Mid-Continent Airport,” stated Wichita, KS, Mayor Carl Brewer. “Wichita has been anxiously waiting to hear what the future plans were with regard to Southwest Airlines and we are thrilled with this news.”

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Privacy Group Sues For More Info On Drones

EFF Says DOT Has Ignored FOIA Request For Nine Months

If the increasing use of unmanned aircraft by civil law enforcement in the US had been going smoothly up till now, it looks like the debate over privacy rights is starting to heat up. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) accuses the US government of covering up records of which agencies have received permission to fly drones for surveillance purposes, and of ignoring a Freedom of Information Act request for a complete list.

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Two Arrested For Shooting At Paragliders In CA

One Suspect Has Prior Conviction Involving Pellet Gun

Along the coast of San Mateo County in California lies a formation called Mussel Rock. It's a displaced outcropping of the bedrock which underlies San Francisco, the epicenter of the 1906 earthquake there, and a popular spot for launching paragliders. But it was a scary place January 7, when pilots heard shots and what sounded like bullets whizzing by.

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Boeing Announces Second Segment Of 787 Dream Tour

U.S., Ireland Next Stops For The New Airliner

The second segment of Boeing's 787 Dream Tour has four stops planned in the U.S. and Ireland. "The all-new 787 Dreamliner continues to generate tremendous enthusiasm everywhere it flies," said Scott Fancher, vice president and general manager, 787 program.

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TSA Screener Finds $5K In Cash, Turns It In

But If This Was The Norm, Would It Be News ?

John Deschamp tells the Star-Ledger that over his nine years as a screener at Newark Liberty Airport, he's seen his share of loose change or jewelry left in checkpoint bins by passengers in a hurry. But he says that on December 27, he was making his rounds in Terminal C when he discovered $5,000 in cash wadded up on the floor. He turned it in to United Continental in the hopes its rightful owner could be found, and his decision is making news.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.16.12)

Aero Linx: USAF MC-12W The MC-12W is a medium- to low-altitude, twin-engine turboprop aircraft. The primary mission is providing intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, or ISR, support directly to ground forces. The MC-12W is a joint forces air component commander asset in support of the joint force commander.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (01.16.12): Anomalous Propagation (AP)

Anomalous Propagation (AP) Non-standard atmospheric temperature or moisture gradients will cause all or part of the radar beam to propagate along a non-normal path. When non-standard index-of-refraction distributions prevail, "abnormal" or "anomalous" propagation occurs. When abnormal downward bending occurs, it is called "superrefraction." If the beam is refracted downward sufficiently, it will illuminate the ground and return signals to the radar from distances further than is normally associated with ground targets. The term "subrefraction" is applied when there is abnormal upward bending of the radar beam.

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (01.16.12)

"Basically I was just doing my job and I would hope that anybody else would do the same... It just gets a little tiring, people constantly saying something. ‘You guys are always in the paper for something bad.’ But hopefully, some of the positive things will start getting out. Like my situation." Source: John Deschamp, a nine year screener at Newark Liberty Airport, who discovered $5,000 in cash wadded up on the floor -- and turned it in to his superiors.

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