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October 21, 2023

FAA Allegedly Failing to Keep Up with Space-Launch Industry

SpaceX Decries Sluggish Regulatory Pace

2023, to date, has seen SpaceX conduct upwards of seventy successful orbital launches—an average, more or less, of one blast-off every four-days. Notwithstanding the brisk tempo of ascending rockets, leaders of Elon Musk’s world-leading space-launch concern contend the U.S. federal government is acting against SpaceX’s stated purpose of accelerating the cadence of its spaceflights.

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Textron Introduces Citation CJ3 Gen2 Light Business Jet

Investment in Popular Citation Series Continues

Textron Aviation unveiled its newest Cessna Citation business jet, the Cessna Citation CJ3 Gen2,this week at 2023’s National Business Aviation Association - Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (NBAA-BACE) in Las Vegas, Nevada. The new light jet occasions a significant evolution of the plane-maker’s popular CJ platform, improving significantly upon its forebears.

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NBAA Welcomes Senate Approval of Michael Whitaker

Lawmakers Vet FAA Administrator Nominee

The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) welcomed a vote by the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation to move the nomination of Michael Whitaker as the next permanent administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to the Senate floor. The final step of Mr. Whitaker’s possible appointment to the FAA’s top job will take the form of a confirmation vote by the full Senate.

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Sheltair & Avfuel Award $30,000 in Scholarships

Future Takes Flight Scholarships Recipients Announced

Sheltair Aviation, a leading aviation services company, and Avfuel Corporation, the leading independent supplier of aviation fuel and services, have announced the six recipients of the annual Sheltair & Avfuel: Future Takes Flight Scholarship. For the second year in a row, this scholarship program provided $5,000 to six people dedicated to business aviation. The 2023 scholarship class includes Lei Huot of St. Augustine, Florida; Joel Mink of Florence, Kentucky; Justin Hernandez of Milford, Pennsylvania; Katrina Kienitz of Oceanside, California; Bailey Pollard of Columbus, Ohio; and Kyle Keyser of Denver, Colorado. The scholarships are to be used to further their aviation education

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“Climbing. Fast.” Aviation Industry Advocacy Campaign Launched

Initiative Showcases Sustainability in Business Aviation

Business aviation leaders gathered on 17 October 2023 to unveil Climbing. Fast., an advocacy campaign founded for purpose of dispelling rhetoric fomented by reactionary environmental extremists and presenting objective, empirical data pertaining to the aviation industry’s myriad societal benefits—to include its extensive and meaningful contributions to sustainability. The new multi-media advocacy campaign—intended to coordinate and elevate a message about the game-changing technologies that are fostering business aviation sustainability on the ground and in the air—was launched during the annual Media Kickoff Breakfast held at the National Bu

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National Aviation Hall of Fame Names Class of 2024

Honoring Aviation’s Past; Investing In Aviation’s Future

The National Aviation Hall of Fame (NAHF) has revealed the exceptional individuals chosen for induction in the institution’s Class of 2024. The annual enshrinement event is slated to take place in the autumn of 2024. Founded in 1962, the NAHF has been a symbol of excellence in aviation and space exploration. With 262 distinguished honorees inducted, it stands as the only Congressionally-chartered aviation hall of fame in the United States. A dynamic panel of over 130 aviation professionals from across the nation constitutes the NAHF Board of Nominations. Each year, they face the arduous task of selecting the most deserving air and space pioneers for induction.

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Klyde Morris (10.17.23)

Klyde's Apparently Not A Thunberg Fan


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Airborne Affordable Flyers 10.13.23: Lancair Sold, Scissortail G750, Colt 100

Also: Home-Built Accidents Declining, Scalebirds Update, EAA Youth Programs, Glider Disconnect

JetEXE Aviation has acquired storied kit-aircraft concern Lancair—henceforth Lancair Aerospace. Lancair, since its 1981 founding, created a global community of Lancair aircraft owners that comprises thousands of members who’ve logged, in the aggregate, hundreds-of-thousands of flight-hours in 14 Lancair models and variants thereof. Scissortail Aerosports showed off their GoGetAir G750 last month at the Mt. Version Sport Aviation Expo, in Illinois. You simply don't see that many taper-winged aircraft these days, much less one that push

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NTSB Reports on 29 September 2023 Smith Cozy Mk IV Accident

ATP-Rated Pilot Fatally Injured in Cullman, Alabama Mishap

The NTSB has released its preliminary report on a 29 September 2023 accident in which an experimental category, amateur-built Smith Cozy Mark IV, registration N95SF, was substantially damaged and its Airline Transport Pilot-rated pilot (and sole occupant) suffered fatal injuries in the vicinity of Cullman, Alabama. The accident-aircraft was operated as a private flight under Part 91 of the Federal Aviation Regulations.

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Classic Aero-TV: Bright-Shiny!-Steve Cole's Award-Winning Hummel UltraCruiser

From 2015 (YouTube Version): Some Of the Prettiest Sights Of Oshkosh Were Also Very Affordable

At EAA AirVenture 2015, there are lots of airplanes to look at, but this one is a real eye catcher. It’s a small single-place airplane, it qualifies as an ultralight, and is so shiny you need dark glasses just to look at it in the sunlight. ANN’s News Editor, Tom Patton, had a sit-down and chat with, Steve Cole, who is the builder and owner of this Hummel UltraCruiser which took the Grand Champion Ultralight trophy this year at Oshkosh. It’s a plans-built airplane that Cole completed with unbelievable attention to detail. The all-aluminum

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (10.21.23)

Aero Linx: Short Wing Piper Club   Short Wing Piper Club members share a common dedication to the enjoyment, flying, preservation, restoration and maintenance of five of Piper?s finest aircraft – the Piper Vagabond, Clipper, Pacer, Tri-Pacer and Colt. SWPC Members enjoy the use of a free lending library offering technical information, books, videos, an extensive collection of tools, plus the ability to take advantage of discounted parts and even free product drawings for such items as LED Landing and Taxi lights, Vortex Generator kits, and aircraft batteries, to name but a few. Our members participate in online forums dedicated to sharing social, technical, safety, and general

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (10.21.23): Light Gun

Light Gun A handheld directional light signaling device which emits a brilliant narrow beam of white, green, or red light as selected by the tower controller. The color and type of light transmitted can be used to approve or disapprove anticipated pilot actions where radio communication is not available. The light gun is used for controlling traffic operating in the vicinity of the airport and on the airport movement area.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (10.21.23)

"We are delighted with the exceptional caliber of this year's inductees, and we eagerly anticipate their induction next autumn."   Source: Tom Lodge, Chair of the NAHF Board of Nominations, describing this year's crop of individuals chosen for induction in the institution’s Class of 2024. The annual enshrinement event is slated to take place in the autumn of 2024.

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