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January 12, 2008

FAA Investigates ATL Runway Incursion Incident

ASA Regional Jet Crosses In Front Of 757 On The Roll

This one could have been bad, folks. An Atlantic Southeast Airlines regional jet ignored a hold-short order at Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport on Friday morning, and crossed the runway in front of a Delta Air Lines 757 on its takeoff roll.

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Rotax Issues Mandatory SB On 912/914 Gearboxes

Teeth Could Shed Metal Fragments

Aero-News received late word Friday night of a new service bulletin for certain Rotax 912 and 914 powerplants.

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AOPA: Senator Believes 'User Fees Are Dead'

Boyer Cautions Not To Pop Champagne Corks Just Yet

From his lips, to a higher power's ears. Florida Senator Bill Nelson had a succinct message for the over 400 pilots attending a recent AOPA Pilot Town Meeting. In his opinion, "user fees are dead," Nelson told the audience in Fort Lauderdale, according to the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.

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Record Airliner Orders May Not Translate Into Deliveries

They Made The Hay... Now, The Sun Has To Keep Shining

With combined orders of nearly 7,000 aircraft over the past three years, it's no secret times have been very good to Airbus and Boeing. Now, the question is whether those record sales will hold up long enough to translate into deliveries.

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Avidyne To Provide Several Avionics For 2008 AOPA Sweepstakes Plane

'Get Your Glass' Archer Will Sport EX500 MFD, TAS600 With Audio Alerting

Several notable suppliers of advanced avionics systems will ensure the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association's 2008 sweepstakes plane won't just be classy... it'll be "glassy," too.

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Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Show Battlefield To Soldiers

Hey, If You Aren't 'Cheating,' You're Not Trying...

In the civilian world, sneaking a peak at an exam before taking it will earn someone a failing score... but things are a lot different in Iraq, where seaking a peak at the front lines before leaving the base for a mission can save lives in a combat zone.

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Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Undergoes Critical Tests

Scheduled For Late-2008 Launch

NASA's next mission to Earth's closest astronomical body is in the midst of integration and testing at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD.

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NASA Spacecraft To Make Historic Flyby Of Mercury

MESSENGER Will Make Three Flights Past Planet

On Monday, a pioneering NASA spacecraft will be the first to visit Mercury in almost 33 years when it soars over the planet to explore and snap close-up images of never-before-seen terrain. These findings could open new theories and answer old questions in the study of the solar system.

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EAA's 'Aluminum Overcast' Takes To The Skies Again In Spring 2008

B-17 Will Travel Throughout West On National 'Salute To Veterans' Tour

Aluminum Overcast, the Experimental Aircraft Association's restored B-17 bomber, will return to the sky on March 28 in Las Vegas, NV, the first stop of nearly 60 planned for the 2008 "Salute to Veterans" national tour. The first portion of EAA's tour schedule includes more than 15 stops in six states between March 28 and June 4.

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DWC Staffer Named Nation's First Certified Aviation Maintenance Engineer

Danielle Vezina Is College's Av-Maintenance Coordinator

Danielle Vezina, Aviation Maintenance Coordinator for Daniel Webster College, is the first aviation professional in the United States to be credentialed as a Certified Aviation Maintenance Engineer.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Linx (01.12.08)


The Fleet AW Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of interest in Aviation Warfare Systems Operators (AWs; formerly known as Antisubmarine Warfare Operators,) the advancement of the aviation warfare systems operations, the dissemination of technical, educational and scientific information relating to aviation warfare systems operations, and furtherance of the public welfare.

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ANN's Daily Aero-Term (01.12.08): Radar Clutter


The visual indication on a radar display of unwanted signals.

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Aero-News: Quote of the Day (01.12.08)

"While it's encouraging to hear Sen. Nelson's assessment, in politics it isn't over until the final vote. The airlines haven't given up on user fees and more taxes on general aviation, and you can bet their lobbyists will be buttonholing senators as soon as they're back in Washington. AOPA will be working even harder on Capitol Hill, and when the timing is right, we'll be asking all of our members to weigh in with their senators."

Source: Phil Boyer, president of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, responding to comments from Florida Senator Bill Nelson during a recent Pilot Town Meeting in Fort Lauderdale. Nelson told the crowd he believes "user fees are dead" in the Senate bill for FAA reauthorization, S.1300.

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