NASA's Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF), built,
integrated and tested at Lockheed Martin facilities in Sunnyvale
(CA), roared into space Monday morning at 1:35 am EDT from the NASA
Kennedy Space Center in Florida. NASA says that this newest
satellite, with its infrared eyes, "...will open a new window on
the universe, using infrared technology to study celestial objects
that are either too cool, too dustenshrouded or too far away to be
seen otherwise."
SIRTF's Cryogenic
Telescope Assembly, which includes the scientific instruments, was
built by Ball Aerospace in Boulder (CO), and was delivered to
Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Sunnyvale in February 2002 and
integrated with the Lockheed Martin-built spacecraft. (Lockheed
Martin Space Systems is also providing mission support for SIRTF
spaceflight operations in conjunction with the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory (JPL) and the California Institute of Technology.)
"The Space Infrared Telescope Facility will complete NASA's
suite of Great Observatories, a program that includes three
previous missions that studied the universe with visible light,
X-rays and gamma rays," said Dr. Ed Weiler, associate administrator
for space science, NASA Headquarters, Washington. "Many cosmic
objects produce radiation over a wide range of wavelengths, so it's
important to get the whole picture." The three previous Great
Observatories are the Hubble Space Telescope, Compton Gamma Ray
Observatory and Chandra X-ray Observatory.
"We are extremely proud of our decades of work on behalf of
NASA, and such a key role in NASA's newest space observatory," said
John Straetker, Lockheed Martin SIRTF program manager. "It is
particularly satisfying for our team to see SIRTF off on its way
into deep space to begin its historic mission."
SIRTF is a cryogenically cooled space observatory that will
conduct infrared (IR) astronomy during a two and one-half-to-five
year mission. SIRTF completes NASA's family of Great Observatories,
which also includes the Hubble Space Telescope, the Chandra X-Ray
Observatory and the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory. The SIRTF
program, a cornerstone of NASA's Origins Program, is managed by JPL
for NASA's Office of Space Science in Washington DC.
The spaceborne SIRTF observatory comprises a 0.85-meter diameter
telescope and three scientific instruments capable of performing
imaging and spectroscopy in the 3-180 micron wavelength regime.
Incorporating the latest in large-format infrared detector array
technology, SIRTF will provide more than a 100-fold increased in
scientific capability over previous IR missions. Cornell
University, University of Arizona, and the Harvard-Smithsonian
Center for Astrophysics have provided the instruments for
The spacecraft itself features several technological
breakthroughs, and the out-of-theordinary mission design will pay
dividends as well. "The innovations have substantially reduced
mission development costs," said Project Manager Dave Gallagher at
JPL. "For example, the mission's Earth-trailing orbit simplifies
scheduling and operations. And because the telescope detects heat
from relatively cool objects, we have to keep it extremely cold.
We've found a more efficient way to cool the telescope and slash
the amount of liquid helium the observatory must carry."
An 'Earth-Trailing' Orbit?
An important feature of the SIRTF mission is the adoption of a
solar orbit. To reach this orbit, the spacecraft was launched on a
Delta 7920 launch vehicle with slightly greater than terrestrial
escape velocity. The resulting orbit will have SIRTF trailing the
Earth in its orbit around the Sun. This orbit makes better use of
launch capability than would many possible alternate orbits that
would have kept SIRTF in orbit around the Earth. It permits
excellent, uninterrupted viewing of a large portion of the sky
without the need for Earth-avoidance maneuvers. In addition, the
absence of heat input from the Earth provides a stable thermal
environment and allows the exterior of the telescope to reach a low
temperature via radiative cooling.
A one meter-diameter transmitting antenna fixed to the bottom of
the spacecraft will be used twice each day to transmit 12 hours of
stored science data to stations of NASA's Deep Space Network. In
this manner, an adequate average data rate of 85 kbps --
corresponding to one image from SIRTF's largest array every 10
seconds -- can be maintained over the lifetime of the mission.