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Tue, Aug 05, 2003

Signature Flight Support Lends Support Good Cause

Signature Flight Support issponsoring the Benton Burgess family flight, to help cure paralysis. This summer, Benton and his 10-year-old son Garrett are flying a single-engine airplane to every state capital in the contiguous United States in order to raise money for spinal cord injury (SCI) research. "I don’t think most people realize how close we are to a cure," said Burgess. "Our goal of this tour is to increase awareness and raise enough money to help open a pediatric SCI rehab center here in Boston."

Six years ago, Garrett was in a car accident that left him a quadriplegic. Back then, the landscape was pretty bleak for any kind of treatment to help his condition. But in the past few years, doctors and scientists have made significant strides toward a cure. They are now at the point where they are limited more by a lack of funding than by medical technology. This flight will help fund their research.

Two million people in the United States are living with paralysis, with millions more affected worldwide. "We know there are no quick or easy answers," said Burgess. "But we want to do all we can to continue toward a cure. We’re hoping this flying tour of the 49 state capitals will make a difference in doctors’ ability to treat spinal cord injuries."

Beth Haskins, president and CEO of Signature Flight Support, says the company shares the family’s hopes. "Signature is honored to support such a worthy cause," noted Haskins. "The Burgess family has demonstrated a great deal of courage and leadership by taking this upon themselves. We wish both Benton and Garrett the best on their journey toward a cure; and we look forward to helping them at stops all along the way."



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