Sen. Wellstone's Heirs, Lawyers to Get Paid | Aero-News Network
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Fri, Aug 29, 2003

Sen. Wellstone's Heirs, Lawyers to Get Paid

The NTSB hasn't yet released (or possibly made) its conclusions on the Paul Wellstone crash, but the family and its lawyers have settled for $25 million to put the event behind them.

The crash occured last October 25, as the senator, family members and campaigners were headed to a funeral. It killed all eight aboard the King Air 100.

Robbins Kaplan Miller & Ciresi, of Minneapolis (MN), said it figured out that a big cause of the crash was pilot error; Aviation Charter, Inc., and its insurance company either were convinced, or figured a jury could be. The charter company's attorney seemed to back the latter theory: he said his company wasn't admitting anything, but the payoff was, "a way to avoid ongoing litigation."

The lawyers were certain in their blame of Aviation Charter and deceased pilots Captain Richard Conry, 55, and Michael Guess, 30. "The lack of competence of the crew was a result of, among other things, their negligent hiring, supervision, training and retention," the plaintiffs' attorneys said.

Speculation is indeed high that the Beech was low and slow on its approach; ice, too, may have been a factor. Lawyers aside, we may learn what really happened, after the NTSB completes its analysis of the accident.

FMI: NTSB factual report


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