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October 03, 2023

Airborne-Flight Training 10.03.23: LODA NPRM, UAL Contract, USAF Pilots

 Also: AOPA VP McSpadden In C177 Crash, Young Eagles Milestone, Air Wisconsin Pilots, ATC Hiring

EAA and Warbirds of America have filed joint comments germane to an NPRM codifying new rules for flight-training in experimental, limited, and primary-category aircraft. The FAA contends the NPRM is intended to re-establish the status-quo prior to a June 2021 court ruling that up-ended longstanding policy pertaining to flight-training in the aforementioned aircraft. The ruling gave rise to a regulatory environment in which owners of experimental aircraft were required to secure Letters Of Deviation Authority (LODAs) to train in their own aircraft. The United Airlines Master Executive Council (MEC), as represented by the Air Line Pilots Ass

Vertical Aviation Technologies Encourages Comments to MOSAIC NPRM

Speak Now, or …

In light of the likelihood of MOSAIC ascending, imminently, from NPRM to the decidedly more august station of fully-ratified Federal Aviation Regulation, Brad Clark, president of light-helicopter maker Vertical Aviation Technologies, Inc. has set forth the following communique to his company’s customers ...

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Settlement Reached in Nine-O-Nine B-17 Accident Case

Tragedy’s Long Shadow

On 02 October 2019, seven people perished when a World War II-era Boeing B17 Flying Fortress dubbed Nine-O-Nine went down minutes after departing Windsor Locks, Connecticut’s Bradley International Airport (BDL). Comes now 2023, and a settlement has been reached between the downed B-17’s operator, a number of the accident’s six survivors, and families of the deceased—so stated attorneys representing eight of the ten passengers either killed or injured in the mishap.

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Updated: Lake Placid Accident Claims Russ Francis and Richard McSpadden

NFL Star and AOPA V.P. Perish in C177 Mishap

Retired New England Patriots tight end Russ Francis (70) and Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) senior vice-president and Air Safety Foundation head Richard McSpadden (63) perished on Sunday, 01 October 2023 when a Cessna 177 Cardinal single-engine airplane piloted by the one-time NFL star went down shortly after departing Upstate New York’s Lake Placid Airport (LKP).

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Airborne-NextGen 09.26.23: Mars Altitude Record, Lilium Jet, Skydio X10

Also: Boeing & Red 6, Rain Raises $$$, GA-ASI Honors, CBP Teal-2 Buy

NASA's Ingenuity helicopter, while executing a 16 September 2023 sortie, broke its own Martian altitude record, ascending 66-feet above Mars’s surface. This was the 59th flight, and the craft is well into its 31st month on the Red Planet. Lilium GmbH has commenced assembling fuselages for its Lilium Jet—an eVTOL personal air vehicle the company asserts remains on track for a late-2024 maiden flight. Fuselage assembly instantiates a tangible manifestation of Lilium’s ability to see its planned eVTOL proceed from conceptualization to actualization. Sky

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ALPA Praises Aversion of Federal Shutdown

Pilot Union Lauds U.S. Lawmakers

Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA) president Captain Jason Ambrosi has issued a statement praising Congress for averting a shutdown of the U.S. federal government.

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Universal Hydrogen Flight Test Campaign Proceeding Apace

Hydrogen in the High Desert

Hawthorne, California-based Universal Hydrogen is an energy concern about the speculative business of making hydrogen-powered commercial flight a near-term reality. In June 2023, Lightning McClean undertook a ferry-flight from Moses Lake to California’s Mojave Air and Space Port (ERO), thereby significantly expanding the hydrogen fuel-cell powertrain’s operational envelope. Comes now September 2023, and Lightning McClean, by dint of ten successful test-flights, continues to advance upon Universal Hydrogen’s ambition to see its powertrain technology enter into commercial service in 2026.

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ALPA Lauds Duckworth

Duckworth 'Will Oppose' FAA Reauthorization Bill Should The 1,500 Hour Rule Not Be Upheld

The Air Line Pilots Association, Int’l (ALPA) praised Illinois Democrat Senator Tammy Duckworth for what the union called “holding the line on aviation safety” during remarks she made at the Aero Club of Washington D.C. In an address to the organization, Duckworth stated she will oppose the passage of the FAA reauthorization bill should the 1,500 hour rule not be upheld.

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Air Transat & CAE Launch Ascension Academy

The 21st Century Pilot-Mill Industry

Leisure air-carrier Air Transat and CAE, the renowned Canadian manufacturer of aircraft simulation and modeling technologies and training services, have partnered to launch Ascension Academy, a new cadet training program by which the airline will train its future pilot cadre. The Ascension Academy program will offer aspiring pilots a defined pathway via which to earn pilot certification at CAE’s flight academy and, upon attainment of their Airline Transport Pilot (ATP) certificates, opportunity to undertake careers as Air Transat right-seaters (read Second In Command or First Officer). Applications are now being accepted for training beginning in February 2024.

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Classic Aero-TV: ‘A Dream Come True’ – Zenith’s One-Week-Wonder

From 2014 (YouTube Version): One of 2014's Most Enjoyable Events Continues To Empower Sport Aviation

Sebastien Heintz, the president and owner of the Zenith Aircraft Company said it was like a dream come true. What he’s talking about in this video is the special event that took place at EAA AirVenture 2014 called, the One Week Wonder. EAA AirVenture has, for many years, offered training forums covering various subjects in all skill sets needed for home-building an airplane. At EAA AirVenture 2014, a new idea was tried

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NTSB Final Report: Piper PA-18-135

Airplane’s Engine Began To “Cough” And Experienced A Partial Loss Of Engine Power

On September 3, 2023, about 1420 Pacific daylight time, a Piper PA-18-135, N7199K, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Compton, California. The pilot sustained minor injuries. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 banner tow flight. The pilot reported that shortly after takeoff, during a banner tow operation, the pilot seat broke, and he slid aft about a foot.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (10.03.23)

Aero Linx: The Charles Lindbergh Site Early in the morning on May 20, 1927 Charles A. Lindbergh took off in The Spirit of St. Louis from Roosevelt Field near New York City. Flying northeast along the coast, he was sighted later in the day flying over Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. From St. Johns, Newfoundland, he headed out over the Atlantic, using only a magnetic compass, his airspeed indicator, and luck to navigate toward Ireland.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (10.03.23): Nonapproach Control Tower

Nonapproach Control Tower Authorizes aircraft to land or takeoff at the airport controlled by the tower or to transit the Class D airspace. The primary function of a nonapproach control tower is the sequencing of aircraft in the traffic pattern and on the landing area. Nonapproach control towers also separate aircraft operating under instrument flight rules clearances from approach controls and centers. They provide ground control services to aircraft, vehicles, personnel, and equipment on the airport movement area.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (10.03.23)

“ … After mediation before retired Judge Robert Holzberg of Pullman & Comley LLC, The Collings Foundation, Debra A. Riddell, Craig A. Rubner, Scott Rubner, Joseph M. Roberts, Joseph Huber, Jenny Huber, Thomas Schmidt, Linda Schmidt, and Joan Mazzone announce[d] the resolution of all claims arising out of the tragic crash of the B-17 known as Nine-O-Nine at Bradley International Airport on October 2, 2019. While it is our sincere hope that this resolution brings peace and closure to those affected, The Collings Foundation deeply regrets the injuries and losses suffered by the passengers and their families that day.”   Source: Part of a statement about a legal settlement recently reached after the tr

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