Gippsland Certifies Turbocharged Airvan | Aero-News Network
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Sat, Nov 07, 2009

Gippsland Certifies Turbocharged Airvan

Improved High-Altitude Cruise, Payload Capabilities

Gippsland Aeronautics announced Thursday that the FAA has approved the new turbocharged GA8-TC 320 Airvan. The new GA8-TC 320 is powered by a turbocharged Lycoming TIO-540-AH1A rated to 320 horsepower at 40 inches of manifold pressure at 2500 rpm from sea level to 5000 feet. Above 5000 feet and through 12,000 feet, the TIO-540-AH1A is rated to maintain 300 horsepower at 38 inches of manifold pressure at 2500 rpm. The GA8-TC 320 is also the first of the Airvan series to feature a Hartzell 80 inch diameter, scimitar design three blade propeller.

The turbocharged engine enhances the performance of the already versatile Airvan with improved high altitude cruise airspeeds and payload capabilities. Eleven GA8-TC 320 Airvans have been delivered to customers for use in humanitarian missions, surveillance missions, freight hauling, passenger hauling and parachuting operations. Deliveries to North American customers are expected to begin in early 2010.

Gippsland Aeronautics delivered its first production GA8 Airvan in December 2000 and was awarded its FAA type certificate in 2003. Since then, nearly 150 Airvans have been delivered worldwide, including sixteen for the Civil Air Patrol for use in Homeland Security and search and rescue missions. The Airvan is operated in large numbers worldwide for humanitarian missions, surveillance missions, freight hauling, passenger carrying, sightseeing, and is popular with private owners due to its large size, impressive payload and docile handling characteristics. The new GA8-TC 320 is a significant addition to Gippsland Aeronautics product line which includes the normally aspirated GA8 Airvan and the twin turboprop engine N24 Nomad.



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