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February 13, 2007
ANN Daily Aero-Briefing: 02.13.07
General Aviation records a terrific 2006...
GAMA's Pete Bunce debunks the FAA's case for user fees...
...and Adam Aircraft appoints a new President.
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ANN Daily Touch-And-Go: 02.13.07
General Aviation records a terrific 2006...
GAMA's Pete Bunce debunks the FAA's case for user fees...
...and Adam Aircraft appoints a new President.
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ANN Special Feature: Kevin Gould, New Piper Aircraft 02.13.07
After weathering three hurricanes in 16 months, is was not clear that New Piper Aircraft would even survive. It's announced agenda, however, could be better described as "thrive". ANN's Jim Campbel