$200,000 Claim Says Carrier Didn't Assist In Removing Man
By the looks of things, suing American Airlines seems to be a
popular pastime of late... but the latest suit has nothing to do
with tarmac strandings, or baggage fees and lost
The following is a statement from Alan Stern, NASA associate
administrator for the Science Mission Directorate at Headquarters
in Washington, regarding the news Wednesday of the death of acclaimed science-fiction
writer Arthur C. Clarke.
We couldn't believe it, either. An entire week has passed since
ANN last ran a story related to the recent awarding of a lucrative
US Air Force tanker contract to a team comprised of EADS and
Northrop Grumman, over an offering from Boeing.
03.19.08 1830 EDT: On the list of Famous
Last Words and Phrases, this one ranks right up there with "Watch
this!" and "I can handle any crosswind!" on the scale of
impending doom: "We're changing servers, but we expect no
Controller Attempted Contact 11 Times Before Response
Did two pilots flying a go! Airlines CRJ200 from Honolulu to
Hilo last month actually fall asleep on the job? Well, there's no
official word just yet... but air traffic control tapes recently
released by the FAA seem to point towards that possibility.
What the National Air Traffic Controller's Association calls a
"worsening air traffic controller shortage" at one of the
nation’s busiest radar control centers, Washington Air Route
Traffic Control Center (ZDC), forced the Federal Aviation
Administration to delay flights headed to, from or above the
nation’s capital region on several occasions Saturday.
The Women in Aviation International Conference always has top
speakers in the aviation field, and the messages these speakers
impart to the audience have no time limit. So, even though the WAI
conference is over for this year (start making plans for Atlanta
(GA) February 26 - 28 2009) the speakers' words are worth
A group of skycaps for American Airlines are taking their
employer to court, saying the carrier's $2-per-bag fee for curbside
check-in is taking money out of their pockets, in the interest of
corporate greed.
Western Aircraft tells ANN it recently began work to launch a
full-service interior dhop this spring at its Boise, ID facility.
The shop, called the "Interior Re-Completion Center," will provide
interior upgrades on large business jets and turboprop aircraft.
The company expects the Re-Completion Center to be operating in
spring 2008.
Richard Garriott Is Former Student Of Center's Founder
Video game developer Richard Garriott is slated to be the next
civilian to fly into space... and he plans to follow the lead of
spacegoing teacher Barbara Morgan, through interactive lessons that
will motivate and inspire students at Challenger Learning Centers
throughout the world.
AD NUMBER: 2008-06-19
SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2008-06-19
SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive
(AD) for Honeywell International Inc. ATF3-6 and ATF3-6A series
turbofan engines equipped with a certain part number (P/N) low
pressure compressor (LPC) aft shaft.
AD NUMBER: 2008-06-23
MANUFACTURER: McDonnell Douglas
SUBJECT: Airworthiness Directive 2008-06-23
SUMMARY: The FAA is superseding an existing airworthiness
directive (AD) that applies to certain McDonnell Douglas Model
DC-8-55, DC-8F-54, and DC-8F-55 airplanes; and Model DC-8-60,
DC-8-70, DC-8-60F, and DC-8-70F series airplanes.
The 33rd Annual FAA Aviation Forecast Conference finished up a few days ago... and provided "an opportunity for senior leaders from across the aviation community to look forward and share their views on the future of the aviation industry.".
He was more than "just" a writer of science fiction tales.
Arthur C. Clarke was a visionary -- the true embodiment, in fact,
of that term so often applied to many within the aerospace
field. On Wednesday, Clarke passed away in his adopted home of Sri
Lanka at the age of 90, following a decades-long battle with
post-polio syndrome.
The 33rd Annual FAA Aviation Forecast Conference finished up a
few days ago... and provided "an opportunity for senior leaders
from across the aviation community to look forward and share their
views on the future of the aviation industry."
A planemaker fond of comparing its planes to high-end
luxury automobiles just brought those two seemingly disparate
markets a little closer. Cirrus Design announced Tuesday the launch
of Cirrus Maintenance, a new "standard with purchase" benefit
designed to help reduce the cost of scheduled and unscheduled
Avidyne Corporation has presented its Technical Achievement
Award for 2007 to senior engineer Steve Lindsley for his
contribution to the development of an intuitive, high-integrated,
dual-redundant Flight Management System (FMS) for general aviation
(GA). The official introduction of the new FMS will be early next
month in Lakeland, FL.
She's ready for primetime. A Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 took
off Tuesday from Singapore to London Heathrow, marking the first
passenger-carrying superjumbo flight to Europe.
Last week's $50 hike in airfares looks like it's going to stick.
Following in the steps of United and Continental, this week
Northwest Airlines also increased fares across the board.
The American Air Museum in Britain stands as a memorial to the
30,000 American airmen who gave their lives flying from UK bases in
defense of liberty during the Second World War, and also honors
those who fought in Korea, Vietnam, Libya, Iraq and other conflicts
and battles of the 20th and 21st centuries.
A swash plate is a device that translates the pilot's (or
autopilot's) commands via the helicopter flight controls into
motion of the main rotor blades.
"One day, some super civilization may encounter this
relic from the vanished species and I may exist in another time.
Move over, Stephen King."
Source: Accomplished science-fiction writer and
visionary Arthur C. Clarke, who passed away Wednesday in Sri Lanka
at the age of 90.