Sun, Feb 28, 2010
Tests Examine The Aircraft's Ability To Resist Temperature
The third Sukhoi Superjet 100 flight prototype SN95004 landed at
Yakutsk airport at 1424 local time Friday. The aircraft was flown
there to undergo cold soak trials.
The tests are required to examine the ability of the aircraft
and its systems to resist against temperature shock. This testing
is intended to validate the standard flight preparation of the
aircraft after short (up to 2 hours) and long (no less than 12
hours) parking. This tests are designed to confirm systems
performance, including the warming up time prior to departure.
The interior temperature in both the cockpit and the passenger
cabin is also a part of the trials. Overall, the main checks will
refer to engine launch procedures, fuel system and environmental
system functionality. This aircraft that arrived Friday for testing
has a full crew cockpit interior and passenger service equipment,
including the interior, a kitchen and a lavatory, and represents
full certification configuration. The launch and systems operations
will be monitored by a specialized on-board control system.
Why Yakutsk? It's the planet's coldest inhabited area. Yakutsk
airport, located in the proximity to the Pole of Code, is a
traditional place for cold soak trials for Russia's aeronautics, as
the average February temperature in Yakutsk is -35 degrees
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