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February 22, 2022

AOPA Ruffles Feathers With Gucci Attitude

Short Piece Minimizes Costs of Cayman Landings in Failed Fact Check Attempt

Longtime expert in affordable private flight to the Caribbean, Jim Parker, announced a series of deleterious changes to flights to the Cayman Islands for the regular, workaday private pilot. Parker is a lifetime guide and the founder of Caribbean Flying Adventures, having led legions of private aircraft on tours outside the US while navigating the oftentimes troublesome bureaucracies involved with flight to Caribbean nations. Flying for the ‘average man’ often lends itself to being targeted for higher, more exorbitant fees and charges - after all, don’t only rich people own private planes? Parker took the association to task after they countersi

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Update: Joby's High-Speed Testing Ends in Crash

EVTOL Manufacturer Suffers Setback in Certification Process, Can it Rebound? 

Joby Aviation's flight test accident made waves after breaking the company's stride over recent months, marking the first real unscheduled problem for the eVTOL manufacturer. The prototype in question has been said to be used for high-speed stability testing, a conjecture supported by flight tracking data showing a speed over 270 mph not long before the crash, a fair bit faster than its nominal top speed of 200 mph. News broke of the incident after a mandatory SEC report was made saying as required by law to alert investors to unscheduled corporate events.

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Airborne 02.14.22: New SnF Boss!, More Icon Trouble, F1 Mirage Down

Also: Artex Non-Lithium ELT, Airbus Woes, Astra Failure, NAV Canada ADS-B Mandates

The Sun 'n Fun Aerospace Expo is naming current Lakeland Airport manager, Gene Conrad, to succeed John 'Lites' Leenhouts... who is going to be a TOUGH act to follow. Late last year, Leenhouts announced his intention to retire and the Exec Search got underway in earnest... but while a massive number of qualifications had to be researched and met, Gene is a local. Geographically, Conrad is simply going to go to work on the other side of the airport. As Conrad prepares to take the reins, we note that he is an avid EAA member, Oshkosh volunteer, and has enthusiastically buil

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Oklahoma Area Flight College Expands Fleet

Southeastern Aviation Adds Additional Seminoles for Airline Training

Southeastern Oklahoma State University hosted 154 local students from Oklahoma and Texas for their Aviation Sciences Institute's open house to promote awareness of careers in aviation and drum up future business. Along with the interest, the institute will soon receive an expansion to their fleet to enable faster training for larger student classes. Oklahoma has seen some measure of expansion in local flight training operations, building on the region's name as a go-to aviation hub for students looking for plenty of class E and D airspace.

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Airbus Unveils A400M Drone Launcher

Proof-of-Concept Sees Carrier System Air Drop UAVs From Cargo Ramp

Airbus has made another milestone in its continued testing of the Future Combat Air System when an A400M modified with a UAV air-launch system successfully deployed a drone in-flight. While the long running concept of an airborne aircraft carrier has eluded attempts at effective implementation in the past, the more compact size and safety of UAVs has opened new possibilities. "Drone hives" as a core element of theoretical swarm tactics -  an area of study eager to nail down a fundamental combat doctrine as technology develops. Getting drone swarms into position is no easy prospect, given their small size and limited range.

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Airborne 02.14.22: New SnF Boss!, More Icon Trouble, F1 Mirage Down

Also: Artex Non-Lithium ELT, Airbus Woes, Astra Failure, NAV Canada ADS-B Mandates

The Sun 'n Fun Aerospace Expo is naming current Lakeland Airport manager, Gene Conrad, to succeed John 'Lites' Leenhouts... who is going to be a TOUGH act to follow. Late last year, Leenhouts announced his intention to retire and the Exec Search got underway in earnest... but while a massive number of qualifications had to be researched and met, Gene is a local. Geographically, Conrad is simply going to go to work on the other side of the airport. As Conrad prepares to take the reins, we note that he is an avid EAA member, Oshkosh volunteer, and has enthusiastically buil

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Embraer Caps 2021 4Q with 55 Deliveries

Ends Quarter Slightly Below 2020 Numbers, Delivers 11 More Planes Over Year

Brazil's favorite (i.e. only) jet manufacturer announced its 2021 finish with 55 deliveries, split with 16 commercial aircraft and 39 executive jets. That number flagged a bit in comparison to the 4th quarter 2020 numbers, which saw 71 deliveries with a 28/43 split. Overall, Embraer delivered 141 jets throughout 2021, besting its 2020 numbers by 11 aircraft. Embraer has been leading the sub-150 seat commercial jet market, quite handily owning the regional jet market to the point where the firm's ERJ nomenclature has blurred the lines between "regional jet" and "Embraer regional jet" in colloquial use.

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Classic Aero-TV: Best Kept Heli-Secret??? - Cicaré at Heli-Expo 2017

From 2017 (YouTube Version): Cicaré Helicopter Displays SVH-4 Single-Seat Training Device At HAI…

Cicaré Helicopters displayed the SVH4 single-seat simulator training device at HAI 2017 in Dallas this year. Mike Creed, CEO, DEA General Aviation (USA/China) for Cicaré Helicopters, told Aero-News CEO and editor in chief Jim Campbell that the SVH-4 can be used by student pilots for up to 10 hours credit towards their FAA Private Pilot certificate. Creed said that the ground-based SVH-4 can revolutionize helicopter training, and DEA General Aviation has purchased 48 of the devices for use in the U.S. market. He said that the pri

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Flight Attendant Association Pushes for No-Fly Punishment for Disruptives

"Attendants Continue to Face Physical and Verbal Abuse, Cannot Sit by and Allow Offenses" Says APFA

The issue of exactly how far the industry should go to punish disruptive airline passengers has been the subject of considerable disagreement between a bevy of sociopolitical commentators and industry stakeholders, after a solid 2-year increase in incidents causing problems throughout the transportation network. The Association of Professional Flight Attendants has joined the chorus of industry voices pushing for disruptive passengers to be placed on the no-fly list, essentially blacklisting them across any commercial aviation services.

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NTSB Prelim: Textron Aviation TTX Inc. T240

Pilot Reported That Both Wing Tanks Contained About 20 Gallons Per Side

On January 28, 2022, about 1425 mountain standard time, a Textron Aviation T240 airplane, N420WT, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Ravendale, California. The two pilots and one passenger onboard were not injured. The airplane was operated as a Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations Part 91 instructional flight. The pilot reported that they had flown earlier in the day and the flights were uneventful with no anomalous engine readings or other flight characteristics. During the accident flight they did a goaround during the approach at Ravendale Airport (O39), Ravendale, California, followed by an uneventful landing. They taxied back for takeoff o

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AD: Various Airplanes (Using Garmin G3X)

AD 2022-03-15 Prompted By A Report Of A Fuel Quantity Disparity

The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for various airplanes modified with certain configurations of Garmin G3X Touch Electronic Flight Instrument System installed per Supplemental Type Certificate (STC) No. SA01899WI or Garmin GI 275 Multi-Function Display (MFD) installed per STC No. SA02658SE. This AD was prompted by a report of a fuel quantity disparity between the amount of fuel indicated and the actual amount of fuel. This AD requires modifying the resistive fuel probe interface. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products. This AD is effective March 21, 2022.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (02.22.22)

Aero Linx: International Association of Missionary Aviation (IAMA) International Association of Missionary Aviation (IAMA) is comprised of individuals, schools and ministry organizations. We seek to encourage a spirit of collaboration and cooperation between organizations as they serve Christ around the globe. Take a moment to visit the different pages to learn more about us and about how you can be a part of our wonderful organization.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (02.22.22): Mach Technique [ICAO]

Mach Technique [ICAO] Describes a control technique used by air traffic control whereby turbojet aircraft operating successively along suitable routes are cleared to maintain appropriate MACH numbers for a relevant portion of the en route phase of flight. The principle objective is to achieve improved utilization of the airspace and to ensure that separation between successive aircraft does not decrease below the established minima.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (02.22.22)

"If you are an AOPA member, you may want to encourage AOPA to work with the Cayman government to encourage, rather than discourage, small GA aircraft for tourism... Putting out a statement that the Caymans is open and welcoming with mandatory arrival slots and high fees will only signal to other islands that could potentially raise their fees without pushback from the U.S. GA community. One of AOPA’s strengths was going after Signature and other FBOs regarding high fees? What should that not also be a mission for Caribbean airports?" Source: Longtime expert in affordable private flight to the Caribbean, Jim Parker, in his letter addressing an AOPA piece that minimized his research and statements about rising costs for GA ai

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