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April 22, 2010

Aero-News Featured Aero-Casts For Thursday 04.22.10

ANN Daily Touch-And-Go: 04.22.10 (ANN's Short-Form Daily News Program) ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 04.22.10 (ANN's Long-Form Daily News Program) ANN Special Feature: Part II - FAA's Randy Babbitt at AEA 2010 - 04.22.10 (ANN Special Report, with the FAA's Randy Babbitt)

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Volcanic Ash Reroutes Transport Of Afghan War Wounded

Officials Say They Have A "Solid Contingency Plan" In Place

Ash from the eruption of an Icelandic volcano, which is limiting European air traffic, has forced the U.S. military to reroute some American troops wounded in Afghanistan through Iraq instead of Germany, a military official said Tuesday. 

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ATA, AirTran, Support Legislation To Limit Oil Speculation

James May: "The U.S. Airlines Are Fully Behind ... This Strong Set Of Reforms"

AirTran and the Air Transport Association (ATA) said at a  Tuesday news conference they support legislation introduced by U.S. Senator Blanche Lincoln, (D-AK), to "limit excessive speculation in the oil markets" and "put Main Street's interests ahead of Wall Street's."

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Science Fiction To Science: QinetiQ Ion Propulsion Team Recognized

Presented With Sir Arthur Clarke Award For Contribution To Space Exploration

QinetiQ’s ion propulsion team has been named "team of the year" for its outstanding contribution to space exploration for doing just that at the recent Sir Arthur Clarke awards.

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Diamond Aircraft Undertakes Volcanic Ash Measurement Project

The Austrian Aircraft Manufacturer Is Active In Air Monitoring

Diamond Aircraft, in conjunction with the Austrian environmental monitoring company MLU, has equipped a DA42 with MLU's "Airpointer" sensor for the purpose of assisting in monitoring ash concentrations from the erupting Icelandic volcano.

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Pilot In Fatal E. Palo Alto Plane Crash Told To Take Off 'At Your Own Risk'

Controller Reportedly Could Not See The Runway Due To Fog

An audio recording released by the FAA confirms that air traffic controllers at Palo Alto Airport told pilot Doug Bourn he was taking off "at your own risk," as the controller could not see the runway due to thick fog at the airport.

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Cessna Looks To Build Relationships With Citation Owners

Customer Conference Goal Is To Strengthen Owner, Company Connections

Cessna plans to hold a Citation Customer Conference April 26-28, 2010, to broaden the company's relationships with aircraft owners, operators and suppliers.  The conference theme is meant to reinforce connections forged between customers, suppliers, and Cessna personnel, including senior leadership.

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Malaysian Fire And Rescue Department Takes Two ... AW139 Helicopters

Crews Currently Training Before Helos Enter Service

The Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department (Bomba) has taken delivery of two AW139 medium twin helicopters, AgustaWestland announced Monday. The aircraft were accepted by the customer in Italy at the end of March and are now being used for training before being shipped to Malaysia later this month.

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Volcanic Ash Aviation Crisis To Be Addressed By Eurocontrol And KPMG

Organizations To Participate In An Online Panel Discussion To Evaluate Response

As air travel in Europe moves slowly back to something resembling normal, the European ash crisis continues to impact airlines, passengers and cargo around the world. An interactive, online discussion will be held at 1500 BST Friday, April 23, to address the situation.

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Canada Names Aviation Hall Of Fame Presenter

Inductees Will Be Introduced By Department Of National Defence Chief Of Air Staff

The Department of National Defence chief of air staff, Lieutenant-General André Deschamps will be the official speaker and presenter at Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame (CAHF) annual dinner and ceremony at the River Rock Casino and Hotel in Vancouver, B.C., Thursday, June 10.

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PA Man Attempts To Steal Piper Aerostar

Alleged Thief Does Not Have A Pilots' License

Police in Lancaster county, PA say a man attempted to steal a Piper Aerostar from Donegal Springs Airpark on Monday. He got so far as to get at least one engine started and moved about 30 feet before stopping.

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Pilot In Southern Indiana Plane Crash Had Circled The Globe

Accident Fatally Injured 81-Year-Old Aviator

The 81-year-old pilot of a Piper Comanche 250 which went down in southern Indiana Monday had circled the globe in the same airplane. Dr. Henry Schirmer Riley of Hanover, In. was fatally injured in the crash. He was the only person on board.

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Aero-TV: PiperSport Delivery – Up Close with the First Delivery Owners

Experienced Pilots and Co-Owners Discuss Their PiperSport Choice
For many in the general aviation community, spring starts with the kick-off of the fly-ins, and Piper paved the way for the new season with the first delivery of the PiperSport; three co-owners took the keys for Piper’s new entry into the light sport aircraft market.  The three co-owners, hailing from Miami, Florida, share more than their enthusiasm for the PiperSport in common:  all three are extremely experienced pilots.  Two of the owners, Charlie Carlon, a 20,000+ hour retired Delta Airlines Airbus Pilot, and Brian Garhammar, a 16,000+ hour retired ATA pilot, are currently Airbus Flight simulator teachers.  The third co-owner, Dr. Mike Morduant

Aero-TV: Flight Tip of the Week – Advice for Women Considering the Military

WAI Conference Attendees Offer Their Perspectives on Military Careers
On February 25th through February 27th, 2010, the Women in Aviation International organization held their 21st annual conference; over 3,000 women and men gathered at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort to celebrate the 2010 WAI Conference theme, “Aviation – It’s a Small World.”  Developed in 1990, Women in Aviation, International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the encouragement and advancement of women throughout aviation career sectors and interests.

Aero-TV: PiperSport Delivery – Up Close with the First Delivery Owners

Experienced Pilots and Co-Owners Discuss Their PiperSport Choice

Spring Fly-ins kick off the “spring season” for many in the general aviation community, and Piper paved the way for the new season with the first delivery of the PiperSport; three co-owners took the keys for Piper’s new entry into the light sport aircraft market.

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Aero-TV: Flight Tip of the Week – Advice for Women Considering the Military

WAI Conference Attendees Offer Their Perspectives on Military Careers

On February 25th through February 27th, 2010, the Women in Aviation International organization held their 21st annual conference; over 3,000 women and men gathered at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort to celebrate the 2010 WAI Conference theme, “Aviation – It’s a Small World.”  

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General Aviation Industry Prepares For An Unleaded Future

EPA Begins Regulatory Process That Could Mean A Switch To Unleaded Avgas

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has formally begun the regulatory process required by the Clean Air Act that may ultimately result in standards mandating the industry's transition to unleaded aviation gasoline (avgas).

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FAA NPRM Would Change VLJ Flight Testing Rules

Jets Under 6,000 Pounds Would No Longer Be Excluded From Function And Reliability Testing

The FAA has published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) that would revise the applicability for function and reliability flight testing to include all turbine-powered airplanes weighing 6,000 pounds or less.

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Expanded TIA For Dreamliner Shows 787 Flight-Test Program Progressing

Aerodynamic Configuration Also Finalized

The FAA granted expanded type inspection authorization (TIA) to Boeing Tuesday, clearing the way for its personnel to fully participate in future test flights and for the collection of required flight-test data. Initial TIA was granted Feb. 11, which supported the collection of flutter certification data.

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Boeing: Tanker Competition Should Be 'Fair And Transparent'

Expresses Concerns About EADS "Subsidies" From European Governments

Boeing responded predictably to the EADS announcement Tuesday that it plans to re-enter the competition for the U.S. Air Force KC-X Tanker contract through its subsidiary, EADS North America. The Air Force has said that EADS' announcement of intent will extend the proposal deadline by 60 days.

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F-35 Test Fleet Grows To Seven Aircraft Flying

Latest Lighting II Will Test Weapons-Carrying Ability

The seventh F-35 Lightning II flight test aircraft flew for the first time Tuesday, with the overall objective of validating the F-35A conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) variant's weapons suite.

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Hawaiian Airlines Wraps Up Contract Negotiations With All Unions

Mechanics Union Approves New Four-Year Contract, All Labor Negotiations Cleared

Hawaiian Airlines and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, District 142 announced Tuesday that union members have approved the new four-year contract negotiated last month between the company and union leadership.

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Aero-News: Quote Of The Day (04.22.10)

"Given the potentially large number of affected aircraft and the potential complexities involved, a program affecting in-use aircraft engines would need careful consideration by both EPA and FAA." Source: Excerpt from an EPA Advance NPRM which could lead to the phasing out of 100LL fuel.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (04.22.10): Sail Back

A maneuver during high wind conditions (usually with power off) where float plane movement is controlled by water rudders, and opening and closing cabin doors.  

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (04.22.10)

Community College Aerospace Scholars

Community college students from across the nation who are interested in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics can apply to travel to NASA Johnson Space Center (JSC) for a 3 day experience.

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