Also: Velocity Display, Starlink Mini For GA?, 2025 FSA FlightSimExpo, Drone Sightings
The surprise announcement of FAA Boss, Michael Whitaker’’s impending resignation caught much of the industry off guard. While initial concerns surround the state of various Boeing machinations/investigations, those of us in the sport and general aviation community have concerns on the much-delayed, oft-promised final publication of MOSAIC. Flight Design general aviation GmbH has filed for bankruptcy. The company is based at Eisenach-Kindel airfield in Germany. This development follows a string of financial troubles in the aviation industry, including bankruptcies from Hoffmann Propeller, Lilium, Sonaca, and ICON earlier in the year. Fie
It Was Not Uncommon For The Pilot To Occasionally Fly Over The Property At Low Altitudes While Enroute To Various Destinations
On December 4, 2024, about 1451 eastern standard time, an experimental amateur-built Vans RV-8A, N627TT, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Fort Blackmore, Virginia. The commercial pilot was fatally injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 business flight. According to the operations manager at Virginia Highlands Airport (VGI), Abington, Virginia, the pilot received 16.8 gallons of 100LL aviation fuel prior to departure. He watched the airplane depart runway 24, and as the pilot approached the end of the runway, the airplane “did a sharp
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From 2012 (YouTube Edition): Aero-TV Takes A (Very) Creative Look At The Wilder Side Of Oshkosh
Sometimes, after a week of watching airplanes fly, they begin to seem to almost ... well ... begin to take on a life of their own. When videographers and writers start to look at airplanes in that way, strange things can happen. We call our airplanes "birds." They have names like KitFox, Goose, BearHawk, and ... yes ... Cub. And at an event like Oshkosh they do gather, like all the different animals at the watering hole on the African savannah, for a brief time before moving on. There are the fragile, the small and agile, the large and ponderous, and the
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Security Notice (SECNOT)
A SECNOT is a request originated by the Air Traffic Security Coordinator (ATSC) for an extensive communications search for aircraft involved, or suspected of being involved, in a security violation, or are considered a security risk. A SECNOT will include the aircraft identification, search area, and expiration time. The search area, as defined by the ATSC, could be a single airport, multiple airports, a radius of an airport or fix, or a route of flight. Once the expiration time has been reached, the SECNOT is considered to be canceled.
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